Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

Yes, just couple of brand names, like the name of the vintage Wine they use, Michelin, and few other names that apparently they can’t say it due to copy right issues (I suppose). As for the adult words, only two words are constantly being censored (bleeped), which I already brought it up earlier in this forum. They are “pussy” and “dick.” Vagina and penis isn’t censored though since they were not derogatory terms. I was hoping for uncensored audios, too, but I suppose they never got hold of the original audio files from Empress…just the uncensored CGs.

I should have taken a screenshot but I remember 'all' being 'a;;' and them using = instead of - before. It's sorta in the beginning of the game. Did anyone really proof read this game? lol

If there were resolution issues, there could have also been text issues (English text usually takes up more space that Japanese) so if they automated some part of the script editing to fit the text panel (to avoid like if you were using agth or something back in the day where the text went everywhere) that might have screwed it up if there wasn't a check done after that (or if the check was automated)

Hopefully 1.1 gets rid of these issues;I guess the best we can do is keep posting the mistakes (into Murderous Int's database when it's ready?) to help it along (since i read somewhere raidy was in testing and shiny is due out in summer so they're probably have priority on that if they want to make the release dates O.o)

Currently release dates on JAST's shop indicate Raidy 3 will be released in July and Shiny Days will be released in August.

Minor grammatical errors are one thing (and fixing them would require combing the entire script again), but the image truncation sounds like a pervasive problem that spoils the artwork, which is one of the game's main selling points. On top of that, it looks like sprite positioning is bugged up too. These are issues severe enough that an official patch is probably warranted. I imagine a simple solution would just be to downsample the images to the original resolution using the same method the developers did with the Japanese release. Sounds like a simple enough fix.

@Dark_Shiki That's true; I guess there could be a quick fix if it is as simple as resizing a few graphics (I dont have much knowledge in how these things are actually coded tbh) I feel like the more time consuming part would be checking all of the graphics against each other if there is more than just the dildo scene that is off (and the sprite overlap). and then the script so that we'd have a pretty good version with 1.1 and not have 10 updates to fix each scene (and that one mosaic that I just thought of). Again, reporting it here helps, it all depends on if there is the manpower to get it all rechecked on their end.

I don't think it is a resolution issue, but possibly more to do with the editing process of putting in the censored image content. You can go to the gallery image viewer and the images work fine.

I'm currently in talks with a hacker friend who knows more about unpacking files, so if he can help me get the script I can work on that myself. But it would be more professional of JAST, to deal with themselves or issue a statement regarding the CG/Sprite/Editing problems.

Some of the grammatical errors are really silly, which makes sentences not make sense.

It is also the volume, when JAST main job is in the text.

Seriously though your tester/editor needs to brush up, they represent your company and games, it is also disrespectful towards Empress since your representing their work and shows a lack of professional integrity.

People pointing out the errors helps JAST be aware of potential slackers or people not doing the job properly and if they don't address it I can keep a log for fixing it.

![](upload://dvMglUQoNsflQzHdhPw8ADh7iZh.jpeg)People started called them demons and that's how they earned their nickname.

fix: People started to call them demons and that's how they earned their nickname.

A note to people is you can press ALT in game to get the settings box to appear.

Though I have experienced the game crashing after changing resolution and going back and forth from full screen to windowed modes and another issue with full screen becoming boxed.


@Dark_Shiki If some isn't doing the job properly this needs to be called out. They are letting the other people down and Peter himself and give a negative image to the quality of JAST. It also gives me the impression that people on the team don't care for Empress titles and therefore slacked on the job.

That is a disservice to Empress and the paying fans, who have a right to mention this. People call it out on the MG forum too.

Even more so with statements like "We intend to create an awesome experience that fans can enjoy without the potential problems the original's extreme content could have for the owner of the game, and for the future of visual novels genre."

@myinon007 Thanks for taking the time to point out some of the text problems.

I don't really see people pointing out typos in Mangagamer threads. The criticism was that the text flowed poorly (in a demo, which was expected to have received special editing attention). Mangagamer has a history of inconsistent releases, so they rightly attract additional scrutiny.

I'm not really arguing that we shouldn't hold a professional publisher to high editing standards. It just seems like gathering screenshots of typos and making that the new direction of the thread is... overreacting? A puzzling focus of attention? I mean, is it really that distracting? I'm a native English speaker. I'm reading through some of these screenshots and not even noticing the error til it's pointed out because my mind auto-corrects the errors without me even noticing. Every VN of decent length has typos. As obsessive as I am, I'm sure even my own posts have typos. Of the issues pointed out so far, I simply see the image issues as more pressing, more likely to affect the overall experience, and likely to have an easy fix. Editing is labor intensive and no matter how much effort you devote the result will never be perfect. There will ALWAYS be mistakes for people to post screenshots of.

