Official Post about Shiny Days

Gotta say, whats with everyone wanting walktroughs? i assume the majority of you who are asking are playing for the first time (Didn't play the JP release) so why? i understand using them in order to clear a few markers to gain the last couple of percent that comes from uncommon choice variations (i do this myself). But the best part (IMO) is seeing where your choices lead you, having every decision predetermined by a walkthrough before you even start honestly seems pretty boring.

Not criticizing, just curious.

Because the choices are in no way intuitive. If you are looking to capture a specific person or to get onto a specific route it is beyond frustrating.

For example in order to capture Manami and her family you need to sleep Youko and date Itori. In order to do mother and daugher (Yoko) you need to capture Itori first.

The other issue is the game crashes half the time when fast forwarding.

XD im familiar with how the branching system works, that wasn't my point. i guess with all the crashes its understandable nd i guess if thats your approach fair enough, maybe im just too use to my trail an error approach to understand the appeal.

I used to play without walkthroughs until I got fed up with the bad game design that you had to make completely illogical starting choices to get on later routes.

On the PS3 I am playing Time and Eternity and first playthrough seem to be giving me pretty much zero CG. My assumption is that I probably had to do 1-3 choices differently somewhere and I'll have to read a walkthrough next time and play it through 2 more times and get all CG.

You'd figure they'd make games easy so it was just "Hang out with girl X" to get girl X route, but no, you have to say certain things to girl Y to get girl X route.

An English walkthrough is up on Otaku Lair. You don't need to pester JAST for it.

I agree carlos, my first couple of playthroughs with school days were all blind, i prefer always enjoying games and other media as blind as possible.

I had to use a guide with school days eventually though because i kept getting the same endings over and over and ill probably need one eventually with shiny days too when i can actually play it.

Speaking of which, whats the status on physical copies?
Has anyone gotten a shipping confirmation email yet?

Seems like it was silently delayed again or something.

The other part of the problem is alot of these games are meant to be played a certain way. If you enter the route too late you missing out in large amounts of content.

This game I haven't found that to be a problem though the two routes I mentioned were the most frustrating to get on especially Manami family one because you were forced to go down two dead ends with girls inorder to get to the route.

The Mother and daughter one I sort of randomly got onto but it wasn't my intention at all. I actually was aiming for Manami. One thing I was surprised by was the lack of graphic sexual content. There are 36 scences in total most are like a minute one of which the Manami BJ was like 10 secs. Six are blacked out. Not really much fap material in this game despite the setting,

Does anyone honestly fap to these games?
I haven't seen shiny days h scenes yet but school days were so laughably bad when it came to animation and makotos moaning I enjoyed them for the humor personally.

It is nowhere near all the routes. I’ve found all the routes through experimentation and a rough translation of the walkthrough (japanese) but it was a chore.

"Does anyone honestly fap to these games?"

The answer is yes. The answer is always yes.

yeah the scenes are definitely shorter than School days in some cases, though at the same time a few scenes in HQ were shorter than they were in the original. for example they absolutely butchered the two lovers ending. nd yeah the bj scene is pretty much over before it starts XD

@ayy nigger
I like mature women. Games with adult content with well adults (women) are becoming increasingly rare.

Also, I'm not sure why else you would play the game. I mean the entire story is Makoto being your typical dull harem protagonist and girls throwing themselves at him right left and center. That's it. In fact, most harems try and mix in some sort of overarching plot but this one doesn't. Which is fine. I just wish the hentai scenes were longer.

Particularly with Nanami family capture route. 90% of the scenes were with other women (not the family) that I had zero interest in.


Thanks. Good to know my game isn't borked.

Regarding the h-content, I can't say for certain whether or not the scenes are generally shorter than those in School Days (personally I'd prefer shorter if they're going to cycle through the same few cuts over and over), but the animation is definitely better and more consistent. There were some laughably terrible looking scenes in School Days, which was really the only disappointing aspect of the game for me.

I had planned to not use a walkthrough but frustration got the better of me. John Smith mentions that in order to reach Manami's route you need to have sex with Youko, but according to the walkthrough even that requires that you unituitively make no choice twice in succession to unlock a dialogue option. My recollection of School Days is that your choices generally made some kind of logical sense, but often that doesn't seem to be the case here.

There are of course plenty of adult women games. They all just happen to be utter trash, so I understand why so few are translated. They are almost always just a porno movie made into a game so it follows the same poses in every single game, and it is just a guy meeting a woman and having sex. No story, no character building, just porn.

I too would like to see a good one someday.

On the subject of J-list orders -

"The orders are all safe, they are slowly being ported over to the new system, but we’re running both back ends to make sure it goes out the way it should. Will start shipping the games today or tomorrow, but will take a week to get them all out I’m sure."

@John smith Switching SysMenuSD.dll with the jp version will let you pick the blacked out scenes in the replay. However they’re still jastusa censored with black screens or skips.

In the packs folder, you need to switch with the jp version of movie04.gpk and voice04.gpk(to get the correct voiceovers, I also switched voice01 just in case) to get 4 of the kokoro scenes(mosaics though) back.

They totally should have added the other mamami blowjob at the radish parking lot instead.


Thanks for the solution but downloading 2.4 GB worth of files isn't practical for for me to unlock the content. I assume it's still there (at least I hope it is) on the Jast side hopefully a group does a partial patch.

Though waiting for a group to 'fix' JAST releases sucks. It would be nice if they just paid one of these groups under the table so we'd wouldn't have to wait weeks on end for a complete game (I have no interest in the Koko scenes but hold out hope they may have cut out additional characters within those scenes that i have an interest in).

I'm not sure what you mean by the other. It's included in the scene at night (thought a couple of blocks down from the radish next to makotos house), Unless it's an hscene i missed and they didn't catalogue (i may have inadvertently skipped it).

I just found it strange it was only 5 seconds. I also found it strange the preview mosiac is censored.


Hentai porn is better then normal porn because the drawers can make the women into it which to me is more exciting then normal porn (to me) because 95% of the actresses are terrible and you can tell they hate it.

And lets be honest thats what these games are. Nothing against it, As far the rest goes it's a matter of preference some people like the moe blobs with their nasaly voices their runny noses and crying all the time for no reason. I'm sure they appeal to a certain demographic. I find it annoying more then anything and will tend to skip scenes or anime with these type of characters but thats I choice I prefer to make on my own.

@John smith I would have done it if I can figure out how to peek in the gpk files. No idea how to extract or repack them though.

The scene I’m talking about isn’t in the replays but it’s better than that 10 sec one and he finishes. She’s like in turbo slut mode too.