Official Post about Shiny Days


And I'm sure they didn't, seeing as Jast exist for atleast 18 years and people following their releases for almost ten years bitched at them and completely refused to buy anything from them anymore, and not ever having posted here since.

If people don't show and voice that they're upset with JAST for censoring games and not releasing an uncensor patch shortly before/after the games release then JAST will continue to do shit like that.. They gotta get the message that we're pissed off and wont stand for this censorship :p I do not mind the patches to add content back in! So long as they come out in a timely manner. So please hurry up with that Kokoro patch already.

You’ve completely missed my point, I like you am very pissed of, and I’m sure if you go back to the very start of the comments and makes your way through, that will become very apparent. So I have no issue with voicing opinion I was talking about the issue of one guy posting the same comment over and over on the same page.


Got a problem with that?
If not, okay, if you do, screw you and mind your own business.
People here aren't my friends, and a publisher is there to bring out games.
And if I think they are pulling off a bad job, I'm telling them just that, as much as I feel like it, or me getting banned.

If you have a problem with that, leave the internet; I won't be the only one who is like that.

I don’t have a problem, Maybe the wording was bad on my part (though I must admit your reaction made me laugh) Let me sum it up for you, I don’t have a problem with you personally and tbh I agree with what your saying but after a while these comments get… Ah fuck it Cba to type anymore XD


I don't know what would be amusing about my previous comment (unless I'm having a good guess what you are implying here), but okay...
Felt like you were trying to piss me off.
It's not like I can't voice myself in public forums about something I feel is wrong.
And if a publisher who has been in business for such a long time still makes juvenile mistakes a freshly established publisher would make, then yes, I feel the need to repeat myself.
As much as it takes so that people finally realize their bullshit, or I'm getting tired of complaining to a wall.
Pretty sure people will think of me as being ''that noise guy with that shitty username'' (and I agree with both statements :P), but good thing that it doesn't matter one bit what people that just see one side of me, namely, the one when being on the internet, when posting.

My apologies for getting it wrong then... I think?
Not sure what to make out of your previous comment tbh, but whatever.

Man. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Absolutely no point trying to refute them.

Just got my package. Honestly didn’t expect a keychain since I’ve order on july(when animeexpo starts).

opens opaque bag keychain is in and got yamagata
At least she’s hot.

@Chise I literally ordered on May 7th... :/

Nah mate wasn’t trying to be a dick though reading back my comment it really seemed like it, as it was some piss poor wording on my part XD sorry bout that man

@Kenji Helixia I almost thought it was silica gel. It was in a small silverish bag.

Pretty sure it is still “unofficial”. Just that the word tend to just mean it will be linked on some off-site place to keep jlist “clean”.


It's fine, no hard feelings. :)
It's ridiculously easy to piss me off, if you hit the right spots.
As long as there wasn't any real malicious intent behind that comment... but yes, I'm writint too much anyways.

@Linus Gustavsson

Then it's literally the same as before Peter jumped in - waiting for an imaginary patch that may, or may not happen.
It was to be expected that the patch wouldn't be ready for release, assuming that it's Jast who's behind the unofficial patch, but seeing as nobody the heck knows if this patch would have ever come out until Peter confirmed it just now...

Really hoping for this ''restored version'' he mentioned.
Seeing as how buggy the game would be without bugfix patches, I'm having high hopes that this will actually become a thing, but who knows.

@Chise Literally looked through all of box it came in and game box :/ Nothing.

Got my package today pretty good tho I'm disappointed in the lack of milfs and loli in the artbook but its all good

Inori ending remind me of metal gear solid v phantom pain, lol. I mean cardbox scene :))

it took me a while but i am in the setsuna route her route is hard to stay on attached is walkthrough

@animeloverxX93: please show your source site if you are going to make or imply these sorts of claims. I'm actually interested in seeing who wrote that and why, since I had to check some 40 odd endings to this version and i don't think any more would be added in the restore.

you also mention a few things about "how I see it" - that's exactly it, it is how you see it, others may not see it the same way.

you mention how drawings cant have ages -

many of the laws include the word "depictions" which would mean drawings are included in there.

