Official Post about Shiny Days

@lidor nachman i have read them, i just chose what i want to respond to carefully because the last thing jast needs is a lower morale at this point, that being said i think jast sets release dates to optimistically in an effort to please fans, i feel the game would be in a better state if they took a little more time to release it, but what am i saying i was itching for it months ago, but now that it is technically out i still have not played more than to help others get their game going because of lack of patches.

also im curios if the game was released next week how many of you would be as angry as they are now? assuming some of the bugs were fixed of course. i think jast has been trying a bit to hard to push titles out faster and could spend a bit more time before moving on to the next title.

@swift talon people angry also because the game delayed couple of times in the day it was supposed to release and its still really buggy. if they said they found game breaking bugs and the game must delayed i dont think we will be mad because no one broken product. but after all the delays you expect it to work. i dont thing its too much to ask...

its really weird they couldnt found the game crashing bug at the OPENING if the game in full screen.

i have unplayable product for 18 days now. if i was them i would made apology post and compensate us somehow.

and i dont care about their morale. i need a fixed product they are not my friend that just want to help me

@lidor nachman you have the right to be angry, however they are working on the bugs you mentioned, and if they found them before the disks were printed we wouldent have the game yet. also (i feel) the reason it was released so soon is because of the pressure we put on them to release it and not delay it again

@everybody i am quite irritated with all the posts that assume that they are not working on the patches, or think that patches come overnight like AAA games, when in reality jast is a small company and takes longer and are working with an engine that is known for bugs. in the end all we can do is wait because they are likely doing everything they can, its just not enough for most of us it seems

@nuka cola

I don't think kokoro gets an exclusive ending, I think the Katsura family ending is her happy ending pretty much (unless there is one that i forgot about,, the other ending is pretty negative I think.)

@ayy you make a lot of assumptions made with no solid evidence, which makes it hard to have a rational discussion for topics like this, and hard to make a response that is not full of nitpicking about why a lot of the points are only speculation.

The reason I quip at the 2am comment is that this is a forum, not IRC or a live chat, I come on here at work on or my free time and reply to everyone that I can, i'm not here for a live chat. It's a forum and not live tech support. If you need that sort of attention, you can start a ticket, and maybe get a reply from someone who is free to reply at a different time of day.

@sanahtlig I know the argument is nearly pointless, although to be fair I respond because there are a lot of opinions offered as facts and I don't want to leave that as is. A lot of valid points but a lot of "where are you getting this from". I believe an email went out to your other email recently that you may want to look at. If you'd like to say anything to me in private, you have my email.

@Marcus E AFAIK the orders should have gone out in order of how they came in, (unless there was a payment error, or if the order was misqueued. The commenter here probably didn't get one because of a mess-up during packing.

If your orders have not shipped yet, you should start a ticket so we can look into what happened with the order. (I checked your registered email and I can't find your order which is a little troubling).

@Iidor nachman crash bug in full mode? and unreachable endings? can you please elaborate? because those 2 things are not on my to do list, and if there are endings that have disappeared or a bug that causes full screen crashing (instead of the general instability which is likely drivers related) I'd like to know.

@Jack Sprat: Twix are awesome, but cold twix not so much imo. Also, check your email.

@swift talon: driver compatibility was an unexpected turn of events, although with this engine it can't really be helped (it was actually a problem for us when we were recoding a lot of the videos, lot's of crashes which also slowed things down) and the manami bug being missed may have been my fault because i just played through story lines to check flags and endings paths. I made about 15 saves total and they all loaded when i finished the game. so given that was a "dead" ending and I wasn't trying to fill the node when i played it, i probably restarted the game/loaded a save, to quickly to have the game corrupt the global flag.dat .

Bug fixes: the problem for the Manami bug seems to be running deeper than I first expected, right now we have a workaround but not a proper fix. We're waiting on the developer to take a look at it and see if they can figure out a good solution.

Restoration patch elaboration: If the restoration patch were to be released with the current bugs not fully fixed, there would likely be more problems that we'd have to sort of out between the patched and unpatched users.

Updates: In can star posting bug status to the dev log too but generally it has been "found bug, waiting for developer.. testing fix, half works waiting for developer" which is what I have been posting as updates. on the dev log. I'll add it to the game status list tomorrow after a little formatting.

