Official Post about Shiny Days

I’m not raising a fuss, I’m just letting jast know so they don’t get more hate from scared consumers.We can argue if this is jast responsability or not to whitelist their products, but it’s certainly not the consumer responsability to vouch for a false positive.It seems that you are missing the point, I’m not concern about my security or about informing other consumers.

@Antoine Granger thanks for the heads up. I’ve mentioned the false positive in the troubleshooting post. If you downloaded the files from the jastusa server I can confirm that it is a false positive and not a virus. The actual game’s install gpks also sometimes show as false positive -actually this happens for many visual novels. I’m rounding up the sources for another tutorial since it has been a continuing struggle…

Thanks Tim, this game has a history of troubles. I hope it doesn’t dissuade you from an eventual translation of cross days.

I'm personally interested in doing Cross Days though with all the problems we had on Shiny and School days even we'll have to make sure we have the dev or a good hacker on board to help us patch it up so that it will be playable...

@tim But in the inori route, sekai let inori and niki in. Also in that same route, makoto can be chosen to randomly go pay respects at setsuna’s grandmother’s grave. If given extra choices beforehand to lead the conversation towards sick sekai instead of her grandmother, you easily have a branch where they go check up on her. Makoto being the “nice” guy that he is might be willing to check up on her from time to time seeing that he has tons of free time when he’s not working on the festival stuff and sekai being who she is will totally take advantage of that. It writes itself.

@Chise, So wish I could do more than simply upvote your comment, and I wholeheartedly agree with your post.

JAST just patched the Manami save corruption bug.

Updated the Devlog with a patch for Manami bug:

Still sorting through the endings and uniforms.

It seem the patch was just to bypass the bug. the ending still show captive by twin and I still can’t get the ending node in the flowchart. well at lease who got corrupt save can use the save again.

Still waiting for restoration patch so I can 100% this game. I hope that patch really exist also with no mosaic.

will the physical disc be fixed or will it have problems i can’t test until i get from rightstuf oct 14 they have it listed

The physical version was supposedly done weeks ago, it wont ship fixed.

Was tinkering around with settings and I figured out what was causing the awful screen tearing for me.


It was set to adaptive by default, now i don't need to force vsync for there to be no screen tearing.

However the game still crashes in fullscreen unless i do the Alt+Enter trick.

At least i don't have screen tearing though so im happy, only issue now however is that saving will still revert things back to regular full screen mode and cause crashes, usually immediately.

Well i'll still be waiting for that anonymous uncensor patch before i get to actually playing through the game but at least i'll be able to play comfortably now(only have to restart the game after saving) when it's ready.

I have tested the game on WinXP. It's perfectly playable so far, no issues at all - I don't know why it warns you during installation about not meeting system requirements while jap version supports winxp officially, afaik.

Just wanted to post this, I just received my J-List shipping notice and got a notification from UPS. So it’s on it’s way, well it should be by tomorrow for me anyways!!!

I just found a bug though.. I don't know, maybe it was reported here already. Sound settings in option menu were saving/applying only when I launch the game first time. After that when I played later - settings there were put at minimum but sound was still rather loud and despite moving volume slider - it does not affect anything.

Ohh shipping notification hype?! Great, I can't wait to get my shipping notification :D hopefully mine ships soon since I ordered this game on day 1 <3

No shipping notice for me, not that i’ll have it for a few weeks while it makes the journey across the Atlantic :frowning:

@Usagi: I think the XP warning is because we don't offer support for XP users on new games. I just checked the sound sliders on XP, win8 and 10 and they seem to work fine. (its not the first time playing on any of the computers and they have had multiple saves, i've tried it from the main menu and also from the game menu) Sound settings are also saving properly in my tests.

I waited too long to order because I was hoping jlist would surprise us at animeexpo or something. I ordered online when they told me at the booth it wasn’t happening. Probably missed out on that keychain thing but whatever. Still no ship confirm.

Keychains were available as recently as a couple weeks ago, I think.