So, it's true that probably no one was hurt in the making of the drawings/animations, but it does not make it automatically legal everywhere or accepted everywhere.

Sweet Sweat came up, and the reasoning of a "pettanko heronine rather than a loli heroine." is there, if that seems like a strong enough excuse if MG is confronted by the law in wherever they are based at the time, then that is why they did not censor anything. Because we're aiming for a wider distribution (and in this case contracted people in places with stricter laws), we are taking a safer stance in this case.

Many of these things are matters of opinion, we allow all respectful opinions here, but in the end if it is a matter of our business practices, the opinion of country law makers generally trumps more others. It is not a simple "well screw that law" Mangagamer may have a lot of uncensored content in areas that we might find touchy, and it is their decision to put it out there and have a plan or rationalization for what they're doing. I think you would be hard pressed to find companies that serve North America advertising that they serve content that could be considered pedophilia, but not - because it is a drawing-, in some countries. I know you say you don't care and say that there is a lot of bullshit going around, at the same time, taking that sort of attitude at times makes you seem ignorant. Again, feedback is welcome, and encouraged, but we're playing standoff ping pong there really is no point and it's just clogging up the forums (at least with this system of navigation).

@nuka cola: There's kind of a happy ending with Kokoro, though I don't remember any good ending for Yamagata which kinda sucks. Inori ending was great, reminded me of danboo from Yotsubato!

@ayy Fyi if we had made the starless patch, I'm pretty sure that Peter would not have been the one to make it.

I'm awake at 2am in my country, as well as yours... we could be in the same country.

@Markus S. We're working with them to get things fixed, The "Manami bug" might have a deeper problem and their developer also has other work to do so I'm also waiting on what they can provide for us.

@Linus Gustavsson: Canada is not completely blocking hentai (the 2nd half of that article does mention many "admissible" titles, but there is a large portion of hentai that has been blocked, and most things with loli like themes is likely to get you in some sort of trouble. School Days and Shiny Days has not had a ruling but looking at the themes in general, I think they could get by (if just barely)

Also rape and pedophilia are 2 different things, but that's a different discussion.

@haerts not offtopic, this is the shiny days topic so lol..

@Mike rogers: I think the buildup to drama is a lot slower because there are so many more people to potentially piss off XD for School Days most of the endings were Sekai or Kotonoha centric so they kinda jump right in very quickly.

Chapter 3 is where it branches a lot, though some of the flags come as early as chapter 2

@kenji I think i saw your ticket, it should be fixed soon.

@oneman team: I think we didn't have that much milf or loli stuff to put in, when I have time I'll take a look and see if i can find any goodies to put on tumblr for the dev log

About the restoration patch: it is unofficial, because if it were official we would have to take steps to put up a bunch of security measures to meet a standard of care to prevent people from getting it in places where it would be deemed illegal. We are endorsing it by allowing it to be made with the unmosaiced art as opposed to if we were to say FU to everyone- use the Japanese files)

@ayy it's 2am somewhere in the world, maybe yours *hitting post* - I'm just being a dick now... ;)

Gonna order this as soon as the patch is up

@Tim I got responded to, thank you!


I just checked, but couldn't find it again.
That will probably make me look like a liar, but that's fine, since I know what I've seen.
I've checked for like an hour finding that thread again, but to no avail.
I believe it was somewhere on fuwanovel though, but as I said, I don't see it there anymore.
Regardless, good thing that (rational) people don't need to believe me, they just have to take a close look at the topic at hand to realize the situation here.

Also, you don't have to show me wikipedia articles; I've read through them often enough pertaining the content in question and how it stands in regards to law as a whole.
Shall I tell you a little secret?


Importet it.
Has loli heroines, and it may or may not violate obscenity laws (didn't check that part, since my primary focus relied on whether or not I could import this because of the loli content).
Guess what, I didn't even had to pick it up from the customs, it got delivered right to my doorstep.
Aside from that, I checked and here in Germany, loli is okay (and any themes deemed ''illegal'' in fiction) as long as it doesn't follow a realistic scenario.
Meaning that I can go and import the craziest shit, if it's ''fictional enough'', it's fine.
The conclusion would be that people that are being convicted for such material (in Germany, atleast) would be convicted by a biased view from a single individual.

