Official Post about Shiny Days

After deliberating on it, I've come to be more at ease with what is going on. Also after seeing Nicholas in a certain reddit thread talking about it, I'm coming to realize that JAST has an answer for those of us who want to remove the censorship.

While people saying they want the "whole" game on disc when it ships, I have long lost that want, especially as someone who plays many more mainstream games. Day 1 patches feel to be the norm now, and now any game I would buy would never be "complete" from the box, so I've abandoned that notion.

I honestly think a lot of people are being way too harsh on JAST, especially even before the "unofficial" patch has come out. If you are on the fence, don't pre-order, but I feel that if the patches do what we want, a lot of people may indeed buy the game.

"Also after seeing Nicholas in a certain reddit thread talking about it"



It may not be Nicholas, but it has Kurisu, so I'm calling it him.

"I promise we won't do something like this again. Because of fan sensitivity, we might walk away from a borderline game, but I swear I will try to never have to make content changes again."

Once these two games are out and people are able to observe the result, why not try polling the fanbase to see if they were satisfied with the result, and if they'd be in favor of future releases being handled the same way?

Well the vn market is pretty vast so it's not like you'll run out of content that is manageable.

@ Peter Payne:

I have more or less the same question as Dark_Shiki. Will you reconsider your stance if people calm down and if sales end up being good for Starless and/or Shiny Days? Or is your decision already set in stone? I feel bad about my role in this. I've calmed down and hope other people calm down too.

Games like Shiny Days are one of a kind. I'd have been extremely disappointed if the game was passed over because of the Kokoro scenes.

There's a total of 21 interactive movies, most of which are doubtless not very good according to Sturgeon's Law.;m=0;o=d;s=rating

Among interactive movies, Overflow's Day's series is unique due to the massively branching plot, intricate network of choices, and detailed semi-realistic setting with characters that aren't simply walking talking moe tropes.

Moreover, lest you think the gushing of some random fan isn't particularly noteworthy, School Days happened to be JAST's bestselling eroge in its day, and probably still is. The series is essentially a gateway product that can appeal to people who don't usually play VNs. That makes it very valuable as a marketing asset that can grow the VN customer base.

That's a long-winded way of saying that no, sacrificing licenses in the name of avoiding censorship is not harmless, and it can limit licensing choices in a most regrettable way. When a chance to license a title like Steins; Gate comes along and you pass over it for stupid reason X, that's a loss that hurts the entire market.

I've never actually played the Days series. Are they all pretty much sequels of each other, or just different characters and plots?

Shiny Days is an alternate universe prequel that takes place a few months before School Days, and shares the same setting and many of the same characters. Cross Days shares the same setting as School Days and occurs in the same timeframe with many of the same characters, but has a different protagonist. The setting is shared between all of them and each game builds upon it.


That's understandable, everyone has a life outside of the internet afterall.

Nope, I said that they ''could pirate'' a game, in theory, in the sense of them being able to do so, and not that they just know how to buy something.
If they have found their way too the forums, then they definitely know how to download such games for freem from some sites as well.
Heck, even I did that before even knowing what visual novels actually are, being like ''Wow, I want that animu game. :O''.
My first game that I played in this regard was Shuffle!, and heck, I enjoyed it.
By now, it has its place in my collection of physical VN's I've purchased over time. :)
My point was simply that people could in theory go and pirate a game, that they are able to do so, in theory, but that they refuse to do so, since they most likely want to push this genre in the west, to support it.
Their anger is justified about what happenes to Shiny Days now.
Aside from that, I doubt that you can tell for sure that ''people'' will play these games for sure then.
I mean, maybe so, but there is nothing that supports this statement, or do you have a demographic for that?
Why I was responding is because what you said is clashing with my own opinion about matters, and I'm giving my two cent here. People spout a lot of nonsense anyways, be it important, or not, so there is not really a reason as to why not joining in and tell what's on your mind as well.
Opinions differ, but just because some of them are extremely dumb (not necessarily referred to you, but a statement I make in general) doesn't mean that a person doesn't have the right to not reply.
And even then, ''right'', ''wrong'', ''important'', ''unimportant''... everything is a matter of subjective thinking, there is no clear definition. And even definitions themselves are simply that - something a person defined, so it's not absolute either.

