Official Post about Shiny Days

i got my first ending inori
now working on setsuna
maybe setsuna kokori end when patch hitsa

@Tim Thank you, about happy ending with Kokoro ,you mean that just her and Makoto or it include her family ,or in some harem end ?


Was that a shitty attempt at being snarky towards me Tim? did i hurt your feelings? don't like me very much?

Act professional though, you're making yourself look childish, take some lessons from Peter, he was very professional a couple of pages back.

I wasn't going to write anything else on here except a yay thanks when(if) the patch releases but you know what? If you want to act like a dick I'll fellate you.

"if we had made the starless patch"

You guys did, just stop it, you're not fooling anyone and if any country gave enough of a shit about obscure porno games to take you guys to court you'd all be done because you guys don't know how to cover your tracks.

When I said peters name was written all over it i didn't mean he specifically worked on it, i meant it was clear that it was a patch made by jast, so that whole "the internet is working on it!" shit is a joke, you guys are doing it, he confirmed himself just a couple of pages ago that the restoration patch for shiny days isn't out because they need to do bug fixes(game breaking bugs that should not be in a game that was delayed a total of 3 - 4 months but whatever) first before they get it out.

Even more you have this show up if you search "starless restoration patch" on google

In that comment section, you have one of your employees basically admitting that the patch for an unreleased game is done, although he still tried to dance around it saying its unofficial, but just saying its unofficial means jack shit, only employees at jast could get access to demosaiced art and have a patch compatible with your release of the game ready before its even out.

But you know that stuff is not even a big deal to a customer like me, peter confirmed the shiny days patch is being made, that's all that matters to me, communication with your paying customers, that was my whole issue, before my last rant and rants from others no one even knew for sure a restoration patch was even being worked on because of your company's ambiguous "the internet is doing it for us but its coming for sure guys xDDD ;)))" stance.

Since peter just outed yourselves as the makers in the end, you all might as well had been straight up in the first place, you probably wouldn't have lost as many sales, just should had said" listen guys you're getting the game completely uncut but we have to separate the content that can cause legal issues for some of you into a patch and that patch wont be advertised on our store front but it will be uploaded somewhere you can get it easily, we will link it in forums etc."

so simple and your customers are aware that its 100% professional quality work, demosaiced(very important for a lot of perverts i.e your core audience) and that it actually exists and isn't just a theoretical patch. (patch should have been available day 1 too especially after all these delays but whatever)

Honestly though you guys remind me of NISA right now, picking up titles that have content that some of your staff disagrees with and/or dont feel comfortable working on but license it anyway for profits sake (although you guys lost a good bit of money from this whole censorship scandal, nothing you guys can't make back from conning newfriends on overpriced japanese merch on jbox they can get way cheaper elsewhere right? Now i'm the one being a penis haha ;^))))

You guys got it right with starless but not this time around, whatever, shit happens, but in the future, don't treat your customers like shit, communicate with them and let them know about issues in advance like delays and if you have big issues like right now with shiny days getting bug fix patches out, give us updates on the situation through some medium, make a fake fan translation site if you have to when it comes to uncensor shit, and try to find the resources to get bug fixes done before the game ships after a 4 months delay.

This rant was unnecessary at this point but you wanted to be rude so it is what it is, you only focused on two small comments from my entire post which i find troublesome and rude so i had to reiterate myself since i'm not sure you got it the first time, i'm genuinely trying to help whether you think i'm qualified or not, because like i said, i like a lot of choices you guys made like no drm and how physical releases are priced and handled, but you guys have a shitty reputation because of shit like this.

Before the first delay and censorship announcement i went on forums and asked who's hyped for shiny days like me? A few of people replied that they weren't because JAST was working on it, just a few.

I found that strange at the time, then i asked again when the game was scheduled for August, no one was interested in buying, no one, they all were pirating it/waiting for the uncensor, which they were VERY skeptical about.

That's a bad look fam, that's why you guys got to get your shit together, you're not that multimillion dollar enterprise, you guys still had keychains that were supposed to be only for the first thousand just recently, so you guys haven't even cracked a thousand physical sales, i don't know how much you need to break even but i guarantee if you guys clean up your act that won't happen again.

Btw Tim the reason i pointed out the 2am thing is that most people in the US (where jastUSA is based from) are asleep at that time and having only one staff member customers can communicate with on here only be available at an ungodly hour and most of the time not even give an update is a bit annoying is all, sorry if i hurt your feelings tim, that wasn't my objective which would had been clear if you took my post seriously and actually read it.

Well that's all fellas at Jast, don't instigate with me again pls, if you want to respond to me, actually respond to what i said and don't nit pick a small comment or two, it's disrespectful and makes it seem like you don't care what your paying customers have to say, despite you guys saying you care so much.

Now I'll just sit quietly and wait for patches so i can use the product i paid for back in Mayish or so.

Yes, I’m trying to highlight that Canada is a very random country for their porn laws. I wouldn’t even consider them a market with all that uncertainity that may make any game you produce illegal without you knowing it.

I wrote 3 paragraphs about how pointless this argument is. Then I realized that posting this argument would be pointless. Good game.

Wake me up when the restoration patch and bug fixes are ready.

Wow, taking a crack at a paying customer who you've wronged. You guys are turning into apple.XD

Tim, if you'd like to talk to someone who'd lend you a sympathetic ear, feel free to contact me privately (you'd have to contact me on Twitter since I don't monitor the e-mail address listed on this forum account, and I have no way of editing the address listed...). Otherwise I suggest not discussing the topic of censorship publicly any further. You're just going to inflame tensions.

