Official Post about Shiny Days

MangaGamer aslo gonna release Euphoria completely uncensored without need for restoration patch


''Name a MG title that features blatant pedophilia.''

Sweet Sweat, I'd say, even though this is more like a Pettanko heroine rather than starring a loli heroine.
It doesn't help that you bring fictional loli content in context with ''bad, bad pedophilia''.
How I see it, pedophilia is the turn on to children - that's not the case with a freaking drawing, not even when an age is mentioned in a fictional game.

Leave this pedophilia bullshit out of my hobby, please; it's making people that like lolicon as a genre look like they are harmful. I find it kinda weird that you have no problem stating things that aren't really true so openly in public.
Should a fetish which's main factor is something as ''age'' even apply to fictional works, were it doesn't even matter if an age is mentioned, or not, simply because drawings can't have an age, nor have human rights?
I highly doubt this.
But that's not the point anyways; I whole-heartedly agree with ayy niggers' sentiments above.

The way I see it, Jast is now nothing more but an obstacle that hinders me to play games I'm potentially interested in alone by having the license to localize them.
Meaning that, to me personally, Jast doesn't release their games as I'd want them to see (unnecessary censorship, bugs and glitches, lack of transparency, just to name a few aspects).
By holding the licenses for these potential games I'm interested in, they hinder other publishers, that have proven their worth to me, to pick these games up; we have Mangagamer, Jast and Sekai Project, and two out of these three censor their games willingly.
If a publisher doesn't deliver to me, but even hinders rivaling companies to deliver a product to me, it's making the situation actually even worse.

As mentioned before, I'm new to the Days series, so I hardly care about Shiny Days specifically, since I couldn't make up my mind about it.
But now where I purchased School Days HQ not too long ago before this thread here cropped up, I'm not left with an unfaithful product.
What reason would I have to purchase Jast's release of Shiny Days, if the original Japanese release, despite being censored through mosaics, comes atleast with the whole content?
None, that's right.
I will simply not purchase future installments of this series, simply because I'm not left with something that I won't compromise with, unless Peter comes up with this supposed ''restored version'' that he thought of of being a potential viable alternative in the future, which I highly doubt to happen because it sounds nothing more than hot gas to me.
And if it would actually happen, then just with all the goodies this release here came with - anything else isn't worth anything to me.

How will you now, where all this bullshit happened justify Jast any longer, Sanahtlig?
You've been defending Jast this whole time, even when facing situations that were obviously just not right.
Leaving aside the fact that you were clinging on the thought ''Jast will make an unofficial uncensor patch, for realsies!'' without having any confirmation as to who would even be in charge of this supposed uncensor patch, nor what exactly the patch data contains.
It was just word to mouth and what people thought of hearing in certain statements that got made. Jast itself has alienated themselves from this unofficial uncensor patch this entire time; why would they imply something that could get them into trouble (which also has to be checked properly before people can actually claim this to be the case with Shiny Days) as good as when they'd have made an official uncensor patch?

I'm not saying this to bash you or anything.
I think you do have a point with a lot of other things.
But not in this specific case with Shiny Days here.
In the end, this remains just my own, personal opinion; what will others think?
Who knows.


To add to my previous comment: I just skimmed through the last few comments from this page here, and noticed that you reconsidered why you endorses Jast's censorship.
Well, good to see that happening atleast. Maybe we just have had different points where we wouldn't have endorsed this hypocrisy here to begin with.
Atleast people won't stumble across your article that basically just sugar-coated everything (no offense, I hope you won't hold a grudge against me now where I'm so frank here).