Content not being uncensored and content being cut is more or less the same thing, the only thing differing being that if a release got censored initially to begin with, fans are less likely to bitch about it, since they would get the game atleast in a way it has been handled originally to begin with.
But yes, Kokoro's scenes being cut out are a dealbreaker to a lot of people here. Not just because of the character, but people fearing that censorship will become a common thing. Especially when a game has content that causes a lot of controversies in our society, they are disappointed and even angry even more because of feeling alienated, in a way, for their likings being cut, while other, more ''acceptable'' fetishes remain intact.
I know what has been cut in its core. But you don't know what exactly has been cut, right?
I'm referring to the actual material and question if these scenes were really as explicit as to justify cutting them out.
We know about scenes from specific characters being cut, but now as to how severe these scenes supposedly were.
I'm questioning this. I can understand that neither the customer nor the staff members can be put into legal risks for the sake of a game being localized uncensored, but throughout the conversation, it sounded like it was less of a legal debacle, but more of statt members boycotting the game on their own behalf, which it was, in the end.
As I said, the decision of censoring this title is understandable and it would be irresponsible to expect the staff members putting them into legal risks for that, but then again, if the nature of the game was known, why trying to localize it?
I don't care about the intentions, but a half-baked product is a no-go for me; I will probably buy it regardless of this incident though, since, as mentioned before, I'm a completionist and already have my copy of School Days now, so I want to further expand on that series.
But I'm still grasping on the straw of a ''full'' version with the all the cut scenes included to come out physically on a later date, even if it means having to wait several years.
I'm serious about this; I would happily but it twice if it comes down to that if that means that I get it uncensored with all content intact.
Here, take my money, but please release it already in that state at a point in the future! >_<
I'm pretty sure that people think similar about this, seeing as a lot of people here seem to be looking forward this title, some of them even knowing it is censored.
The question is just if they would buy for it twice as well, and I'm sure most people wouldn't...
Going digital is no option to me, and a simple uncensor patch is the least likable option to me; I'd prefer a title not being released in the first place, if one has to rely on that; it makes me feel mocked.
I will still hope for the best about Shiny Days getting a reprint at a point, completely uncensored and with all original content intact, in the future as well... I have to, right? >_>

Don't worry, we all have bad days, me included.
But no, I'm not ''blinded'', I just don't really care about the circumstances.
I'm not expecting people to bring it out if it means that they could get their asses sued for localizing a game, but I think that it definitely would have been possible to let people work on this that live in countries where this sort of thing isn't as big of an issue as in other countries.
Heck, I even know someone who has been working on translating visual novels that I could successfully recommend to a group of romhackers that are currently working on translating OreImo Tsuzuku for PSP, I wouldn't have mind ask him if he would have been interested in taking on Shiny Days as a side project.
If I mentioned that he would be getting paid for it, I guess he would have felt more inclined about lending a hand instead of it being a simple fan translation.
If I managed to get him into the latter, than the former shouldn't have been much of an issue anyways, assuming that he isn't too busy with real-life.
I agree with you that having an opinion is never wrong, but people should also expect others to disagree.
People are disagreeing about the cut content in Shiny Days and question the decisions that lead to the censorship of this title, understandably.
It's a slap in the face.
Release it in it's ''true nature'' with every aspect of the game present, or don't even bother localizing it; even now, that's my opinion.
I feel sorta bad for Peter having to endure with statements as I make them (in fact, I believe I'm even the only person here expressing myself so harsh, but oh well, whatever), but as you said - nothing wrong with opinions.
I will have to play the waiting game, but I'm anything but pleased.
I will try to support Shiny Days as good as I can and am willed to to maybe actually achieve my desired reprint in an uncensored state at a point in a few years, or so, but will this really be enough?
I'm the only person here that seems to just buy hardcopies, everone else seems to be fine with digital.
But what about me, and people, that prefer hardcopies over digital downloads as well?
I know that all we can do is play the waiting game here, but I don't like taking risks in general; if I buy Shiny Days, it feels like throwing out my money for something I don't really want, but it would encourage a reprint of the game that I want to see in a state I personally would be happy with.
Well, since I'm a completionist, I'm atleast to an extent satisfied with being able to add a copy of Shiny Days to my ''Days collection''... but I would always have in mind that I could in theory ''have it in a more complete state'', if you know what I mean.
Oh well... it's the frustration speaking out of me here partially again, sorry. :/


