Official Post about Shiny Days


Just so everyone knows what I'm replying to I'll quote sanahtlig's post at fuwanovel which he linked to (under "Latest patch gossip") in his last post.

"Ipoked around and it looks like Overflow wasn't the only party holding the patchup. JAST appears to be relying on outside contractors to make thepatches--contractors whose first priority is not JAST releases. Thus making thepatch means coordinating between two third parties: Overflow and outsidecontractors, both of which JAST has limited control over. That's why thepatch(es) are taking so long. The only thing worse than relying on a thirdparty to get something done quickly is relying on TWO third parties, both ofwhich aren't getting paid for the extra work. Obviously they're going to dragtheir feet as much as possible because time is money and time spent working onpatches is time that could've been spent on higher priority projects (e.g.,Kickstarter projects, which report directly to backers and where speed directlyaffects their ability to get future projects funded)."

Now I don't mean to be overly skeptical but those are some big claims right there. I'm going to need a reference or confirmation regarding this information, at the very least a name and id for who supplied the information. Otherwise it's pretty much just unverified hearsay if you know what I mean. Furthermore posting a link to your own post (without a source) on another forum saying "Latest patch gossip" is kind of redundant.


Hope we'll hear some news from you soon about how the patches are coming along.

I posted it like that for a reason. ^^;

If you're looking for a source, you're not going to get one. That's why I called it "gossip".

Does it really matter who’s making the patch? Either way they are late.

Am I the only one who feels the mom’s routes were kinda like filler routes. They fall for Makoto too fast and too effortlessly that it feels out of place. I wish Overflow would come back and make a game dedicated to all the mothers so we could see more of a relationship and actually try to get them to fall for Makoto. Knowing the moms that game would sell really well of you ask me

The mom are actually heroines from Overflow previous games, Radish Vacation!! series, they already got their time to shine explaining why they don’t hog the spotlight


Yeah also i'm kinda disappointed (to be crude) with the H scenes and sexual positions... they're not really diverse and almost all look the same, whatever girl it is. I've still not seen 100% yet, more like 75%, so i hope i'm wrong about that. Right now I feel like School Days was a lot better in that aspect, there were a lot of different stuff.

To that i'll add i'm a little frustrated about the routes, i felt like none of Setsuna (I think i saw them all) was really satisfying, even the "good" ones. Makoto always end up doing something real bad or totally dumb (like confessing to Kotonoha just before a "happy end" when i was 100% into Setsuna, wtf was that ?). Poor Setsuna, I just wanted them to live at least ONE happy story without being a total jerk, damn you Overflow. :'(

But the game is still enjoyable, must say i'm still having a good time trying to figure out how to get different ends.

Yeah I agree the lack of diversity does suck, I mean Makoto seems to know all but three positions the whole game. But hey if it works don’t fix it I guess. Like you said the game is still enjoyable beside that.

@Kamen ReaderThat’s true for mai and youko but isn’t this manami’s first game in which she a heroine. My real point is that the mom’s routes are so unbelievable I can’t bring myself to replay them, other than getting the different endings. I mean how can I get invested in youko’s route when it starts off with her forcing herself onto a stranger because she was told he liked her or mai and manami’s routes which is basically rape turned consent. Why add heroines in a game who’s only time the player actually picks what makoto says to them is right before the h scenes. I’m just saying I would like a game in which makoto can romance them when they are adults and mom’s to see their personalities and how they would act outside of just sex around makoto

The game doesn’t even care enough for those routes to talk about manami’s husband’s reaction to her cheating, pretty much turning her route into those generic hentai in which the wife cheats on her husband while he’s away on work, and never gives a full reason why youko or mai are so interested in him besides mai’s brief mentioning that he resembles shun, which is never brought up again. This is why Setsuna, who just so happens to be my favorite, had the best route. We were invested in their relationship and wanted them to be together. Hell even all the other girls at least had dialogue with makoto in different scenes other than the ones leading towards sex. I can’t even think of more than 2 times when makoto talked to just the mom when it didn’t involve sex, less than that when it came to us making a decision on what to say. So yeah I wish they had their own game in the Days series

I think overall the majority of JAST’s supporters have been pretty understanding and forgiving re: time delays and patching issues. However I feel we deserve updates more frequently. The lack of communication is pretty frustrating. We are coming up for three weeks since your last update again and it’s already December and probably over two months since JAST’s initial release if not more. This is starting to feel like a never ending story. Please give us, your supporters of your products and brand an update on where things are standing with the patching issues and an ETA if at all possible.

I wrote many angry things here but I decided just to upvote Arrakis's comment instead.

I’m fine with the wait. I’m sure they would give information as they receive it. As they have told us, the bug fixes are done by the devs in japan and we all know how they’re not the best at communications(cough cough konami cough). They are pretty much at their mercy while having to take up complaints from us. It’s a shitty situation for everyone.

well the last update on the patch (from the jast tumblr) was "Shiny Days -> Testing new patch, preparing roll-up patch" as of Dec 3rd. This feels like forever..

I'm following JAST's blog, but since it was an update to an existing post I didn't get a notice...

I guess that counts as a stealth update of progress.

At least they updated the "last updated" notice this time which makes it a little easier to notice a change. But for people trying to be "up to date" this is not an optimal solution. Maybe their blog needs two edit modes: correction (which obviously does not trigger follow up e-mails) and content update (which sends mails like for a new post). :D

Sorry for the lack of communication here, I've been jumping back and forth on a lot of different projects and in retrospect I should have formatted the dev log updates in actual log (history) format instead of update format (will switch that over slowly as I update diff games) once i get the perm links in place i can make and replace new update posts so that people who want notifications will get them.

As for Shiny Days, I had a failed beta 2 weeks ago - it was no good (bad programming), and got a new beta (4th) which seems to be doing okay so far (2/3 tests have been okay, one person is getting blocked out of an ending which I'm trying to determine if it is the patch or a problem with interactions with old files. I can release this beta for people who want the workaround sooner (attached, but it is still beta make sure to backup your files, and use at your own risk). Once this last piece of the patch is figured out we can create a bug patch to include all the fixes and then the restore patch can be made.

Sorry about all the problems, and delays.

You're going to have to explain what this file you posted actually fixes.

The files I posted before was missing some parts, deleted and reposted here.

it should include




Packs folder containing:




This should fix:

1. Minami ending titles (new ending title placeholder made, we're getting it re-encoded and "proper" version will be in the final.

2. route map nodes should be working (theres some random bug that sometimes shows the wrong percentage, still working on it but not top priority since the nodes work and will tell you what you have)

3. splash for after Minami ending should be fixed (from black screen)

4.bug misdirecting the side route for Kokoro bad end and 'Substitute' end should be fixed

(failed version had this going to "how many hours by train every time")

5. uniform swap in Inori line has been fixed.

6. Minor text mistakes.

Saving bug (caused by permissions) will not be fixed by these patches as they are part of the installer (which will be patched separately). Crash problems relating to engine anomalies and driver disagreements remain the same.

So has anyone tried this beta yet ? Kinda afraid to do it and break my game / save, or play in unreliable conditions and end up with messy things to be honest.

Anyway thanks for the update and the beta Tim, can see you're doing your best, i hope the real patch(es) will be out soon.

I have. So far no problems yet.