Official Post about Shiny Days

the entire route is:

- I want to make lots of memories [???????????]

- ¬Ö¬Ö?(+1)
- My precious daughter [????]
- ¬Ö¬Ö?(+2)
- Sneak up on her. [???????]?+0
- Heading home? [????] (+1)?
- Let's go to the beach [??????]?+0
- You haven't had enough fun yet? [????????]?(+1)
- ¬Ö¬Ö?(+1)
- You're cute when you smile [????????] ?(+1)
- Nice find, Itaru. [?????????]?(+1)?
- I'm glad you came to see me [???????????]?(+1)
- Hehe. You'll be surprised to hear [????????]?(+1)
- My... [??¬Ö ¬Ö] (+1)
- Girlfriend [???]?(+2)
- ¬Ö¬Ö?(+1)
- I have to watch my sister [?????????]?(+2)
- I dunno if I'd say that [????]?(+1)
- Cute [????]?(+1)
- An acquaintance [?????]?(+1)
- ¬Ö¬Ö?(+1)
- ¬Ö¬Ö?+0
- Youko [??]?+0

@Krystyna Krasinska: the Kokoro routes were not deleted just some parts of the scenes. She does sort of have one ending.

Demon Kotonoha makes an appearance though no graphic violence¬Ö

There is one scene where Makoto gets hit by her, but he gets a lot more abuse from Setsuna (the kicks)

@Alistair Pope and Haerts: that ending has an awesome after ending photo

Is that so?
Because, I read on some site, after trying to find even more about the Shiny Days hypocrisy here, that due to the censorship present in Shiny Days, five whole endings would be missing in Jast's release.

Then again, you shouldn't believe everything on the internet - hence why I've made up my own mind and don't care about what euphemism and escapism is being spread, be it here or the page I have this supposed information from.

So there any happy ending/ harem ending that include Kokoro?

and what about Yamagata? I don't really like her but she is always alone and been bully by Katou. So I want try give her a chance.

sorry for my bad english

just got my shiny days and my key-chain was… Sekai… well at least i dident get one that i absolutely dident want. also its a bit disappointing that the package dosent match school days size, however i like this size better (just wish school days was this small)


there is a family ending that includes her entire family. but until the censor patch is released u see nothing

I have to say it’s kind of ridiculous that after two weeks there is still no proper uncensor patch. You really need to revisit this depending on the community to do the work for you thing.


With Starless it was out before the game was even up on their servers iirc, made us all think the same would happen with Shiny Days.

Pretty disappointed that we still have nothing, not even an anonymous update on whats going on with it.

After all the shenanigans with this release, I won't be preordering a JAST release again, sorry guys, im interested in sonico but im not preordering.

Not going to pirate though, if it releases and everything is functioning fine, ill buy it, if not, i'll just wait till its fixed since that's pretty much what im doing now anyway, why pay in advance?

That's how im going about JAST releases from now on because it's pretty ridiculous, look at the OP of this thread.

"We hope everyone is as excited about Shiny Days as we are. The game is nearly done and should be shipping in June or July. "

"The game is nearly done and should be shipping in June or July."

What the hell happened that the game got delayed pretty much til october and still has game breaking bugs found under normal playthrough circumstances(Manami) and no uncensor patch?(to be fair, technically the uncensor patch is not something they officially promised but still)

That's just crazy, but still I like a lot of things JAST does(no drm, 2 digital download codes + drm free disc with physical purchases) so I'd like for them to grow as a company and pick up more licenses and maybe even get big enough to do console vns too(lots of vns get console releases that are better than the pc version, including sonico).

TL;DR: What's the status of the uncensor patch mr anonymous? because we're all pretty much under the assumption someones working on it, but if no one is then we have to know so we can do it ourselves.

They play us like a fiddle with that uncensore patch

@ayy nigger

''That's how im going about JAST releases from now on because it's pretty ridiculous, look at the OP of this thread.''

While we are at it, even more ridiculous that it says

As expected, some content will not be included with our shipping version, principally a few specific scenes with Kokoro and her classmate are being omitted.''