It's fine.
I actually don't know what to add to this anymore.
All I can say is, that I want to see Shiny Days succeed so that it gets a reprint in this uncensored state.
Hopefully, digital resales will add to justifying this, I will have to buy a copy of it to encourage this undertaking as well.
But will this really be enough?
I'm having my doubts; censorship is something I'm allergic to. =_=
Cutting content... in what kind of messed up society do we life where some nudity and fictional characters can cause such a ruckus, but decapitation, gore and whatnot in horror games/horror movies are totally acceptable?
I hate our society for this hypocritical way of thinking; then again, I'm a misanthropist, so I question humanity as a whole anyways.


"Once these two games are out and people are able to observe the result, why not try polling the fanbase to see if they were satisfied with the result, and if they'd be in favor of future releases being handled the same way?"

Possibly we will do this. I certainly like the idea of getting feedback and it is helpful to us. OTOH I know from experience that feedback is sometimes not that useful. If you ask someone "would you like X?" the response is always yes. This is why we don't bother asking fujoshi if they'd like more otome games...we know they would, demand isn't the problem. It's the seiyu mafia wanting PS4-level licensing monies even for a tiny market like ours.

But your comments are helpful.

@animeloverxX93 and anyone else who's really upset about censorship, I hope you can keep a balanced view. We're not exactly taking mangling episodes of mainstream anime to remove shower scenes or girls in love with girls or up-skirt shots. If you want this game in a complete form without any after-the-fact distribution to fix removed content, you might want to form your own idealized country with no trade-offs whatsoever about freedom. It'd be a great country, truly, but with a very lot population (presumably, everyone in this thread who is able to move there), the market might not be there to sustain eroge releases.

I'm just hoping fans can maintain a balanced view of all this. Boycotting the game will do nothing but harm us and harm 0verflow (and Will, in the case of Starless) and move us in other directions as a company, say to safer titles that we never have to cut content from because fans hate it. This is likely not good for fandom overall, though I understand everyone's views.


Ugh, why am I specifically mentioned, if the comment is directed to all people that are upset about censorship? >_<
I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm saying this because I'm concerned about censorship in general, and because I don't understand why this title has been picked up to begin with, if it was to be expected that cuts had to be made.
Moreover, first, a reprint might have been a choice in the relativley distant future, but now you make it sound like even that is totally out of reach.
I can shut up now, but it's just frustrating if there's a title you want to purchase and then you casually get the information that it will be censored.
Heck, I don't even care about it being a loli character being censored, it's just the whole censorship thing in itself, and how it is affecting harmless fetishes of others. :/
Aside from that, even if it had very few population, several countries have interests they agree on, so even these desolate countries could cooperate to make popular demand for something in a specific state be possible.
If there's something I hate, it's other people restricting me just because they approve blindly about what's accepted in society, and what isn't. (this is not directed to you, or any of the staff team/translators).
What I wish to know is what can be done about it... I refuse to accept the fact of there being no viable alternative.
And no, to me, it's not a viable alternative that I and people thinking the same have to download an illegal, unofficial uncensor patch just to get what I want; then I don't even want it in the first place.
While I am being eccentric, I think I have the right to complain, right? :/
It's just frustrating if you yourself don't care about what other people think about things you like, but they still being able to affect your own life.