Did you mean you have the restoration patch but won’t release because the bug (Manami bug etc.)? If you already have the patch I think you should release it. I think found new bug earlier so you can fix it faster better than present bug fixed then apply restoration patch and found new bug result to more waiting. Manami bug only effect one ending I don’t think restoration can cause more bug. Maybe restoration patch can fix Manami bug who know.

If the patch already finish you should release it may be add “use at your own risk” so who want to risk can use it who want to wait can wait.


Yeah, because we all care about a self-entitled prick and what he thinks.
If you want to shift the discussion, that's totally fine, and I can understand everyone who is tired of this aspect of the discussion, especially my rants.
But I don't care - if nothing has been addressed, if Jast has been doing just what happened here for years, if so many people are dropping out because of various reasons, aside from the censorship of a single title, then yes, I want a publisher to communicate with me, and not hear shabby excuses telling me that they were aiming for something better, but it ''simply not working out'' and other shenanigans.

I'm as much sick of this conversation as well.
But Arrakis, you didn't even follow this and even said that you don't weight into such discussions usually.
If that's the case, shut the f*** up and let people complain about things that they deem to be of utter importance.
I for one don't want to see the place being overun by censorship dipshits and white knights.
While ayy nigger, for example, reacted similar as I did, he does raise valid points.
We don't have to be grateful just because a publisher of Visual Novels exists that doesn't deliver.

That's all I have to say.

Whatever assumptions i've made Tim you're free to debunk if you wish.

All I wanted was updates, don't care what time of the day its put up, and finally after writing essays on here you guys are delivering those updates and confirmations about the restoration patch so i'm good now thanks fam.

CP law situation in Germany:

Section 11 (2):
German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch – StGB)
Important to understand definition of “writings”.

Section 184b (1) 1. a)
Section 184c (1) 1. a)
§ 184b StGB - Verbreitung, Erwerb und Besitz... -
§ 184c StGB - Verbreitung, Erwerb und Besitz... -
Sadly German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch – StGB) is missing the important parts of CP definitions, therefore you have to deal with machine translation.


Distribution, acquisition and possession of lolicon content of below 14 years is punished with 3 months to 5 years of prison and distribution, acquisition and possession of lolicon content between 14 and 17 is punished with up to 3 years of prison or a fine.

Anyone claiming something different is unable to read the German StGB in section 11 and 184 b-c.

More comment:

Of course I have never heard of someone actually being imprisoned for “possessing” lolicon, but that is not because it legal, but because no customs or police officer bothered to fill a complaint, because they are aware that they’d be following a “victimless” crime.

This is just the context for Germany, but we know there are more countries to have similar pitfalls in their law, because no-one cares about CP laws being too strict.

Bottom line:

Therefore let the sleeping dogs lie and go the save way:

No official lolicon content in the games is more safe for all parties involved.

@Markus S.

Don't make me laugh.


This is the article without machine translation.
It explicitly refers to actual CP, NOT drawings or any other forms of depiction whatsoever.
That is, because drawings aren't children, and heck, not even human beings.
I've checked more than enough times if I'm free to import these kinds of games, or not; it is legal in Germany.
I'm a native speaker of the language, I believe I have a better understanding of the situation than you with your machine translation.
As long as lolicon-themed games don't follow a realistic scenario, one is free to import such things.
Does anime stuff in general look even remotely like an actual human?
Are situations present in anime comparable to life as it is?

Not even remotely.
Don't spread misinformation, when you don't have an understanding of the situation.
It's futile to try explaining this anyways, as it is a grey area for too many countries with different definitions of CP.
According to fictional loli stuff, this is perfectly fine, as nothing pertaining ''artistic depiction'' or anything similar has been mentioned.
Therefore, lolicon as a genre does not violate German laws.
Not even sure why this is being posted in the Shiny Days thread... it's one country, all countries would have to be addressed in order to prove that Shiny Days could have been distributed uncensored.
I fail to see how this tidbit of information serves any use here.

To add to my previous comment:

If you are already reciting parts of the StGB, do it properly.

''Distribution, acquisition and possession of lolicon content of below 14 years is punished with 3 months to 5 years of prison and distribution, acquisition and possession of lolicon content between 14 and 17 is punished with up to 3 years of prison or a fine.''

It nowhere says ''lolicon''.
The law itself is referring to actual children, NOT depictions of any.

But that happens, when you use machine translation and don't know about how the language works.

I ain't even mad, I am having plenty of fun fapping to Setsuna and Karen. You guys all need to chill and rub one out. Patches will eventually come. There is plenty of free porn on the Internet to keep everyone in-check till then.

