Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

As for me, I will pass on Starless; in this case, not even because of censorship (in this case, I can see why it HAD to be done), but because it simply doesn’t appeal to me.
I will probably pick up Raidy III and Seinarukana though. :slight_smile:

So you were just chiming in without reading anything that has been going on since the start of this forum?† I can see why you are out of touch and clueless.† There are so many posts confirming that the patch will restore 100% of the contents in their uncensored and in English version (both peter and multiple other people from JastUSA confirmed it through Reddit, Twitter and many other forums.† Go find them and read them please).† Even if we don’t have the 100% content, did you ever take a look at the art style of Starless?† There is nothing like that in any other games out there.† That alone can makeup for any cuts that JastUSA was making. ††

Official or no official, as long as I get my 100% contents restored, who the fuck cares where it came from?† This is definitely not the cheap alternate method but a very smart one.† While keeping everyone happy, JastUSA is making sure that we have more hardcore games being localized in the future.† Also, importing the original and patching with uncensored patch won’t work to restore the contents because the game engine had to be altered to fit all the translated texts and contents editing.† Even if it worked, that patch had to be 3GB larger because of the all CG that needed to be replaced with. †††

I am not being mean here but just pointing out that this is a very smart move from JastUSA because they are avoiding any complication while making everyone happy.† But fans of Sei like myself will be very happy to even see a glimpse of his work being localized, albeit censorship.† I will pay for it any day!†

No one is stopping you from doing just that, it's your property.
A censored, official product is and will always remain incomplete - relying on fans to bring out an uncensor patch isn't a healthy alternative, and in my opinion pretty sad.
The game is not uncensored (officially), if it doesn't come out as an uncensored product; a patch made by fans doesn't cut it.
I'm aware of this whole censorship crap and how Jast handles it; I don't need to ''take a look'', thanks.
Don't care anyways; shouldn't stop me from giving my two cent though.
Are you really pushing the situation about censorship again? Do you really want to cause another shitstorm about that thing here?
I thought everything has been said in that Shiny Days thread already... I for one am sick of this debate and already made up my mind, and it seems like everyone else did as well for themselves.
I don't think there is much reason to bring up censorship again; even I am sick of it, and considering how pissed I was, that means a lot when even I grew tired over that controversy.

Now you’re just trying to sound stupid, there is an official NOT FAN patch, made officially by Jast, that puts ALL cut content (scat, bestiality, etc) back into the game, BUT due to legal issues they will let another group upload said patch. Not themselves, that doesn’t make it a “fan-patch”.

Look at the reddit link, you see that yellow box next to the username that says “JAST USA”? That means that that user is an officially authenticated “JAST USA” rep. Hmmm, maybe just maybe, that means the patch isn’t a fan patch, but is made by JAST themselves, but being distributed unofficially via another party, because it wouldn’t be legal for them to do so officially. Please stop

@animeloverxX93: I'm not quite sure why you've decided to troll this thread the day before release (just to say you were never interested in the game to begin with), and I'm guessing everyone else is just as puzzled. There's really no reason to poke this beehive again...


What the heck?
I've been reading enough that has been going on in the forums, atleast the new ones; if you had read the Shiny Days thread properly, you would know.
I'm anything but clueless; but thanks for jumping to uneducated conclusions.
I have no desire to look up anything in regards to Starless, since I don't care about this specific title. To me, that would be a waste of time.
Of course I know about the artstyle - and I find it completely unappealing.
It#s obvious you are biased because of liking the art, and that's totally fine - as long as you don't force your point of view on others, so don't try making me see something in Starless that isn't there (for me).

