Official Post about Shiny Days

Mine turned up today as expected. Presented very nicely and love the artbook. Not keen on the idea of it advertising “Uncensored Adult Content” on the back but perfect other than that.

I also got a Kokoro Keychain, Would of prefered Setsuna but i’ll settle for that :smiley:

i bought rightstuf sadly no keychain oh well i love the book and mouse pad ,i gonna install now after i finishing typing this

Guy's just to make you aware in case this happens to anyone, but your antivirus might delete your ini.gkp from your pack file if it deems it to be a Trojan virus like Norton did for me today, from which you will get this error. I restored it after looking at my history and seeing what Norton did bloody idiot program.


Not sure why my antivirus did this now when it had no problem with it for weeks, but I'm going to look at it just to make sure it doesn't do it again. But be aware of your antivirus doing this to you. If your pack been edited and you can't remember then something might be wrong.

the save game not working how i fix it

@oliver simpson
Already mentioned in the blog in the link provided.

@james j alter
Probably the manami bug. Details for the fix is also in the blog.

@James j alter It's the permissions problem, replied to your ticket, posting here for redundancy: set your shortcut to run as admin.

@mike rogers the uniform switching is a bug, we're working on that along with the replay and ending bugs.

installed that still wont save so ,gonna try put in diffrent harddrive pull from programs file i did everything i got to full screen now fix the save bug ,then i can play and save it ,but as right now i can’t save no mater what i do


Lady Luck did not bless me, but well none of them were really ugly so even one of the less liked characters has found her way at place it belongs by it's name. :) So in the end all went well.

Ironic situation on delivery: It came as "posting" / "registered letter" (in German: "Einwurf-Einschreiben", meant to be thrown into the mailbox without contact with the recipient), but the delivery guy failed to inserted it into my (physical) mailbox and had to ring the bell and hand me the package personally anyway... obviously the package did not fit into my mailbox... guess the USPS and Deutsche Post do not "translate" their post services very reliable. :D Though I kind of wonder how many urban Americans actually have a traditional American mailbox in which this package probably fits exactly.

Well I am happy with the fact I did not have to pick it up at customs. In the end everything went well... everything? No, not everything... still waiting for some certain patches. ;)

has anybody know or gotten the game to run in a custom resolution like 1920 x 1080? I assume the same can be done with School Days HQ aswell.

Here's how i have my CE'S set up lol! Hoping for a cross days next! JAST! Please make it happen!


@Marcus S : I know in Canada, if you are using a shared "supermailbox" (as most people in suburbs use) and get a package like that, you'll get a key in your mail box that opens a bigger compartment in the bottom that is big enough for a soccerball....

Like in this photo:

@Tim You said there a Kokoro ending right? The walkthrough here don't have any Kokoro ending

I tried to blind playthrough several time but it always end with either Makoto rape Kokoro or lead to Setsuna/bad ending. I think I should wait for restoration patch if I want Kokoro...But I want play it now, so any can provider any tips help me get Kokoro ending it will be very helpful. sorry for my bad english.


Kokoro Endings off the top of my head - the Katsura Family ending (Sleep with the entire Katsura family project) and The Classroom ending-> bad end with angry Kotonoha (Reign of Carnage)So if you can find guides for these endings.

I don't have time right now to look up how to get the endings atm. Maybe later next week.

The new patch we have is still buggy...has the fixes from Japanese ver 1.0d but a few things still don't work properly.

I think we're close, so hopefully the dev can figure it out soon.

"The new patch we have is still buggy...has the fixes from Japanese ver 1.0d but a few things still don't work properly."

Wait, JAST's initial release didn't incorporate Japanese version 1.0d to begin with? What the hell? In-game the game version is 1.0d, so I assumed JAST was using the latest build.

If those fixes haven't been applied, then good game--no wonder the Japanese guides aren't working for the English version. Will these fixes break all the English guides that people have been working on? This was something that really frustrated me with Cross Days, since the scenario route map was patched there also.

Some of the fixes were not added in, for what reason I don't know.

The routemap is the same as the Japanese one (I used the Japanese one to test the build)

The fixes right now do not affect the way the scenario route is structured (Except for the addition of an ending title to separate the Manami ending from the twins ending)

bugs fixed in the latest test patch:

Manami doesn't crash, and gives proper splash screen.

route node seems to work

scene replay doesn't crash anymore ( a few scenes caused problems)

Bugs we're working on:

FS sound option buttons display strangely

replay play data acts strangely

errors with the skip button that may or may not be engine related

Some other suggested fixes:

  1. Set the default save directory to the User folder (My Documents or Appdata, take your pick). †For existing installations, copy the savedata to this directory. †Alternatively, set the default installation directory to be outside of Program Files. †Either of these fixes will prevent users from encountering the save permissions bug which is still perplexing people. †Both of these fixes should be EASY to implement, therefore there's no reason not to.
  2. Bundle .NET Framework 3.5 with the installer, or warn XP users that they need to install it inside the installer and link to where to get it.
  3. Detect corrupt registry entry and modify as necessary to prevent the conflict with the Japanese version. †Warn users that this may break their Japanese installation. †This should be an easy fix, yet it's probably rarely encountered so maybe lower priority?
  4. Fix the costume bug (low priority).
  5. Add a readme including the updated JAST troubleshooting guide with the patch for problems that can't be directly fixed. †Make this open by default after the patch installs. †Make it as noticeable as possible (include some all caps) so people actually read it. †Also link to the troubleshooting guide since there could be further updates.

The software from my company fetches the latest patch notes via XML feed (xss/atom) from our forum (planing to switch to Mantis tracker for that purpose) and allows to display text in the software that was published after the release of the binary.

So instead of adding the trouble shooting guide to the patch statically, how about displaying the current trouble shooting website inside a HTML/browser control and only display the binary included version, if fetching the site online failed (because the patch was installed offline for example)? Just an actually used idea from the software industry overseas (from the perspective of not being on Eurasia). :wink:

That sounds like a good general practice but maybe too complicated for a patch that needs to be ready sooner rather than later. That could be considered as a general pipeline upgrade for future releases though. But hopefully future releases won't need troubleshooting guides...?

On that note, it's been said before with Starless's release and it should be said again: if JAST can't adequately playtest games themselves, they should recruit volunteer testers from the fanbase. Many would likely be happy to play games before release and provide feedback with only a free copy as compensation. MangaGamer has been doing this for a while and it's worked well for them. Better to have a small group of willing beta testers slog through bugs than your general audience. In addition, some fans are probably better qualified and more motivated to do this testing than your paid staff.

Anyone willing to trade keychains? Looking for either Sekai or Otome. Word.