in the OP, even though this title has been openly and in public advertised as ''being completely uncensored'' this entire time.
Heck, on the first page of this thread, there's even a screenshot proving that Jast advertised this title to come out uncensored.
I paid attention to when this comment got posted and when the announcement of this title being censored cropped up, it was approximately one month.
One month from ''This game will come out completely uncensored and mosaic-free.'' to ''We will straight out remove some scenes.''.
I'm better off purchasing the japanese release; because, this one, despite having mosaics, comes atleast with the entire content, and I'd be an idiot to pay for... this here.
The fact that an uncensor patch that may or may not happen not being a viable alternative.
If Jast is truly behind this patch and brings this out as anonymous, there is nothing stopping them from doing so publicly and therefore, being able to directly include it to the release to begin with.
Nothing changes if this patch is being distributed through official, or unofficial means; the ''law'' would be violated anyways, so there is no excuse to bring this out under the premise of ''the stupid law being an obstacle here''; it's obviously nothing more but a scapegoat in hope to get away with this whole bullshit here.
Unofficial uncensor patch or official uncensor patch, the people behind this supposed patch are under the impression that making this patch would bring them into hell's kitchen, assuming that the unofficial patch would be truly made by Jast in one way, or another.
If the translators of Jast say ''I'm not going to risk getting into trouble and refuse to work on this kind of content.'', they can't do exactly that by making it as anonymous, because the situation is the exact same; they'd be violating the law regardless, and that's just assuming that the content in question WOULD be violating the law to begin with, which they don't even know, but assume to be the case.
Besides, Peter said it himself that Shiny Days is one of the biggest games Jast has ever worked on. And indeed, 16GB seems like a shitload of data to work with.
I'm sure that the translators have been working on this for months, or maybe even years. Plenty of time to realize what content is present in the game.
CP laws didn't magically change within a few years; why would they have complained now, so close before the initial release back in August?
Simply because they were shitting their pants because of the Doddler incident that took place not too long ago.
That seems, to me personally, to be the most logical case that happened here. That all the translators are explicitly mentioned to be canadian translators
further supports my point here.
Why would they have complained about the content just now, and not during the time they got acquainted with the content?

Besides, Jast alienated themselves from working on this uncensor patch; I'd be an idiot to take it as a fact that it's Jast who is behind this (currently imaginary) uncensor patch, nor would I count on something that hasn't even happened yet.

I really felt like saying this (among other things I haven't mentioned yet or that have been mentioned by me previously in this thread already) for quite a while now, but refrained from doing so out of fear of being blocked.
But, by now I don't even really care anymore... what I see here is a spineless publisher who doesn't live up to his word, lacks transparency and doesn't deliver me what I personally would like to see.
While the selection of titles is superb, it's a shame that they are being released either full of bugs, and/or with censorship applied, despite being actively advertised as being an uncensored release this entire time.
Atleast, until this thread here cropped up, announcing the censorship of Shiny Days.

Or you guys can just do what I do and replace movie04.gpk and voice04.gpk in the packs folder with the jp version and get the mosaic kokoro scenes back(besides the school or the kotonoha home scenes, those are scripted to skip forward). Replace sysmenusd.dll with the jp version to be able to replay them in the replay menu.

As far as I know, no one has mentioned they were working on a patch. I don't really expect it at this point.

@ Chise

"Or you guys can just do what I do"


"no one has mentioned they were working on a patch"

lol, someone apparently contacted a guy here and told him it was going to release on sept 30, then they said it might actually come later and we haven't had an update since,

And I know a friend of a friend’s sister’s whose half niece says otherwise. You see how that works?

@ayy nigger @Chise
The staff here have repeatedly said that we can expect the community to fix the release and add a uncensor patch shortly after release.

I usually don't weigh in on these debates, but I feel this thread is gettingway out of hand. JAST has said anunofficial patch will be released and there are good reasons why the officialrelease had to be censored, see the blog post by Sanahtlig (,for an interesting detailed discussion and evaluation of JASTís censorship decision.

Simply put the content in the game released uncut would have led to issues withcustomers and law enforcement in a number of countries where JAST releasestheir titles. Therefore the ìcutîpublicly released version allows for the game to be circulated in thesecountries without prejudice. Theunofficial patch which is pretty much guaranteed to be released will allowusers on a case by case basis to enjoy the entirety of the game as originallyintended, but removes unnecessary furor that would come with an uncut release;remember the rapelay incident. Now I've never even played or want to play the rapelaytitles (not my preference) but the wider community was up in arms and ready toban all ìJapanese porn novelsî because of preconceived moral judgments. JAST is protecting its customers and itselffrom the degree of rubbish that would likely follow an uncut release.

I hear people complaining about bugs, crashes and delayed patches. Well here is an idea, focus on something elsefor another couple of weeks. Games,software, visual novels, localizations many of them suffer from bugs that willnot be picked up by quality testing until they are released to the public. Why its simple numbers game, quality testing cannotaccount for the diverse range of systems, with the diverse range of operatingsystems, diverse range of hardware and diverse range of up-to-date orcompletely out of date drivers out in the real world setting. Therefore errors will arise on individualsystems that may not be picked up by quality control testers (especially with along title of 30-50 hours with multiple endings and decision trees).

An ìunofficial patchî, most likely needs to be released post primary bugfixing so that when it is completed it doesn't create more errors when combinedwith official bug fixes. JAST may have aslow release rate but they have a history of doing the right thing by theircustomers, even if it takes quite a while. People have waited for this release for years, a couple more weeks isnítthe end of the earth. Find somethingelse to occupy yourself with, while the kinks are ironed out so you can enjoythis release.