I do - because I'm not you.
If you care about that, it's totally up to you, but I certainly don't support cut content out of fear it becoming a sad standard.
It is justified with Starless, but that certainly doesn't mean that I approve of censorship in general.
I just purchase hardcopy versions - there you have your reason who (and why) cares about where the content comes from.
Appealing artwork, in your opinion, certainly doesn't make up for censorship.
If it does for your, well... feel free to think so, but I know it better.
Just because something is good-looking certainly doesn't make up for content removal; again, I'm not talking about Starless, but a general case of censorship (yes, I have no desire to talk about such censorship nonsense again, but if people feel so inclined to shitpost about that, might as well...).
Nope, not everyone is happy about that - I'm not.
I don't care about being the only one here or not, but if I as a customer am not pleased with an outcome, I have all right to complain about that.
I complained enough about that, but if guys like you come up, not considering me as a customer and simply state a majority as ''everyone'', then I'm sorry, but I don't have to take shit like that.
Jast isn't the only one localizing hardcore games; Mangagamer localizes euphoria after all, so far, it even seems like being completely uncensored, too.
Since when do you know about if such a patch would be compatible, or not?
Unless you know for sure, don't state wild guesses as facts.
Besides, who cares about the amount of GB?
As a hardcore fan, I'm sure you would be willing to download such a big patch, since you are so interested in that title, and that's fine the way it is.
But your argument doesn't count here.

Yes, you are - mean as well as ignorant to people that don't think alike with you.
Your previous comment stating that ''nobody cares where the uncensored content comes from'' clearly shows that; speak for yourself.
Jast does what they have to do in order to avoid actual legal trouble; it's certainly not thanks to them that such an uncensor patch is coming out, unless they are the ones anonymously making such a patch in the background.
Assuming they would be the people behind such a patch, they wouldn't get into trouble for that, yes; doesn't change it being a cheap alternative regardless of how it is being handled.
If you will pay for that, sure, go ahead and support what you like, that's good and all. :)
But I for one don't approve of how certain things in this regard are being handled.
I expressed myself here in the forums already more than enough in that Shiny Days thread, so I have nothing to add at this point.


So, another group will have to upload it?
That's even more sad... understandable considering the content, but regardless... I would elaborate on the questionable decision to localize something that is known to having to be cut, but what would I care.
It's good for fans of such material, but it's not a viable alternative handling things like that, in my opinion.
Well, whatever, atleast you guys are pleased; not that I'd care anyways.


Actually, it wasn't my intention to ''troll''; in fact, I hate people trolling others myself.
My intention was not to express not being interested in this title and leaving, but simply to check out this thread, since I got mail about someone posting here.
If people are douches about it, not my problem, they get the same treatment from me as well, if they are going to be like that.
As I already said, I have no intention to poke around in this bee-hive.
But the bees here are very noisy and if they don't allow others to be present in their territorry, they should simply buzz off; it's a small forest, but there's enough room for everyone to be here.
I will ignore this thread here anyways; I'm serious, it wasn't my intention to troll, I was simply expressing my opinion here.
Maybe, people should learn to become more thick-skinned; then they wouldn't be an agitated swarm of bees, but normal ones.

Whatever, I'm off doing more productive things with my free-time.

"I have no desire to look up anything in regards to Starless, since I don’t care about this specific title."
Uh, then kindly fuck off? This isn’t the thread where you get to whine about your thoughts on Shiny Days, or other games, read the title, this is the Starless discussion thread. You can make your own thread, or find one more befitting to what you’re trying to say, but if you have no interest in contributing to this discussion other than simply taking up space on the page, please leave and find a thread that is actually relevant to what you’re saying. Please just shitpost where I don’t have to see it.

@animeloverxX93 Given the nature of this title, I could understand it though... our society is not ready yet to deal with scat, bestiality and amputation/body part removal.

Our society is ready to deal with children fuckers though, chop their dicks off and make 'em eat shit....


Now i am officially terrified to play this game. I have already preordered it and one i decide i’m going to do something i always follow through, This attitude doesn’t only apply to life but to my hobbies as well. Your support/ encouragement is greatly appreciated so i can finish this game with a undamaged mental state and thank you JAST for Localizing this hell of a game. This should be an interesting experience … god help me. LOL

I have no desire to look up anything in regards to Starless, since I don’t care about this specific title. To me, that would be a waste of time.