Wow, there I thought we were trying to help to find patterns about the stability issues and all you can do is blame the English publisher to try to fix a game that 0verflow originally never fixed for their release. Do you even realize that the developer actually published the game as is and never cared about fixing before a certain American company signed a contract with them? I mean it’s playable that way for your first walkthroughs, yeah it’s a pain in the ass the moment you want to save, load and skip a lot of content. They seem to try hard to find a solution, the fact they are not promising it here, tells me that they are not 100% certain 0verflow will provide them a fix. We are talking about “random” access violations, most likely we are talking about a “wild pointer”, meaning a pointer that’s modified at a place where it shouldn’t. I know a company that salvaged a whole, nearly complete module because a bug of that nature, because tracking it down proofed to be impossible and fishing by luck was unsuccessful. So let’s stay hopeful they are using their resources that were meant to create the restoration patch to help track down this stability issue.

I refer to "pedophilia" as it would be viewed in the context of the game's setting. Lolicon is a genre. Pedophilia is a theme. A game with loli content may or may not feature pedophilia as a theme, while a game with pedophlilia as a theme may or may not feature loli content (read: explicit sex scenes). From what I can tell (having not played either), Shiny Days features pedophilia as a theme. Sweet Sweat in Summer does not, as the interactions between the heroine and protagonist are not presented as "statutory rape" in the context of the setting.

I can't quite decode the rest of your argument, so I'll refrain from further comment.

The censorship is still completely meaningless and the only ones who believe it is a good idea are people who are detached from reality.

Let us all raise our hands if we've been raided by the police and had them play all our PC games. Nobody? Ok, I take it this is not something that happens. So we already determined digital goods on our own PCs are safe (except perhaps being images and movies), so the censorship of the digital release was pointless. But I understand the will to have both versions be the same thing.

Last hurdle is customs. I assumed googling this would prove my point, but it seems to go the completely opposite way. The reports I found is that Canada doesn't even allow regular hentai these days. ( ( So it isn't legal to import 18+ content at all. (Well, maybe LEGAL, but you'll be jailed for it and expected to plead guilty)

So while my goal was to prove it was legal even in Canada, I ended up proving Canada isn't even a market and you have to cut ALL 18+ content to sell to them. It still follows that the censorship was pointless, just for a different reason.

Pedophilia is a meaningless word. And with that I mean, the meaning is decided by the reader.

Give it to a common person and they'll read it as "child rapist", give it to a dictionary reader and it will be "attraction to teenagers", give it to a historian and they'll just view it as "Ah, it describes the normal behavior 200 years ago".

For me it is a positive word. Mainly because I reserve the word rapist for all rapists, so they are not a part of my pedophile definition.

@Linus Gustavsson

Well, I feel uncomfortable to enjoy Eroge and then hear people referring to it as ''pedophilia'', or rather, a game I'm interested in that has such a theme present.
The term pedophilia is to me personally the sexual desire to breed with a child.
I don't want to be in any way brought into context with such material just because of a hobby of mine that is unrelated to such things.
In the case of Shiny Days, I don't even think that it's pedophilia, it's lolicon as a genre; if the characters fuck each other or not and if some author said ''You know, I will give this character here the age of 10 instead of being 21.'' is entirely meaningless to me.
Lolicon is a genre that just flows with what?
Right, cutesy, innocent acting, just a sense of positive things.
I mean, even in real-life, I'd feel much more attracted to a woman that is like that then a woman that is totally bitchy in nature.
Visual Novels are so far-fetched that the situations present in these games are hardly comparable to how life actually is.
If a grown-up woman acts all cute, that's to me personally appealing.
But if she acts like ''I love you, Onii-chan.'', that's just... well, creepy.
Because it doesn't fit the view of an adult woman.
And if a minor would act the same, I'd feel creeped out as well because, while it's okay for a child or maybe even adolescent to act like that, I couldn't ever get turned on by a theme that I strictly separate from reality and that simply CAN'T be applied to anything related to real-life because of the fact that people playing Visual Novels are always aware that they are just playing a game.
I don't go on a shooting rampage to cause a bloody carnage just because I play GTA, do I?
No, I don't, of course.

