Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

Haven’t launched it. It’s installed and patching now. Just wanted to say thank you again to all the people who worked hard on this. 10 Years Man…

Grosse Pointe Blank - 10 years - YouTube

  • Patch released \\O/ trust in JAST restored?!?
  • Pages of people complaining about waiting since JAST didn't have the resources to send it to everybody, ready for the release.
  • Pre-order LE buyers don't have the codes, for supporting the release.
  • People canceling orders because of this, but would like JAST to bring them more games and will complain when they don't because of sales and for delays.
  • People already pirating the game and still bitching about JAST even though they wouldn't have said game with-out the work the team have done.
  • Personally JAST need to sort out their system, It's disappointing when in less then 24 hours people who brought the game don't have it and is already available for free.

Hats off to those that are buying the game and supporting future Empress releases and the people that make this happen, true fans and supporters of the industry. People moan about DRM but there is a case for it IMO! Even if it is just a install code to slow piracy down to give enough time for legit buyers to all get the game.†

at dogma. even if it's fully automatic... they will have your CC number regardless. so that last part is true anywhere. the right hackers can get cc numbers from even the most major companies.

"Hats off to those that are buying the game and supporting future Empress releases and the people that make this happen, true fans and supporters of the industry. People moan about DRM but there is a case for it IMO! Even if it is just a install code to slow piracy down to give enough time for legit buyers to all get the game."

Man, truer words were never spoken so clearly (in the context of this thread, I mean)! So wholeheartedly agree, bro. Seriously WTF JastUSA and J-List??? Because of the stupid system, lot of legit people aren't even getting the game on time, as they should have at least 12hrs ago. I won't be surprised if these people cancel their orders and just wait for the pirated version of it or something, which seems like may appear before legit buyers get theirs. I just checked my pre-order and it was made in December 8th, 2014. DECEMBER 8th!!! That's like almost a year ago, man haha. As I pointed out only reason I did not cancel my pre-order is because of the Limited Edition package contents, which includes Sei's interviews. Otherwise, fuck dat shitz! It begs the question how are they still in business with such stupid systems?


Mainly J-list for myself being a first time buyer of this type of genre has kind of turned me off completely. When i got that support message all i could do was shake my head and I already knew i wasn't going to get my ordered product today, him saying 1-2 days to get an order via digital has to be one of the most horrendous things ever now i know EXACTLY why they don't have a release date on the j-list website.

I don't have any beef with this game i'm sure it's fantastic but J-list has been a disaster.

You would think that after months of delay, JAST would at least have it so release day goes off without a hitch. They really need to get their shit together. As for the patch restoring trust in JAST, it’s way too early to tell.

Yeah, I agree that DRM would make waiting for your code more bearable, since people wouldn’t be pirating it while you have no access to it, but the main issue lies in J-list’s distribution of the codes; in 2015, it’s inexcusable to not have an automated system for something like this, especially when half of your service (Jast) does, and as a result only half of the consumers can actually get the product on time.

Another issue is the lack of clarity or organization before release too, people had been asking regularly here in the days leading up to the launch, how the codes would be distributed, and when, which surely should have given J-list some reminder to prepare these things, but no responses on how the codes would be distributed was given. It really seems like the plan on how the codes are being distributed was worked out last minute, since the first we heard about when and how (via email) the codes would come was today, which is pretty bad organizing if you ask me.

Still, I’m very satisfied with the game itself, besides the minor installer issue earlier, which was fixed quickly anyway, it has been running without a hitch and the translation is great thus far. It’s a bit of a let down that such a great product has been slightly hurt by a few problems with the launch. The silver lining for this though, is that Jast/J-list should now know how to handle any future games!

Sorry about the delays outside of our system.

Yeap, J-List's system hasn't changed much since 2005. We, JAST USA, don't have much control over how their system works, but blame us if it makes you feel better. We've been trying. On the plus side, we did help J-List setup a system to release download codes before the package version is shipped. Before people had to wait until their package arrived (or pay an extra $5 for a download).

But those who are complaining are right, things could be better. We'll continue to improve this throughout 2015. Sorry things aren't better today.

Well I'm happy with JAST supporting the product, the team who worked on it and people genuinely buying it, though J-list do have problems like I mentioned and let us down, especially for pre-ordering something when we have enough people rallying against pre-ordering products. It also puts the hardwork from the people on the Starless project to shame. The fan patch is another bow in the cap for JAST. It really pushes digital distribution from JAST over J-list.

My true disappointment is with the uploading pirates who felt the need to share it already, they brought the game they could have waited a while to upload and help support the industry and the people that made it all happen and future Empress games.

@Murderous IntYeah, seriously. I find it really disheartening that some of the very fans that clamor for games like these, pirate and or help illegally distribute the hard work that went into releases like these. Worst of all, you get called a shill for speaking out. It’s honestly why I hope Starless does well enough to warrant more Empress releases and games in general, really. Sei Shoujo’s latest works are eyecandy, yo! I’m definitely disappointed that I haven’t gotten my download code yet, but I’ll be supporting the industry nevertheless. Every purchase counts.

"...On the plus side, we did help J-List setup a system to release download codes before the package version is shipped..."

Couldn't you guys have handled the digital download entirely, instead of setting it up for them for the Limited Edition, as well? This could have been a smooth transition for everyone--for example, since J-List will be manually handling the packaging and shipping the products, you guys could have distributed the download codes for both version of this game to the people who made the pre-order or current purchases. I mean I remember getting a code after I placed my pre-order and that code could have been used by JastUSA to handle the digital download (like re-directing it to JastUSA download server from J-List after the payment is made). This is how lot of those sales are made through merchants who are not in the distributor circles. Anyway, the system needs a facelift real bad or else this is a bad business strategy.

I’m confused. JAST isn’t a part of J-list? I thought Peter Payne ran J-list or something and I thought he was a part of JAST. These are just assumptions I’m making based on his twitter and seeing his posts here.

@Murderous Int, I thought you were kidding about the pirates beating the J-list release so I did a bit of digging. I found a thread earlier in the day that was begging for the torrent. Man, I thought this would be a competitive race between pirates and the legal digital distribution. Nah, I was like 2000+ posts and 4-5 threads behind. It’s kinda funny. Not really but kinda.

yeah I did the same thing as soon as the person mention torrents to see if they had it up, and they already do. dios mio. -________-

I didn’t see one on Nyaa. (But I bought the 2 months ago.) It’s important to support a historical release like this. I remember only being able to get fan translations for the longest time. Now we have companies throwing out games like Starless and some of the best from Lilith Black, it’s important we give money to these companies so being able to buy mind blowingly hardcore japanese porn becomes easier, and common place here in the states.

Well I found it uploaded on to MEGA by a person named MGS a while ago.

Seeing Starless uncensored is also a art to behold and truly shows Sei art work even more. People have got to support stuff like this or we will only end up with easy to sell all-ages Steam games.

I didn't see a torrent for it anywhere, but whatever. I'm not going to cancel my pre-order. I'll just have to grit and bear the wait.

I could have sworn I saw a guy named MGS in this thread...

@Lord Wesley, I'm pretty sure there's one on nyaa. The one that everyone is saying is legit is hosted on MEGA. The one on nyaa is the same size, but who knows. There have been reports of pepes and dolphin porn.

Sorry for posting so much, but I just discovered a Starless release thread on 4chan...

@dogma Yes. We're stepping in that direction. You should see some better systems in place before Shiny is released.

@B_Dun JAST & J-List are two separate companies, but share the same founder. We have different budgets, systems and schedules, but do try help each other out.