Hmm, not really appreciating how my orders of Shiny Days have been handled thus far. I ordered two copies on April 23 (I think this was the day pre-orders launched) but have yet to receive my order while it seems some lucky folks here did last week. I suppose that pre-order timeframes are not actually considered in regards to what gets shipped when? It feels a bit unfair regardless of the business realities going on behind the scenes.

This does cause me to worry about the status of the bonus keychains, given that someone else in this thread didn't get one despite ordering early enough. J-list staff did respond to an inquiry stating at least that they've sent a message to the shipping department about keychains -- but are there any left to begin with? Why did the commenter here not get one then?

Yes, I could start playing the digital version of Shiny Days, but I'm also a huge fan of owning physical goods (and also would want to see some bugs resolved first). Is anyone else on here still waiting for their order to ship as well?

Last I checked there were enough cellphone straps to go around for those who pre-ordered. The J-List site is still incomplete, and their order system is a mess. I really hope they didn't botch this release any further by failing to process LE orders with limited supplies in chronological order.

Wahoo, it’s here, it’s finally here!!! Getting ready for the big opening, hoping to get Sekai for my key chain.

Meh, not too bad I guess, Didn’t get Sekai, got Inori instead, at least it was Yamagata or Kokoro. Still pretty happy the physical copy is in my hands at least.

Thanks for the updates Peter and Tim, looking forward to the bug fixes and anonymous restoration patch.

"so if I’m blocked here or not"
One can only hope, I’m tired of your blah, blah, whine, whine, whine.

@ayy nigger
"This rant was unnecessary"
Your right about that, not much else though.
"Now I’ll just sit quietly"
That would be awesome.

Oh, come on, Arrakis, where’s your sense of adventure? This is only a 6-month-old, 73-page long thread with nearly 1,100 comments. Isn’t it about time we all stopped standing on convention and started saying what we really feel? Isn’t it high time we stopped being shy and repressing our emotions? But we need a conversation starter. I know! Let’s talk about cens…


Or how about the definition of child p…


You know what, screw that, let’s talk about keychains. I love me a good keychain. Or kickass games. Yeah!

Come on, Arrakis is right! so what if the game was supposed to release 4 months ago? so what if there is a crash bug in full mode something you cant miss you you QA the game? so what if there are unreachable endings? so what if the restoration patch isnt out? you should be happy that JAST even let you but the game! hell, when i’m going to a restaurant and get cold and old food? you think i complain? no! i man up and eat! its been what? 18 days till release and its not fixed? that nothing! stop whine and be happy!

Being serious, I recognize that this wasn’t a perfect release. There are certainly some fair criticisms to go around (particularly regarding the bugs), and I hope and trust JAST is keeping an ear open to some of the more constructive suggestions being made. Still, we’ve argued the details surrounding the philosophy and execution of Shiny Days’ release details into the ground by now, yeah? I may only speaking for myself, but I don’t get any enjoyment out of a constantly-contentious discussion atmosphere. I hope we can spend the next 73 pages of this doo-dad talking about walkthroughs and impressions of the game itself. I’m encouraged to be seeing more of that already.

@Lidor: The only sense in which the game “was supposed to be released 4 months ago” was that JAST accidentally posted the game’s release date as within a few days of its announcement. C’mon, man… You’re hangry. Go eat your cold, old food (or a Twix).

@Jack Sprat. i like that its the only thing you took from the comment

lets forget the crashes, unreachable endings, no restoration patch and the game released 18 days ago and still unplayable mess…

whats important is the comment about the release date! you and Arrakis get fucked in the ass by Tim and thanks him for that. some of us think its unacceptable that its 18 days and its still unplayable. but maybe we are weird to expect working product when we spend money on it

Tim is just a messenger... he helped test the game and he's handling most of the responses to complaints. I'm sure he's no happier that this release went foul than anyone else.

This game set a high QA bar and JAST failed to reach it. In addition, the J-List site renewal further pulled away resources from a release that desperately needed more attention and manpower. On top of that, this game required even more additional attention than usual due to the censorship / restoration issue.

The end result of this is that JAST has a lot of angry customers and not many people are talking about the game itself (due to people holding off to wait for the bug fixes and restoration patch), which means sales are going to suffer. Fuwanovel even recommended at launch that people don't buy the game due to the bugs. That's pretty harsh given the site's goal of promoting VNs. I think it's abundantly clear to everyone involved that the release has been completely borked. That point doesn't really need to be belabored...

JAST has promised general bug fixes AND a restoration patch. That's about as much as we can expect from them at this point. What I WOULD like is a list of reported issues together with JAST's estimate as to whether each can be fixed and how long a fix will take. That might help reassure the people who are sitting on a game they can't / won't play with a credit card bill coming up.

@lidor nachman the delays were not all* the fault off jast, at least 1 of them were waiting on files from overflow. also i dont feel the delays were necessarily hard to endure, personally i have a harder time with the lack of communication we got as of why and what was/is happening. i feel everybody would have felt better about this whole thing if information was more readily available. i know i felt better after the bombshell peter dropped a few pages ago.

@swift talon you should read all the post i wrote page ago. Jack Sprat chose only to comment about what i said about the release date i totally agree the communication sucks. 18 days and the game still a broken mess!