I’m anything but clueless

Ermm Okay. I respect your opinion. As I said I am not a mean person both in real and virtual world so if anything is said did not appeal to your liking, then that was not my intention. I was just merely stating what seems like a plausible decision on the censorship, since legal matters can be a complicated thing to deal with, especially in America. Treading carefully is a very good way to avoid taking it up the ass from the authorities. It’s not only smart but it saves a lot of headache in the long run. But I digress!

@Michael Denicola: Nah you will be alright! The concept of Starless is that it is a fairy tale where boy meets a girl and they fall in love by eating each others poop. What a love story. Brings tears to my eyes…

So will this release the 12th of May for US/EU? Or 12th of May in Japan, meaning 11th for us?

@ZahYeah, that point’s been brought up a few times already and I’m wondering the same thing. The JAST USA product page lists May 11th as a the release date, while this discussion thread and J-LIST list the release date as May 12th. Regardless, it’s just a day difference. My only real concern is how soon people who ordered the limited edition will get their download. Almost there!

Someone logically concluded that since Peter lives in Japan, he wrote that date according to his local time. So, techinically it will be 12th of May in Japan, when in the USA it will be 11 AM in the morning on Monday the 11th (eastern time) and it will be 7 AM in California. If JastUSA listens to Peter, which by the way is located in San Diego, California, and everyone does what he says, then the game will probably be available for download in the midday of Monday. If JastUSA is like fuck-it, then it will be released at midnight of Monday. Either way, it should be available between these two days. If that makes any sense at all.

Hey lilithero, where in the J-List site did you notice it says 12th of May? Only Peter mentions of the 12th and everyone else mentioned it will be on the 11th. But yeah as you pointed out just a day difference, which isn’t too bad but I still want an answer on the Limited Edition download plans.

@dogma Yeah, you’re right. I misspoke, the May 12th release date seems to only be noted here? At the very least, according to J-list, “Starless ships next week.” I hope we get our timely download.

As far as I know J-List processes all orders by hand--meaning that there will be a delay between the launch and the digital codes being sent out.

Checking my own preorder of Littlewitch Romanesque, the game released on Dec 20, and I got my download code on Dec. 22 at 6pm. So unfortunately, that means you should expect to wait 2-3 days after launch to get your preorder code if you preordered from J-List.

I only bought the digital edition, will that effect me too? O.O

I’ve waited so long for this, I am not sure I am ready for the life changing event that will be Starless… lol

@Dark_Shiki Ah, that’s unfortunate. Thanks for letting us know! I’m in California, so I might just get the game in the mail before I get my code. Heh.

If you want the timeliest download, order the download edition from JAST USA. You should get instant access as soon as the game launches. Expect your download code to be somewhat delayed if you order through J-List.

Yeah, I’d like a timely download, but I definitely want that limited edition from J-list. I guess I’ll just have to wait a couple days.

Heh if you can't play through this game uncensored you probably should play it at all.


''Please just shitpost where I don't have to see it.''

Too much internet for you to handle?

Also, nope.
I don't have to ''fuck off'' of the likes of degenerated monkeys as you, who is unable to talk to people adequately.
Me taking up space here is as much of an assumption as of me accusing you have wasting my air to breathe.
If you are not happy with me posting here, might as well don't visit the internet where you will always meet people that you don't like.
Deal with it.
I can't see why I should refrain fro addressing my concerns; you pathetic waste of human flesh certainly are in no position to tell me what to do; admins on this page are, and I will gladly take the risk of getting banned.
I'm not gonna take your shit just because you are unable to talk to me personally, so you will receive just the same treatment from me, retard.

With that, I will ''kindly fuck off''.
I don't have the patience with imbeciles like you, nor have I the desire to talk to you any more ''appropriate'' as you just did to me.