Official Post about Shiny Days

Well guys I did it, I found a fully functional work around that got me passed my crash in the intro.

It's really simple too, a 2 step procedure that should enable you to play through just fine.

Here we go

Step 1: Run the game windowed(or run it full screen and do the second step twice)

Step 2: Press Alt+Enter

Yeah, it's really that simple, the game runs in full screen just like normal, its even ticked off in the settings if you check, but it functions like it does in windowed mode, no crashes.

Only downside for me is the awful vertical tearing issue, running in fullscreen mode using this method seems to make my graphics card think the game is running in windowed mode or something, since my forced vsync i applied in my graphics card manager doesn't kick in unless I set fullscreen mode manually(no alt+enter but then I can get passed setsuna's "anyway" line.)

Really odd and embarrassing that the fix I needed was that simple, however hopefully this issue is still fixed as I would like to have vsync in my game, but at least I can actually get passed the intro, I even skipped the OP, skipped back, saved and loaded with no issues, so for others that had crashing issues with fullscreen, give this a try.

Now I'll be waiting for that delightful anonymous uncensor patch before I continue playing so there might still be issues, but I think anything that users didnt encounter in windowed mode wont suddenly pop up in this method.

Now I will finally be getting some sleep as it's past 2 am over here


@tim, yes before I tested in straight up windowed and I got past the scene just fine.

whoops forgot to add, only music playing, no dialogue or anything.

"For people wondering about the patch and save compatibility. I'd suggest someone with the Japanese version who has a save to try to import that save to the current version.

I believe it would be the script, and some of the movie files that would be getting patched, I'm not sure if that would affect the global dat (since we did include all the endings, but there were a few scenes taken out so the flagging might be weird?"

You're asking me to take a game on Overflow's buggy engine, which is causing an unprecedented frequency of problems for English users, and introduce *yet another* variable that could have unpredictable effects--including screwing up the route divergence? Uh... yeah. I think I'll pass. I want my game to work. Not appear to work than bug out in the last chapter. I've already dealt with buggy route divergence Hell with Cross Days. I have no desire to repeat the experience. I'll wait patiently until the restoration patch comes out. Now that I know it's coming out I can rest a little easier.

As for others... well, you apply the restoration patch to existing save data at your own risk. I would advise against it.

"Really odd and embarrassing that the fix I needed was that simple, however hopefully this issue is still fixed as I would like to have vsync in my game, but at least I can actually get passed the intro, I even skipped the OP, skipped back, saved and loaded with no issues, so for others that had crashing issues with fullscreen, give this a try.

Now I'll be waiting for that delightful anonymous uncensor patch before I continue playing so there might still be issues, but I think anything that users didnt encounter in windowed mode wont suddenly pop up in this method."

Try disabling V-sync and see if that solves the crashing issue without using the Alt+Enter method. In any case, this sounds like a graphics driver issue. Anyone with AMD cards having game freezing not related to skipping?

@ayy : thats good glad you got it working for the most part. In email support some people have found that compatibility settings set to XP have helped. It's really frustrating because i'm not seeing a pattern in a lot of these problems.

@sanahtligNah i tried that afterwards, my settings had no effect on the crashing issue, i also used those settings with school days and it worked perfectly fine.

I suggest requesting dxdiag printouts. Those are very comprehensive. This could very well be a graphics driver version issue, or possibly a codec conflict. People who play English VNs tend to watch downloaded anime also. Such people install a wide variety of different codecs that could be wreaking all sorts of havoc. That's likely less of an issue in Japan where anime airs on TV on multiple channels all the time.