I get the frustration, but name calling and getting up in arms and talkingof boycotting JAST is really unnecessary. If youíre not happy at the moment wait until the bug fixes and unofficialpatch are released prior to buying this title. If you preordered and are angry accept that preordering anything (notyet complete) is a risk, if this bothers you donít preorder next time and waitand see prior to purchasing.

@Arrakis This kind of talk is what let them continue to do this shit… I paid for a product and i expect it to work now not later. you wont buy a car with broken parts and wait for the car company to fix it because you can still take a taxi or a bus till it fixed.

i bought something? i expect it to function


All i'm getting from your long ass post is excuses.

"Focus on something else"

What the fuck is that bullshit? You're literally telling us to just forget about these issues and just hope they magically appear fixed, that shit doesn't fly when money is involved bub.

Fuck that shit, I'm going to voice my concerns whether anyone likes it or not, since they apparently read all the posts here, I want them to know that i and others are not going to do business with them again in the future until they get their act together.

People like you who whiteknight these companies and act like we should suck their dick just for existing is why they get away with this shit.

And I don't want to hear that "every game has bugs and patches!" excuse, because people like you who defend this bullshit and made it an acceptable practice is why companies release games that are broken.

The disc we're getting in the mail are basically worthless, you need to download patches to even get the experience that should have been on disc.

Like I pointed out, they originally had this game "almost done and ready for june or july"

And yet still it took until september and somehow that STILL wasn't enough time to fix shit like that manami bug? hire an actual q&a team, not just one guy with 5 computers, some running vms.

We're pretty much acting as the q&a team for them, can you believe that? paying to beta test a game, actually companies now have their stupid gullible fans beta test and all they pay them in is a digital copy of the game, if that, some companies sell you a game with a multiplayer beta test as an incentive to buy, ridiculous.

If the game wasn't ready for september 25th with everything ready to go, they shouldn't have released it.

They delayed it so many times they might as well had delayed it again, there's pretty much no difference having it sit on my hard drive and not playing it because simply saving the fucking game in fullscreen mode will crash it, but like i said, they need us to beta test it for them since they can't afford an actual team it seems.

I don't care how small your company is or how big the game is, that's not acceptable, and to top it all off we get no updates, sometimes tim posts at 2 in the fucking morning or some shit, most of the time not even giving any updates on anything.

They prioritize their fucking store website where they sell overpriced imports to dumbasses who don't know how to just buy those items directly from japanese vendors for half the price over fixing this game, of course they're going to prioritize working on the the thing that's going to get them more money than something that's already sold itself.

Just a simple update is all i ask, but we're just left cold and that's what pisses me off about this company, they just wait till last minute to let their customers know whats going on, if at all, they didn't even bother letting us know that the games didn't actually ship sept 30, they shipped around a week later.

I'm done, just get me my fucking uncensor patch jast, you guys did the starless one, we know, peters name was written all over it, just get this shit out so i can move on and not have to keep checking this stupid site every day.

And don't bother replying to me faggot white knights, i dont give a shit about your lame justifications, this whole rant is straight up just for jast, they can defend themselves if they want to, they dont need your asses to do it, and i don't want to hear about how someone had a wedding again, thats fucking pathetic and absolutely unprofessional to write on here, even going as far to say you felt obligated to, who the fuck cares? we're not your friends, we're customers.

@ayy nigger


"I don't care how small your company is or how big the game is, that's not acceptable, and to top it all off we get no updates, sometimes tim posts at 2 in the fucking morning or some shit, most of the time not even giving any updates on anything."

Tim appears to live in Japan. Your 2am is probably his business hours.

Honestly I agree with both points of view. Releasing a game in this state isn't acceptable. Yet JAST isn't EA; they don't have the resources to do extensive bug testing given that they can only expect maybe 5k sales (even less on titles like Starless, I'm guessing). JAST brings over titles that MangaGamer probably wouldn't touch because they're too difficult or risky. Would MangaGamer bring over a game like Shiny Days uncensored? I kind of doubt it. Name a MG title that features blatant pedophilia. Right.

I see what Arrakis is saying. Yet I also agree with ayy nigger. If this is the new normal I won't be pre-ordering JAST titles. Perhaps more importantly, I won't be promoting unreleased titles like I've done here with Shiny Days. I previously said I endorsed JAST's censorship of Shiny Days. Yet I can't say I endorse the circumstances of the actual release.

If my credit card bill comes up and this game still isn't in a playable state, I may decide to take a harsher stance. For now, I'll continue to wait impatiently.

Name a MG title that features blatant pedophilia

Sweet Sweat in Summer no?