Well, I don't care about fandom, I care about games I like.
The VN genre is so diversive anyways, there are a lot of things that are common genres that don't get accepted, even within the VN community.
''Fandom'' of VN's themselves doesn't even tolerate each other within this small circle.
I'm probably the only one here saying this, and I can see where you are coming from, believe me.
But in my opinion, I'd rather have a game fully, instead of incomplete.
If that means that the fandom itself gets damaged in the process, I don't mind.
Do I care?
Not at all.

I will shut up now, I guess I've said enough already... sorry for being still so thick-headed about this.

Edit: And thanks for hearing me out and baring with me through my multiple rantings here.


You seem to care about the community and the games despite what you say, but I feel your anger/frustration is a bit too much, considering the circumstances. Of course we all want perfect things but we know the world isn't perfect and when people compromise for us I compromise back.

I don't see why you can't burn the patch to a disc or DL to a usb and keep it the case with the game.

Then you have your complete package!!

The fact a fan-patch is gonna be available for us hardcore fans is worthy of deep respect in of itself the not getting a game or having no games that appeal to your taste.

I'd rather see JAST releases games I have a high interest in this way then them to ignore a specific fanbase because some die-hard can't get his complete package in a print edition even if the option for the complete edition is available be other more intuitive means.

It just seems ignorant when people won't compromise, when JAST have had to to try please all parties.

Until people's attitudes slowly change by playing these games, and they can only play them if JAST releases them, then you will likely not have more people on your side.

I have a very strong passion for Sei's work and when a opportunity comes knocking I an't gonna knock a gift horse in the mouth, that cater's for me and fellow fans and people that go out of the way to please us like the people localizing the work to the companies creating what I desire and who I want to succeed.

MoeNovel didn't give the option for fans to have a complete 18+ version.

That to me is what people should be moaning about not this.

Otherwise following your logic and love for loli/fringe they may as well never license anything loli or just make it all-ages, family safe games that get localized. Do you see that a win?

@Murderous Int

I care about games I like, as stated before.
Visual Novels fall under this category as well, yes.
But I care shit about if people like the same stuff as I do, or not.
If they happen to like this as well, great, if not, that's also fine.
People relating to the same interests is nothing that is that important to me, to be honest, so, the community aspect is practically non-existent to me.
I'm well aware I'm going overboard here, but the thing is, I'm even right about it; censorship is something bad, and nobody likes a censored game and would prefer a complete build over a build that has been cut, right?
The more content, the better.
If a game gets localized and I'm being interested and then at a point hear it's being censored, it is a slap in my face; of course, I'm ranting about it then.
There's a compromise for people going digital... well, the overall compromise is that the game is stil available in itself in the state I would like to see it; but I'm certainly not gonna spend money for a download.
I want something that I can show to my friends and say ''Look, this game is just awesome, how about you try it out yourself? Maybe it's your cup of tea as well.''.
It's much easier elaborating on these games then simply sending them a link to a site where they could grab it for free; not even then, they are interested; not sure if it's because of my wording or their own preferences, but it simply doesn't work.
However, I noticed it works much better, when actually showing them the hardcopies; they are atleast more interested in it than in when I simply show them screenshots over the internet.
Regarding why I can't burin it to CD?
Simply because I want an official product - what good does it serve me to have this stuff on a burned CD?
Then, I could easily have downloaded the patch from somewhere else - it's exactly the same result, a result I want to take my distance of.