Now why am I bringing this up?
Simply because it was me who risked it to import this title.
Just look at the cover, and you know that if getting the wrong co-worker at the customs could have resulted in me getting in trouble (good thing they know me by now and are aware that I import anime porn games every now and then).
Before purchasing it, I even got confirmation from the guy who bought it for me, because I couldn't navigate through the japanese site.
My point is that even though it's one of Jast's business decisions to not get ''a bad reputation for not protecting their own customers'' (ironically enough that someone would want to ''protect'' someone who his own localizations under the disguise of not violating their own law), it's a business decision - as much as it's my decision to determine for myself what I import.
Is Jast going to become Nintendo now?
Alienating their customers based on where they live ''for their own sake''?

No matter where it's legal/illegal, you guys have a demografic here that consists of adults.
Does JAST USA really think we wouldn't be aware of what we're purchasing?
Harmless 2D games, that is. And anyone who truly likes Visual Novels and similar games should start showing backbone and import what they enjoy, be it a wester, or a japanese-exclusive localization.

Mangagamer censored Sweet Sweat by remaining the mosaics in the release because the uncensored artwork wasn't available anymore - in the end, still a censored product, albeit not actively advocated by Mangagamer themselves, hence why I didn't even purchase this title, nor have I any plans to do so in the future.
''Aiming for a wider distribution'' through censorship?
Not really what the VN community is made of - follow Peter's advice to focus on poorly-made puzzle games, or do it like Sekai Project and bring out nothing more but all-ages releases then.
People want entire products and it certainly doesn't help if a publisher focuses on a demografic that aren't even aware that they are playing a censored mess.
Nintendo can keep in business too just because their demografic consists of mostly children begging their parents for whatever new game comes out, so they hardly grasp the impact such a purchase has.
Focusing on Steam has a mixed demografic, ranging from teens to adults alike.
Bringing out porn games that are 18+ to serve to a younger audience AND adults wouldn't work, obviously.
But it's Jast, so what was I expecting?
Check any arbitrary website that people posted on the Shiny Days incident and you will realize that it's not just the censorship of this title that has been pissing off people, but how Jast, which has been in business for so long, handles its business.
Now I'm sure you and others have read through this often enough, yet we see no change.
And a change has to happen.
That's not because I'm saying this, it's because I'm noisy about while wereas a vast majority, independently from my own opinion, agrees with me, or came to a similar conclusion.

As for this part here...

''It is not a simple "well screw that law" Mangagamer may have a lot of uncensored content in areas that we might find touchy, [...]''

Then if the content in Shiny Days is ''touchy'', why has it been picked up from Jast?
Completely irrational business decisions you have there.
If it were touchy, it shouldn't have been picked up to begin with, something that is blatantly obvious and that Jast can't simply deny to be the case.
Your business decisions lack proper throught to be given to aforementioned decisions.

I couldn't care less of what ''makes me look ignorant'' or what others think of my opinion, I know I'm right with what conclusion I came up with.
I would insist on my opinion, if I hadn't given the situation enough thought.
Moreover, what's much more... ''ignorant'' as you imply my statements and opinions to be, is how Jast has pulled of controversies like that multiple times in the past.
And if people who have followed you for almost a decade jump off the boat, I'm not ''ignorant'' enough to not consider this aspect.

I don't give to shits if the forums are clogged up, or not; I don't even know why you addressed my points, as everything has been said during the e-mail exchange we've had a few days ago.
I'm talking to others here.

Or, again, block me from posting here.
Because I won't shut up just because some admins wants me to.
Adress other people's points, not mine, I've said multiple times what I think.
When I post here, I'm doing it because to share in a public forum what I think.
I can do that as I please.
If you're unhappy with that, block me.
Couldn't care less, since similar things happened when I was shortly a registered member of VNDB with its toxic community.

Jast will get what it deserves for this bullshit, so if I'm blocked here or not, I can sip my tea and enjoy the show.
If it's one person that doesn't rant, you will get a bunch of others doing the exact same thing for the exact same reasons.
Doesn't change anything.