Anyways, I got my physical copy today! Thanks JAST!

I got a Sekai keychain....


Or at least I think I did. Anyone wanna trade for a Kokoro? PLZ. D: I love my delicious flat chest.

Germany investigates Second Life child pornography

I looked into it, and it appears that Germany outlaws realistic virtual child pornography. Lolicon would not qualify.

As for the international landscape, I direct curious users here.

Wikipedia: Legal status of cartoon pornography depicting minors (by country)


"Yeah, because we all care about a self-entitled prick and what he thinks"
"shut the f*** up and let people complain about things that they deem to be of utter importance"
"overun by censorship dipshits and white knights"

Ok, so you want to run your mouth off and have everybody listen. But you don't want to hear from anyone who thinks differently to you, look in a mirror the "self-entitled prick" is right there.


@milkmandan: You lucky bastard, I really wanted Sekai, sadly I got Inori, else I would trade.

I wanted the Katou keychain and I got Katou..


...But not the Katou I wanted though haha, its good though, maybe i'll end up liking her better than her older sister when I play.

Anyone want to trade though hit me up and we can work something out haha.

Physical edition is nice, all printed materials look great, liked the interview, he made it seem like he might have projects in the future.

I wouldn't hold my breath for a new Days game after Island Days but there's still some hope it seems.

i got sekai the keychain and would like to trade for either of the katou sisters, kokoro or setsuna. but im not to confident in my shipping skills, i would be willing to look into it though


I do not have the restoration patch, i don't even think one exists. But I know replacing certain files with the original Japanese files can restore scenes (as others on this forum have also tried out) but at the same time break other things in the game. Restoration will not fix the manami bug I'll explain the problem with that in a sec.


I know you may not mind, but there is no point making this thread longer with more who said what. I'm putting bug updates in with the game progress page on the dev log, significant developments will be posted there, and as always I'll be posting here with more specific details if people have ideas to contribute.

Compared to School Days (where Karen doesn't really have a route) I think both of the sisters have equal appeal. Otome got nerfed in my opinion but it's an alternate universe¬Ö


express your opinions all you like, disagree if you will, but don't start making unnecessary drama through personal attacks.

About the Manami bug:

The Manami ending (with the bj) and the Twins ending (with futaba and kazuha) run parallel (one event flag separates the 2). Looking at the original game, there is some sort of missing material (stack does not have it apparently) which was supposed to direct the Manami scene to different ending title (now deleted/cancelled - the files do not exist-) that ending gets redirected to the Twins ending credit instead.

This is why when you get the scene with Manami, the ending credits direct to the seduced by twins end credit.

The ini.gpk keeps track of ending scenes and seems to have had a problem with this difference so then it would crash the game because the Manami node wasn't really real? (I'm assuming if you get the actual twins ending it might not crash the game?) so right now I think it is set to ignore the Manami ending for now till we figure out if there is a good fix for it. probably we have to rebuild an ending for that scene so that it splits off properly. the Dev is looking at it right now and we're waiting for a reply.

We also have a few minor script fixes we'd like to roll in. How this affects the making of a restore patch is that if the restore patch is made based on our current version, it would probably not work on our future versions (with bug fixes) because of a few files that overlap. There is a chance that a restore patch run on a fixed version of shiny would restore all the crashing points (this is based on the assumption that the script files, movie files and route management files need to be changed to bring back the scenes that were shortened or cut.)

What do you mean Otome got nerfed without being too spoilerific?

I actually decided to do a quick check and it seems

SPOILER she only has one ending again and this time its shared. SPOILER

I'm glad overflow is out of the vn business, what an injustice to the best girl yet again!
lol just kidding, still sucks though if true.

@tim Hi Tim, thank you for your reply. The email registered here is not the same email which I used to order the copies of Shiny Days, so that's why it isn't showing up. A ticket was sent from the associated email though and I just received a shipping notification today, thankfully.

@Ayy: She had a stronger character in School Days, and a few of the traits that I liked about her got passed off to Karen in a way (though arguably depending on your type you might like the new Otome more). Yeah, her ending is shared, but the after ending shot is pretty gold.

@Marcus E: Okay cool, I was worried for a sec because with the new ordering system, there have been a few glitches where orders get lost in the matrix and have to be remade, I didn't want to have one that gets caught too late. esp when limited goods are in the mix.