Who said that it will definitely available?
Unless I'm missing that Jast itself stated to make said patch, I fail to see the evidence.
My understanding was that we are just hoping for someone to pick it up, crack it and make it uncensored - ''it either happens, or not'' is anything but a viable alternative, to me atleast.
I don't want to blame just, Peter or anyone else for this. After all, they wouldn't even had to go through the trouble of mentioning their regret about not being able to include this (atleast not yet, if ever) in the current release, and considering the circumstances, they can't include the content in question to the official release.
But I still don't understand why not delaying the release date then, if everyone would be much happier with it being uncensored... I thought the only reason it is not being included is due to the translators running the risk of getting into legal trouble.
Darn it, I would ask around for people lending a hand, I'm serious about this.
It's just... you know, frustrating.
Supposedly ''questionable'' content like that is always screwed, and this won't change anytime soon.
I would have wished for Jast to take the bold step of moving past the middle age and taing pride in releasing their games, even if they offer such content.
I would complain about Starless, Euphoria or whatever other title with such content as well; the only reason I haven't in regards of Starless, for example, is because I'm not into the artwork, character apperance and themes of this title. In itself, everything I think about this applies to this title as well in regards to what I think about how such titles are being handled in general; I wished we could finally remove this stigma.
Shouldn't people that are able to change something make the changes?
Simply waiting for a change might happen, or doesn't - active steps involved in making changes starts the process, not simply ''waiting it out''.

To get back to the topic, sure, I can understand everyone, not just Peter, but regular users that have posted here as well, about disagreeing with me; if some prick came up and doesn't get his will because of reasons and he not wanting to give in about them, potentially ruining the localization of a whole type of genre (though I doubt that my opinion alone would have that much of an impact on this change of attitude), I would feel annoyed about that person and would revolt as well, telling that person to finally shut up.
But in the end, I am the only one here that is screwed. If I don't get a game the way I see fit, then I don't even want to play it to begin with.
But I'm pretty sure we both, and I unfortunately have to agree with that, know the answer about this:

''Deal with it.''

And exactly that is pissing me off.
Not exactly Jast censoring it, it's more why they are censoring it. Because of our shitty society condemning everything they don't understand and deem as ''inappropriate'' or ''harmful'', even though it isn't even to begin with.
The circumstances, and why I am the only one who's screwed is what's pissing me off the most.
I'm just slightly disappointed in Jast not taking said bold step.

Well, in the end, it's a business; I'm not really grateful for people doing their job.
I understand the circumstances and that localizing visual novels in the west is nothing that makes you become rich and that people, who do this are doing this mostly because of loving these games as much as I do, if not even more.
I can respect that, and believe me, I do.
But even if I'm so passionate about something like this, I would never want to deal with making a business out of it; I'm not insane, because there exist nitpicky people like me.
And in the end, it is a business - it comes with a severe risk bringing these titles to the west, right?
I mean, there's no guarantee that what you sell is being bought for sure.
I'm pretty sure it's touch to deal with such circumstances, but again - that's why I wouldn't even think about localizing them; it's way too risky, in my opinion.
I appreciate that people to localize such games; not just Jast, but Mangagamer, Sekai Project, Moenovel (yes, even Moenovel) as well.
But they shouldn't really expect my sympathy if something in regards to censorship happens with the games they distribute.
It's a give and take; I give a publisher my money, and said publisher gives me a game I enjoy playing.
If a game is, however, limited in content due to social standards interfering and the game not being ''good enough'' to cope for that (I'm new to the Days series, so I'm neutral about Shiny Days as well and can't say if it's a good title, or not; what I see looks appealing enough for me to justify a purchase though), then this publisher won't get my money either.
And I'm even willed to buy it... and I'm still being screwed.
Can you imagine how frustrating this is? :/
Not everyone sees things as severe as I do, but I was always like that when it came down to things I like, even as a child.
I have no desire to change this attitude in the future either.
If people think of me as being ''childish'' or ''immature'' because of being like ''But, but I want my game like that!! :'('', well, they probably do have a point, to an extent.
However, I'm also critically-thinking and rational enough to point out my flaws; believe me, I'm well aware of what I'm typing here and my reactions to the censorship of Shiny Days.
I just don't mind them, since it's my opinion.
And I don't care about what others think - people on the internet can barely make any accurate assumptions about my personality, my character and my interests, as well as point of views and ideals.

