Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

@Nicholas GrahamWill people who preordered the Limited Edition (package version) from J-List have to wait until the shipment arrives and ships out, or will we be getting our codes in

(Continued from previous message)Less than 24 hours.

Why us Limited Edition purchaser gotta be treated like peasants, yo?? We da VIP. Treat us rite!!! We demand our download code POST HASTE!!!

@Ozomah @lilithero

J-List sends codes via email, including those for pre-ordered limited edition packages.

for some reason i dont have a dl link on my account

damn j list takes fooooooooooooreeverr to send emails with codes jeez

I suggest flooding J-List with support tickets asking where your download code is. They might not have realized their order processing is slow and inefficient yet.


Since they typically do tickets first thing in the morning JPN time, that sounds like a good way to get things delayed more ^_^;


I guess i done screwed myself taking that advice <__<

Don’t Peter and other staffs from JastUSA also work with JList? That would be bit annoying, if you ask me!

Anyway, I don’t understand why these aren’t automated. Have the digital files uploaded on the server and when the time comes, through simple command, the program can automatically release the restriction and let the users download their copies, while the physical copies are being processed. Steam isn’t that fancy of a website and they have this feature nicely implimented. The max waiting time after a game is released is probably 4 - 5 hrs. I mean it’s not that difficult. I am sure couple of simple PHP code can create this command. This is just silly, if they manually process all the orders and then manually ship all the codes through e-mails. I mean come on, man!! When I placed my pre-order back in December (yeah I know…I guess you can see why I am frustrated), they charged my credit card so they should have all the information already available to expedite this process. Even the post office, the most bureaucratic division in America, had to adjust to the new technologies to make everyone’s live lot easier. GET TO IT!!

In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I haven't ordered Starless.

@dogma Speak the truth!

As a first time user of j-list i'm never going to use it again, i figured it would be automatic as well.

@MSG Yeah, I understand the sentiment. Honestly, I’m only going with J-List because of the Limited Edition. I’m a sucker for physical, tangible releases. Meh. I really am just as dumbfounded by the dated system. At least it shouldn’t be long now.

I did warn you guys that ordering from J-List would incur a delay. Although if you wanted the LE, you didn't really have much choice. Sadly I'm in the same position with Shiny Days.

@lilithero@Dark_shiki yeah it's a bit irritating hitting refresh all the time in my e-mail,lol. I got the digital version so my first thought was i would get the code as soon as everyone else got it. I don't use my CC, i go through paypal otherwise i would of just bought it through the official website since that seems to be automatic with the codes.

Im still waiting for news on a patch. Ive collected almost everything I could from Bible Black, lewdness, Starless, etc. Art Books, figures, scrolls, dakis, etc. But until I have a tangible patch in my hands, this game will wait for me to buy it. Im watching all possible places for it like a hawk.

I also wanted the physical copy but jlist has such terrible reviews I didnt know if theyre even trustworthy.

The decensor patch is out. It was released before the game even went live.

Im watching all possible places for it like a hawk.

Yet you did not even bother to look through this forum, which is the most important of them all? Look closely and you may find your patch!

I look like a dumbdumb then. =p Fanks. I didnt search through this topic yet cause.. well crap. I honestly hate the board layout here. But search now I will!