Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

I can see you put a lot of effort into that reply, even if it was pathetic of you to resort to insults such as degenerated monkeys” and you pathetic waste of human flesh”. But I stand by what I said, all of your posts on this thread have been irrelevant complaining, and you saying “I don’t like this game and I want to make sure all of you know that”. Well, congrats, we are now aware of that, what do you want, a medal? You claim that you can’t see why I should refrain fro addressing my concerns”. Well yeah, maybe if your concerns were actually concerns and not just “I don’t like this game” (irrelevant, this isn’t the thread for that" or “The censorship is bad” and then refusing to look at links that contradict what you say about censorship, with you claiming you “were informed” despite refusing to look at the info. If your posts contributed to some relevant discussion here I’d be absolutely more than fine with it, but they just plain aren’t, they’re irrelevant and lazy. I can see that you’re just trolling at this point, so this’ll be my last reply to you, feel free to fire more of those ungrounded insults my way, you won’t get another response.


You mean, as pathetic as telling people to ''fuck off''?
It wasn't me who was putting up a fight here with users, and I don't give a fuck if this thread will derail now, or not.
What are you, a stalker?
I doubt you have read all of my posts here.
Censorship was never a thing I wanted to bring up in this thread to begin with; I simply replied to someone claiming Starless to be uncensored, correcting him/her that this isn't the case (and no, anything that is not official doesn't count as ''being uncensored'' to me; official releases do, official releases being approved by a publisher, and not fans).
My points are ''irrelevant and lazy'' in your opinion, so I don't give two shits about your opinion.
Reason for that is not just your snotty attitude, but you claiming to make assumptions about me - but since you seem to be incapable of reading, I will have to reiterate: It was never my intention to troll, because I hate trolls myself.

''I can see [...]'', you can see my ass.
Misjudging others intentions and trying to state them as facts doesn't make you look serious; in fact, it accomplishes the total opposite.
Besides, first, you say that you can see that I was putting effort into my previous comment, and then you say I'm trolling and even say that my comments here are ''irrelevant and lazy''?
Seems rather contradicting to me, atleast the ''lazy'' part.
I don't mind you thinking of my opinion to be irrelevant, as I can see that you are just a self-righteous asshole acting all cocky.
Oh wait - did I just jump to conclusions about you without knowing you?
Hmm, I guess it doesn't matter, since I'm right anyways and you are totally wrong with your points - right?

Atleast a single point I can agree with - don't expect me to encourage your shitposting here any longer.
Maybe, I won't even be able to to reply anyways, in case that some admin here or even Peter himself decides to delete my channel and ban my IP.
I will make one thing clear: I'm not a team player and care shit about the VN community, but indirectly support this community by purchasing titles I like; bring out as many games as you want, if I like them, I will buy them for sure, and definitely not just 1-2 titles, or so.
I don't see why I would refrain from expressing myself here; in case people don't like me, their bad, I don't care.
In case I get banned, I don't care either - I'm sure another publisher would appreciate my money more then, in case I would get banned in a VN forum.
And even if I would be banned in all major forums, I still wouldn't care - I can also do other things with my money, if publishers don't want my money, it's their loss.
Don't expect my compassion for morons like you that are starting to fire insults at me and afterwards even have the nerve to act as if it's my fault for THEM intentionally picking up a fight with others.

With that said, don't worry - I will think twice before posting anything here again.
Not because I care about what a single person here told me - if people are being dicks, I know well to avoid this forum from now on.

Regardless of that, congratulations to the release of Starless.
Have a nice day.

Interesting hype for this game. Dogma knows what's up, his been following this game longer then u know.

Still all this makes me think of...


So it is officially May 11th in the USA. When will the download feature be activated on the site????

Only 11th on the best coast.

lol I have a feeling it will be tomorrow morning at the earliest. We’ll see though.

Well not according to the main downloading site, anyway. It says 11th but it did not say what time though, which I would imagine to be at midnight (like most Steam games that are released).

I may be wrong about this, but since JAST is located in California, the time right now is 10:26 PM.

How to have it the quickest way ?

Should I preorder now and wait for an activation link on my mail ?

Should I wait the webpage to say the game is released so I can get the link as soon as I buy it ?

(I really don't want to my order to be processed by and, so I'd like to make sure each of theses processes are automated)


Considering the exact hour for the release, the Jast Usa still didn't gave any official information ? How did it went for other games of their catalogue ?

This may come as a shock, but according to the info page, it says Beta -- Information displayed below might be delayed or inaccurate.

Any head honchos that can tell us exactly when release time cometh?

Urgh, even if it drops tomorrow, I wont play it without the patch. So I have to keep my eye out for that before we’re in business. lol

@Lord Wesley According to the Reddit, the patch is already complete, so it wouldn’t surprise me it dropping the day of release. Also Peter on Twitter said the download should be out by Wednesday.

As a company, you know you're doing something right when fans are gnashing their teeth, idly hoping for official word on the exact minute a game will release, and worrying whether ordering from one site or another might force them to wait another few hours over even a few days (!).

Yeah I seen that it was done. It’s just matter of finding and downloading it when it’s out, but hopefully reddit will deliver. (Fuck me do I hate that place. cringe )

Is that legit ^^^^ ? if so where do you put it once finished installing

Well shit, thanks. I downloaded it and put it aside for later. lol

It looks to be legit, when you open it, it just starts searching for “Starless Nymphomaniac’s Paradise”. That’s an awful lot of effort to put into something fake, definitely looks real to me. Thanks anon.

wicked wasn't expecting the patch to be out before the actual game lol