Regarding Moenovel, I agree that what they pulled off was shitty.
But I didn't care too much about this; I wanted to by IMHHW as well, but after it got censored, nope.
And this wasn't just talk - I still haven't bought it and have no plans of doing so, unless they reconsider putting in the H-content.
Now porn isn't that important to me, if I wanted to jack off, there are other alternatives.
I just can't stand the idea behind cutting out parts of a game and robbing me from the experience I would have under normal circumstances.
I think it's up to me what kinds of material I want to watch, right?
This includes H-content of games I play as well.

And of course, I don't see it as a win for games I like being not localized; but first off, how many (good) loli-themed games have even been localized into English to begin with?
Not too many... I still wished something light on this content, like from Shining Star, would make it to the west, but this hasn't happened yet, unfortunately.
Can't blame people about this though, but I thought these games would have been great for Mangagamer, since they seem to pick up pretty much everything they can get their hands on.
Mediocre art, some sort of easy-to-implement gameplay and some loli characters - the latter isn't even that important, as mentioned before, I'm talking about titles being light on this kind of stuff.
But what I wrote here is just the kind of games I mean - if it has to be something loli-themed, then something that is light on it and justifiable.
I mean, all of this stuff is, in theory, justifiable, but not everything is deemed to be ''appropriate'' form social standards, as you know.
But that is, in my opinion, the best thing that could happen for compromising.
Heck, I didn't go through the trouble of contacting Shining Star myself over e-mail for nothing, after all.
I'm still surprised that I received an answer of them, them stating that they allow localization of their games.
The best thing is: I'm not even that much of a fan of their work.

I certainly don't hate it, I sorta even sorta like what I've seen so far about their titles; they are simplistic, not too hardcore (from what I understand, feel free to correct me at this point, in case you know it better) and still manage to serve to the group of people that are into 2D lolis in visual novel-themed games.

But in the end, no, it's not a win, but I either want a game uncensored, or not even localized to begin with.
Now I certainly won't complain about more visual novels being localized here - I'm complaining about if they do get localized, that certain themes always get cut.
And that's something I don't want to support, and in the case of Shiny Days, I will even do just that, ironically enough, even if every fiber of my body revolts against purchasing a butchered product.
These aforementioned ''lighter loli-themed games'' probably wouldn't have to be cut, so that was my idea behind this.
But so far, nobody has been picking such titles up, as far as I know, so I sorta feel neglected by our current western publishers that are localizing visual novels.
It feels to me like publishers are trying to alienate themselves from such content, and this makes me kinda disappointed actually, since there is nothing wrong with such content, unless it is some hardcore shit as ''Yuzuminatsu''.
But even then - it's just a game.
I probably shouldn't feel too piqued about this whole thing here, but that doesn't mean that I'm not frustrated about the current situation.
I'm not writing these massive walls of text out of boredom, you know. :/
I'm trying to change something about the current situation.
I'm not some SJW (I hate such self-righteous creeps), but I feel like what society as a whole thinks about such supposedly questionable content is wrong, and I would love to see them reconsidering their point of view about these games.
I noticed that even though I recommended titles that don't offer anything ''questionable'' and that is also present in most animes, they still wouldn't check it out.
''Games are meant to be played, and not to be read.'' is what I hear most of the time.
Same as ''Marunomi''.
I recommended it to multiple people, yet they weren't really interested, despite it being a great game (in my opinion, mind you), and if they got slightly interested, as soon as they saw the front cover, they got scared away.

Oh well, why am I even writing all of this? >_>

This is the best way to do things Jast did the right thing they can release the game and we will get the stuff added by a unofficial patch just like starless if you really think about it there is no issue.

the problem is not Jast is the dumb laws.

I believe many of the people in early posts were talking while angry me included but now that im more calm i can see that it does makes sense so in the future please do not skip games like this.