It doesn't matter how a Visual Novel-themed games is like, be it a corny highschool RomCom or a fucked up mess of dismemberment, gore, necrophilia, netorare and what other disgusting fetishes exist in this world, none of these situations can be compared with our actual, real life as it is present.
People that don't realize this probably can't tell fiction from reality apart either.

Man, why can't I simply keep things short and say ''I agree with you.''? >_>

*Off topic* well I got my physical copy today and it's impressively nice. This box is a nice size. I got the Inori keychain (nice nice I like her). The artbook is nice, I've already seen most of these images + more in the School Days series illustrations art book. Mousepad is cute, they also included some instructions on how to install + it's 2 disks with cute girls on it. One thing I DO like is NO KOTONOHA SAMA SENSORS ON THE LEWD BITS IN THE JAST ARTBOOK YES. That was something they did in the series illustrations..



Anyway that's about it. The physical copy is pretty damn nice IMO.

Purchased, once the limited edition of Shiny Days is actually more than just merchandising and delivers a fully functional game with next to no bugs (atleast without bugs that got introduced through just, like the save corruption bug, for instance, seeing as the kirikiri engine seems to be somewhat buggy), no censorship at all and if this hypothetical second run would come with all the extra goodies that were present in this run of Shiny Days.

Not sure if anyone remembers, but Peter mentioned that a restored version of the game with all content being included again could be a viable alternative in the future, albeit not being a real possibility at this point (why it'd be not a viable possibility as of nor remains in the dark though).
I wonder if this will actually become a thing, or not... it's either that, or nothing that Jast releases.

Same applies to Seinarukana, seeing as Aselia the eternal, the prequel to Seinarukana, got butchered as well.
Not that I want to keep nagging here and make your attempt to change the subject go into vain.

i like this game so far better than school days the pacing is slower but the main heroine i like more than the 2 i like in school days

Just wanted to chime in and thank everyone for your passion for VNs and for Shiny Days. We know we're late with the uncensor patch, it'll be along soon but obviously we want to resolve the issues with the game first so there isn't a lot of confusion and errors and the need to have more than one patch. It will come soon...

Thanks for posting some info on the current situation, hopefully the patch won’t be too far away. :slight_smile:
(The actual game patch I mean, getting it uncensored is nice as well but fixing the actual game should be a priority though reading the latest couple of topics and posts here it looks like there’s a lot that needs to be done so I guess it’ll take a while.)

Thanks peter, very much appreciated.

Kenji, really? We've been super careful with those. Can you open a ticket about it to ?

i am still waiting for my disc but have been playing download

and am a little into chapter 3

@Carlos, can you open a ticket to and give us your order number and we’ll make sure there is no issue? Note that it’s the weekend so there is no staff here but we’ll reply on Monday Japan time.

also i better get keychain ordered this game months ago is not my fault Jlist screw up my damn order

''It will come soon...''

Meaning that Jast finally grew itself some balls and does back up Shiny Days with an official
uncensor patch, or are we still talking about an unofficial one?
Because, Jast officially stated to be in no way affiliated with this supposed uncensor patch (implications counting, or not).
Hopefully, Jast changed this attitude and isn't as spineless anymore as it was when announcing a game that got advertised to be uncensored this entire to get censored.
But thinking that Jast reconsidered is probably more than just naive.

I'm willing to support this release as soon as it fits to what it got advertised as - being uncensored, mosaic-free and complete (and possibly free of bugs as good as Jast can manage by meddling with the kirikiri engine).
I don't care how much time this undertaking would need, as long as it gets done - officially, showing that a publisher actually does care about what its customers want, and backing up their own products.
No unofficial patches, no more excuses for what happened with Shiny Days and Starless (and especially WHY it happened), and especially, more transparency, instead of announcing shit in the last minute so that we don't even have a say in the matter anymore.

It's nice to see that Peter addressed the situation, but it won't change anything about my opinion as long as these words don't follow actions.


We (and i'm sure they) get the point mate, no need to keep repeating yourself...