Hello? Person who uses Windows Vista here... not a Windows 10, 8, or 7 user here... Seems that my post was totally ignored including why is there no damn manual resizing of the window in so many VNs and gets released in English even this one... I just can't understand this practice. Anyways, none of those issues on Fuwanovel is happening to me and if it by chance does when that patch comes out I'll go to it but for now I am getting a fullscreen crash when my PC is actively being used and I go back to Window Mode. I start up in window mode > fullscreen > window mode > crash > me cussing the game. When doing that it changes the f'n Aero theme if I'm lucky it won't crash my PC going from Full > Window Mode. A fresh reboot with no programs running but the basic yields the same results. There's nothing wrong with my codecs. I do not need CCCP as I install LAV, Haali filters and the others as stand alone.

What I got

It also messes up my Dekstop layouts. The issues is the game not me or my PC. This crap doesn't happen to other games I am playing going fullscreen mode with the exception of Sweet Sweat.



I also seem to have did something that at the moment doesn't make my PC crash going back and forth on Window mode and Fullscreen mode. When I go to Fullscreen I immediately pressed Esc. It does something as the window goes black but then reverts back to window mode. From there I then try again with Fullscreen mode sometime pressing Esc again or not pressing it and seems it works as it should be. Can someone explain why this nonsense is working like this?

I've been fiddling with my driver settings for a little while and I can't really figure out why what ayy did made a difference. From what I can tell, at least on my system (using NVidia drivers just like him, with a 680 GT), there is no difference between going into fullscreen via the graphics options or alt+enter. There are multiple different ways to do fullscreen though so it's not impossible that they use two different ones here, and only one is incompatible with certain configurations, and on my configuration there's no perceptible difference. Incidentally, I also can't reproduce the screen tearing behavior he described. Not even forcing off v-sync causes tearing on my end, with a 60hz monitor.


That feels more like a system-level driver issue than anything else. The fact that it happens on another game (Sweet Sweat in Summer?) sort of reinforces this. I used to have a lot of woes when switching resolution and going into fullscreen on an older hardware configuration I used to use. The impact that had was inconsistent and varied by the game, but sometimes stuff like that would happen to me. It's frustrating, but based on my own experience I would guess that it's a hardware and/or driver issue on your end that might not be easily or cheapily fixable. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a software issue, however.

As for why more VNs don't allow dynamic window resizing, as sad as it may sound, that's a recent innovation in VNs. Modern Ethernell/BGI, Kirikiri, and other engine versions support that but many older engines don't. Japan has definitely been behind the times when it comes to PC software tech (and also high res monitor adoption rates, which is part of the problem). The vast majority of VNs that have been licensed for english localization up to this point come from the era before these engine innovations became in vogue. And also Days series is a very special snowflake that isn't coded particularly well, to be honest. They feel very cobbled together, and we've seen here, liable to break in spectacular manners at the slightest prodding.

Why can't JAST implement it themselves? Can't it be done? I've gone crazy over this fullscreen issue with some of these VN's especially this game. I even tried to download Virtual Box but I was too impatient to understand it properly due to my anger over this issue. I been playing The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky in fullscreen mode and no issues whatsoever and it doesn't mess with my Desktop layout going back and forth nor does it try to crash my pc. The issue cannot be with my PC because this only happens with certain VNs. I am dumbfounded why this is happening especially it crashing.

Implementing new engine features would require porting the game to a new engine. With an animated game like Shiny Days... that's simply not going to happen. And keep in mind that Overflow isn't even making games anymore. They're definitely not going to build a new engine just for JAST.


Like I said in an earlier post, there are different methods used to enter into fullscreen, and many different programs have many different sets of issues on certain configurations when doing so. For example, Trails in the Sky might be using a "borderless windowed" mode that simulates fullscreen without actually changing your display mode, which avoids issues. Majikoi is an example of a VN that can do this. Overall, your woes sound a whole lot like mine, and it was indeed a hardware issue for me in the end. I basically got by using a series of hobbled together workarounds such as using the windows zoom feature.