That's why I say you care about the community or you would just ignore everybody completely.

It's this reason you go on these rants they are you passion for the community and people involved in it.

Then you contradict yourself saying that you want people to accept you and drop the stigma, people who have their own agenda with society based on ideals that are hard to change and compromise for you. But don't wanna change your ideals or compromise your own to meet people who are trying to meet them for both?

Of course everybody wants a complete package and we can have the complete package thanks to the people doing the unofficial patch. We also have a official product unless you mean to import the Japanese version straight from the source.

Most of the people I know aren't into VN but I have had a few try them. I brought my friend a copy of Demonbane and while he didn't play it he played other VN games, I hadn't even played. I did manage to convince him to play Muv-Luv thou and he really enjoyed it.

If you want to change this you can get involved in groups who support you mentality that is why I shared the backlash group. You could go another route like JAST/MG/Sekai and find a team to create you own company and release your own products to your standard.

The way I feel is your denying on products that your not even interested in like Starless in the hope you get titles you are interested in. But to get games like from companies like Shining Star is a even further reach if your message to companies who localize "is don't bring over games that you will have to censor/cut" because of society standards and rely on unofficial patches.

I an't gonna support this. How would that get you closer to that goal?

It's thanks to the paying community we have gotten to the stage that titles like these can even be thought about getting licensed and from PP you can tell he cares about the community that in turn support him to bring us what we want or closer to more of what we want. The same with MangaGamer.

MangaGamer have that stance they won't bring over stuff that they would need to cut.

But they are more liberal with the games they release in regards to content. With a different standard of censorship and are pushing the boundaries with that stance like PP is trying to do with his.

Games like the ones Shining Star produce could be localized but you need to find a group who want them and show they are willing to work towards this goal.

We did the same with Lilith-Soft and people listened once we got enough following.

We worked together, people interested in the games, to get them to help convince MG. I even wrote to JAST USA about it, requested on blogs and forums and people said it wouldn't happen for various reasons and despite that we were listened too.

@Animeloverx: Have you read my article? I'm curious what you have to say about the arguments I've made and the evidence I've brought forward.

If you want lolicon content to become more accepted and available, railing against censorship is likely to push the industry in the opposite direction. Consider if Shiny Days had been released several years ago and there was a huge backlash against the cuts, with Peter vowing he would never license a borderline game that might have to be cut ever again. Don't you think there's a good chance he'd have passed on Littlewitch Romanesque? Don't you think there's a good chance he'd pass on any games that have any loli content whatsoever?

As far as I can tell, you have competing interests. Do you want a wide variety of high-quality licenses with the edgiest content possible? Or do you want zero censorship in the box version that ships to your door? You can't have both. Pick one. While it's always possible to work on different games that don't require cuts, there's an opportunity cost. By throwing out games at the top of Peter's licensing list because they're too edgy, we end up with a restricted selection of lower-quality licenses with more tame content. Is that what you want? Do you want greater freedom of expression, or less censorship?

I just signed up to say Thank You to Peter and all the staff at JAST, myself and my GF have always loved VN’s and before we heard of JAST, we had to resort to fan translated games. Now with JAST and Mangagamer handling pretty much most of the VN’s we can purchase them (physical only though :P), I have a little less respect for Sekai Project, especially with the way they handled the Grisaia Trilogy on Kickstarter.

Anyway back on topic, I can understand why you had to edit the content, yes it sucks :frowning: but it was essential, and with the ‘fan patch’ :wink: editing the content in, I don’t mind anywhere near as much :slight_smile:

Censorship pisses me off completely, but in this case it’s justified (unfortunately).

I’m extremely happy (and surprised) you interact with customers this much, it’s great :slight_smile: And with you being very honest (unlike some other companies like NISA, Ghostlight, Atlus etc who plead that the games would be AO on consoles yet the ratings boards immediately shoot down the lies) I’ll happily support JAST for the foreseeable future :slight_smile: