Official Post about Shiny Days

I have also issuse with the Kokoro routes.
I can’t get the “???” and the “??” ending. They are listed in the saiga Walkthrough, but i can’t reach them. I tried several things to make sure i take the right choices, but no way to get them. In the japanese version the walkthrough worked well.

Can someone confirm that they are not reachable? Because of Kokoro censorship?

Walkthrough link:

Sigh, almost 6 weeks after release and there's still no general bugfix patch or restoration patch. Kind of a letdown. At least once a week I think, "Jee, it'd be nice if the game I paid for X weeks ago was ready to play now."

At this point I'm not even sure if I'll make more than passing mention of the game when the patches are actually out. I spent hours updating my original post about the censorship, but it's not really relevant anymore. Might just post a short news blurb and maybe a review later after I've finished it. Maybe. If I still care at that point.

Seems like there's a lot to be disappointed about in the English eroge scene as of late: JAST's botched release of Shiny Days, MangaGamer's rejection of fan promotion efforts, Debonosu's facepalm-inducing all-ages release of defeat rape RPG Kagura Douchuuki with horrific Engrish marketing, and Sekai Project's embrace of forum censorship. AGE's success with the MuvLuv Kickstarter (thus bringing us closer to an official Kimi ga Nozomu Eien release) is about the only truly good news as of late. MiKandi's upcoming Kickstarter shows some promise, but it's quite doubtful they'll reach their initial funding target, and thus the project probably won't go anywhere.


Considering I don't know a month after the release and the PV linked on this site still has no subs I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

@santig post 2

I think kind of letdown is an understatement. They released a butchered broken game. I mean in someways I commend JAST because large games like this are quite the undertaking and I'm glad someone is doing them instead of shitty 2-3 hour nukieges like Mangamer does most of the time.

On the other hand the game is still a butchered broken mess. Just because I want a professional localization company to do games like this doesn't mean they do it well.

For me anyways the most frustrating part has been the butchering of the content because it wasn't released day one and I've since beat the game and got all the endings I don't want to replay them to get the experience as the author intended but I also have no idea how much was cut. I can work around the bugs but it's impossible to work around content that is not there. I probably won't bother with it at all which makes me kind of angry.

@sanahtlig Thanks for letting me find out about the Libra of the Vampire Princess Prefunda xD you just added 1 more backer.

I'm looking into a bug that might be a missing flag or a mis-redirect in the routemap.

Currently we have that, the uniform swaps, reencoding the new ending to use for the manami ending, the ending node check left to fix and test.

after that is correct then a restore patch that doesnt re-break the game can be made.

So what are the chances the game is done in time for christmas?

lol are we going to get a patch as a christmas gift?

Or maybe in time for summer 2016?

Smh the game shouldn't have been released in september if in november its not even done being worked on tbh fam, and its not like its small shit that's being fixed too, i'm not one of those people who like to play a game unfinished or unpolished or watch a movie bootlegged or on tv with scenes cut and commercials.

I feel swindled tbh I would have been better off just waiting until they actually finished the game instead of paying early for a beta release.

This is literally fan translation group tier shit with how slow they work.

Well JAST is not getting my money again, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and you already know.

Overflow is probably barely viable at this point. It's kind of a wonder they're willing to help with the game at all. They could've just told JAST "Sorry, you'll have to deal with it yourself, we're busy with our day jobs. Here's the source code. Have fun." JAST can't fix problems like this in a timely manner unless they have programming staff like Doddler. And with a game like Shiny Days, even that probably wouldn't be enough. They're literally at Overflow's mercy here.

But yeah, it was obviously released prematurely. Should've had fans beta test the game. Like a real beta test, not the "surprise, you paid full price to beta test" sort.

Even once the patches are released, I'm not sure the situation is salvageable. Any enthusiasm for the game has long dried up. The game isn't really being talked about anywhere other than here--even the VNDB forums are dead, which is unusual. Sales opportunities were missed. You can't unbotch a botched release. All you can do is try to appease existing customers so they'll buy future releases. Sadly Shiny Days will probably sell significantly fewer copies than it should've.

Jast cut Kokoro but Kyomi still in the game. This is funny. Jast want to cut loli content but they didn’t know how much loli content they have.

i stop t playing the game around launch still waiting for the patch to get here

While I have full understanding how hard it can be to complete many tasks in development “soon” especially while being reliant on a 3rd party which deal could have been finished at the moment of the release of this game, so we are kind of in a lucky situation Jast is getting support from them.

However this means for us customers we are waiting pretty long to play “the rest” of the game and I’d really like to see a bit more stability… so I will be waiting. More and more frustrated and disappointed the longer I have to wait, but ultimately waiting is the only option for us. So I while I usually just frown when people are bitching about it, I just wanted to remind that I am still part of the waiting party and while I have a level of understanding (being a software developer myself), I can’t ignore my personal frustration which is obviously there, regardless of the way I express it or keep it for myself.

astranabeat, i just read theres a scene of kyomi, doesnt specify which route it is, would you mind telling me for research purposes

Sorry I can’t recall the ending title but this scene was in Kotonoha route ( lower path) that end in chapter 3.
you can also use walkthrough from otaku lair .

Lel, you guys are “re-encoding” now. In what state was the original Japanese version released in?

Not that I’m complaining, I’ve covered just about every route I can muster the time for.

I’m waiting for the minami route, but could care less about kokoro.

It’s been a week or so since any info was given, wonder how things are going… :o this how i check how they going

Unfortunately the link led me to a page on vndb that says what I’m trying to view doesn’t exist. Thanks for the site link anyways though. ^^

thats weired i copyed from page to

Shiny Days | vndb

try this one

Actually the last update has been 5 days ago (on JAST DevLog), so calling it a week is a little bit unfair. However I'll always welcome newer updates on the progress even if it's "still testing", because even that's a progress. :D

They update the Devlog.

Last update was last monday, they're testing the patch.

Still waiting for the patch and that slut kokoro