As for window resizing, no, JAST can't actually implement it themselves. That's a surprisingly complicated feature that would require rewriting large parts of the games' rendering code, and JAST never actually gets access to the source code for their VNs. And it's an expensive and time consuming enough feature to implement that the Japanese studios who handle the coding work and who actually have the programmers on staff capable of doing it don't feel like it's worth their while. Retrofitting old engines with modern features simply isn't viable. What they COULD do is port every single game they do to Unity, like what MangaGamer did to Princess Evangile or what JAST is doing to Flowers, and implement that feature in the process each time, but that's also not exactly an inexpensive process and currently these companies only do it when they absolutely have to.

tl;dr: Shit's way more complicated than you're thinking.

  • Running the game on a Haswell system with latest (just a few days old) NVidia drivers on Win 7 SP1 64bit.
  • I have issues if I wanted to move the window from 1 monitor to another (well, since the window is so small I play it in full screen anyway) on my uncommon 3 monitor setup (2 horizontally stacked, 1 vertically the bottom alined with the lower horizontally one which is the main screen. For Windows anything above the top line of the main screen is below 0 in coordinates).
  • Playing the game in a “user mode friendly” directory (within F:\Spiele), running as administrator or not doesn’t seem to make any difference
  • Without compatibility mode the game randomly crashes, I’d say the crash rate is between 5 and 30 minutes.
  • Enabling Vista (or XP) compatibility mode seems to remove all random crashes. Sounds perfect? Well, but it adds fixed crashes. As far as I am aware of, there were 2 in episode II of the “left costume route” (haven’t played further since that new finding).
  • Even closing all none-system/-driver related apps does not change anything for me
  • Running sys trays from drivers are: Intel Rapid Storage blablub (I have multiple raids and SSD acceleration - actually F: is a Raid 0 of 2 HDDs accelerated by a 40GB SSD), Killer Network manager (from my MSI Z87-G43), Logitech Gaming software (from my G402), Canon Printer tray (from my MG3500), Sound Blaster tray (from my SB Z) and Panda Security virus scanner
  • I am not having any similar issues with recent or older games (including many Visual Novels), hardware is running stable (no blue screens since I installed that mainboard that I remember of). Drivers have been checked to be up to date (some a few months ago, but they were from 2013~2014 so I doubt any new will come out)
  • Looking into the windows event log the crashes are either in SHINYDAYS.exe or d3d9.dll with error code 0xc0000005 “Access Violation” or MSVCR90.dll with error code 0xc0000417 STATUS_INVALID_CRUNTIME_PARAMETER (compiled from my crashes of yesterday while I found out about the compatibility mode stuff)

Maybe someone can find a similarities or can confirm stuff that’s not making issues. :slight_smile:

The VNDB says the restoration patch will be released on September 31 but I think such day doesn’t exist in the calender.Shiny Days | vndb

I created that entry. I hope you enjoyed my reference to JAST time.

That zoom in thing (Windows Key and + key) mentioned doesn't work on Vista. The function is actually hold Ctrl & press up or down on the Scroll wheel but it doesn't work on the game. I give up... there's no customer support for Vista and feels like I wasted my damn time with the exception of tidbit information from Decay and Sanahtlig with some understanding on things.

You're just going to have to wait until JAST and its customers figure out what's going wrong here. There's no single issue that's causing all these problems. There's several problems intertwining here. It's going to take a while to sort out. If you don't want to spend a lot of time troubleshooting, I suggest giving it a month or two and checking back then. Might want to "return" the game until then and give them your money when the game actually runs on your PC.

Vista is 9 years old. It's also wildly unpopular, and has been almost completely abandoned by its users. Wider OS support is almost always better, but you can only realistically support so many, and you have to make cuts somewhere. I do not think it's reasonable to expect small VN translation companies to instantly have the solution for your very unusual driver issues on an aging and unpopular operating system. Upon thinking about it more, I'm almost sure what you're experiencing is your video drivers crashing. When that happens, windows themes often break or reload, and the issues you're describing can occur. Your video drivers are reacting very poorly to the type of screen mode switching shiny days is employing. I would suggest making sure your drivers are up to date, and if that doesn't work, upgrade to a newer OS. That's pretty much all I can say.