Official Post about Shiny Days

@Peter: I'm currently writing up a rather long blog post on this issue. That post quotes your "99.9% official" comment, which you appear to have deleted in a fit of rationality. If you don't want that quoted and shown to the larger VN community, you have maybe a few hours to get in touch with me before I post it. I would say contact me here, but the lack of private messaging makes that a bit difficult (one more strike against this BBS :P), so you'd have to settle for contacting me on Mangagamer (Dark_Shiki) or Fuwanovel's forums (sanahtlig) instead.

I only quoted the factual part, not the "I'm really exasperated" part.

While I can understand the issues the content in question would cause, I am still slightly confused. It sounds like the aforementioned scenes are only removed from the physical copies. Is that the case, or is the downloaded version also getting content removed?


@Dark_Shiki were will you post this i would love to read it ?

@Morgan, "our shipping version" means any version we sell directly, physical or download.

Shiki blog on


"Why not get a plant? plantairpurifier"

Or why not sell Japanese study products and ask fans to learn Japanese? Actually, we already do that, for fans who are so inclined...

@Peter Payne

I never knew learning Japanese can purify the air.

If we all knew Japanese we wouldn't have much of a business selling air purifiers. :P

made an account just to say, these guys are really going over the top on the "censor announcement". even after hearing that it will be like the censor was never there. i just wanted to let you know peter, that i will be ordering a physical copy and thank you for all the hard work and games you have released and will be releasing in the future. i don't mind if you have to omit some content and "patches mysteriously" make there way into the internet, if it means i get the content in full in the end. I want to say these are all just kids who want there immediate satisfaction, but then they shouldn't be buying this kind of stuff lol.

on a side note, hello murderous int. small world.

oh and, i will be placing my starless order this weekend, i didn't have a chance to go to the bank and deposit my paycheck yet.


Hey bro welcome to the forum. Where do you know me from? I'm having a bit of trouble remembering unless your using another pseudonym here.

@Peter: I haven't seen any private messages at Mangagamer (username: Dark_Shiki) or Fuwanovel (username: sanahtlig).

"@Dark_Shiki were will you post this i would love to read it ?"

I'll be posting on Fuwazette, Fuwanovel's main blog. Sanahtlig's Corner is my personal blog for messages of a low-impact or personal nature. I'll link the post in this thread when it's finished. It might take a bit since the editor is probably asleep right now.

that's right, i go by returnofbeans on hongfire. i use dartred on ulmf lol.

Hey, hey small world indeed. Glad you can throw down your thoughts here and are finally picking up Starless, you've posted a fair bit on the Empress/Lilith threads on HF.

One last thing. I’ve thought it over some, and I feel like I was too harsh on you guys. As long as a patch (hopefully without mosaics and hopefully quickly) comes out, I’ll be happy. If that’s the case, I definitely apologize. If it doesn’t, then I’ll be mad. Either way, I am holding onto my stance of waiting until a patch comes out. I hope to be able to buy Shiny Days.

Oh, and I’m fine with troublesome releases getting released this way if this works out well and hope you’ll rethink your stance on troublesome releases. If a patch doesn’t appear at all or takes a incredibly long time to appear or something, then my previous comment about focusing on uncut releases still applies.

I'm considering buying this game despite not really caring for school days just to support the industry and spite the people overreacting about this issue. I'd much rather they take the route of being safe than sorry as far as this issue is concerned. It's not like an entire route is missing just some scenes of questionable (in the eyes of the various laws) content. I'm accepting of this people really just need to give it up...many of these people are hypocrites who will pirate the game and play it eventually anyway censored/cut or not.

@ kyrt

Speak for yourself.
People that are registered in this forum are likely people that will pay - because, if they could simply pirate the game they desire, why would they even bother signing in here?
What you think isn't important here; the vast majority here is clearly piqued about this, rightfully.
You are by far in no position to tell others what they would most likely do, and what they wouldn't.
If anything, they want the best outcome here, and that's releasing the game uncensored.
It's not like you know what exactly has been cut.

Calling others hypocrites while acting like a smuggy little brat yourself... great. >_>


people like you are the problem

I myself will buy the game in the Hopes that there will be a fan Patch to re add the missing content

I been waiting since SumerDays for this people like this series because is awesome i enjoy everything about it the even the fuck up murders and horrible shit that happens is part of the experience.

Blog post is up.

Why I endorse JAST's censorship of Shiny Days

I dare you not to click it.


In the case of similar projects in the future, is there a possibility of distributing staff over projects so they don't have to work on content that is not in accordance to their local laws? Or is the company lacking enough employees for this? It may be an obvious answer. But to be honest, I don't have a clue how big/small your company is. Or is it nog feasible for other reasons?

That's a possibility we've talked about. We'll investigate the possibility of changing where our company is located so we can to reduce liability. There are a few US states that have very favorable freedom of speech laws. After such a move content restoration patches would become easier to distribute.

Child porn laws aren't even a valid excuse for why this was censored, unless saya no uta and little witch were censored without our knowledge.