Also keep in mind I haven't played this game nor do I intend to, so I have no sense of the frequency of these typos.

Dark_ShikiYeah, I completely agree. Admittedly, I’m bummed out that there seems to be quite a bit typos and many of them are recurring, but I don’t find the issue very pressing. It definitely helps that these quality concerns are being addressed, but with Starless’ mammoth script, there’s going to be dozens of pages pointing to all the incorrect punctuation, or whatever. I think JAST gets it by now that there’s issues with typos, so I think it’s a little unnecessary at this point. I agree that the bugs concerning CG’s are what should be at the forefront, but that’s just my opinion.

We have also been called out on the Lilith games. I'd say JAST also have a history of inconsistent releases.

Also Starless is my favorite erotic game so I hold it to a high standard.

It's is the volume. It's isn't a over reaction if they are popping up a lot on the intro to the game.

I have noticed it seems to improve later on. Being a beta tester myself, I also do editing and since it is paid work I feel personally responsible if I let MG down.

You aren't charging us to make your posts, so that doesn't really apply. There may always be mistakes but it is the volume.

Buy the game Shiki and then you can judge for yourself. :P

I’ll add that I’ve personally been playing and enjoying this game, so I’ve definitely noticed the frequency of typos. I agree with Murderous Int that some of these typos are quite silly in that you have to wonder how they can possibly be missed with a good editor, but I don’t necessarily agree that it’s so bad that sentences are nonsensical. I do hope it gets addressed at some point, though. It’s my first time playing through the game, so I find the CG issues more concerning. That said, is it just me that finds Marisa funny? Some of the stuff she says actually makes me laugh, haha. Though, I find her kind of…annoying sometimes. Particularly in the sex scenes, where she mouths off and butts into whatever’s going. I’ll warm up to it, maybe.

I hope to see a fix for the display issues pretty soon, it doesn't seem that difficult to fix, and it really does affect the game quite a bit. The typos are far less of an issue to me, and while I'd like to see those get fixed too, I be far more in favor of two patches, one to fix the display coming ASAP, and and one to fix the typos coming whenever it's done. The display issue (to me at least) is a far bigger issue, so I'd hate to have to wait for all the typos to get corrected too to have that fixed. I'd rather just get the display fixed very soon, and the text at some point after that.

"I'd say JAST also have a history of inconsistent releases."

Really? Which games?

"It's is the volume. It's isn't a over reaction if they are popping up a lot on the intro to the game."

What's the typo rate then? Back in college English, we were allowed one typo per page (about 300 words) before deductions began. Is it worse than that?

I would say that the CG bug problem is the bigger issue and should be addressed by JAST.

I don't mind fixing the typos myself (if I can get access to the script) and this is the best place for people to mention it. Considering this is a Starless specific thread. I also brought up other bugs like the screen problem. So this is more on the overall issues of QC and improving the product.

If/When MG release my next beta test corner you will see the QC problems they had to address on a game I was working on for them, a few weeks back. Since I was alarmed with the volume in the beta.

The typos can be pretty bad at times, honestly. For example, I noticed a typo right at the start, just a few minutes in. Then a few more minutes later in another scene. Some of them are quite silly, like “a;;” instead of “all” I noticed that one at least a couple times. They’re fairly consistent so far. Honestly, I’ve mentioned that they aren’t a real issue for me, but they can be kind of annoying and distracting, especially in the sex scenes where you kind of take a second to decipher that one typo that disrupts the entire flow.

"Really? Which games?"

We had this talk on the Shiny Days thread. You wanted to change the subject and put it on me to find out peoples problems with JAST inconsistency.

"Is it worse than that?"

Buy the game Shiki, you can judge with a valid opinion. :P

If I have to come to address this issues myself, (which seems likely) I will list the amount I find. I'm not counting the words and nor is this about your studies, but I think you have a dislike towards Starless and don't think it should be held up to standard like other games JAST releases because of content.

I think it's fairly natural to expect people to be willing to elaborate on points they make... isn't that how this discussion started? You found fault with a sentence in one of my posts, then I elaborated? I simply requested facts to support your argument. You're welcome to ignore this request, but I think your argument suffers for it. Is your complaint about Starless specifically? Or do you wish to generalize it (and I think you do)? If you want to critique editing standards, then first editing standards must be established. That's the very basis of philosophical argument. I trust you're trying to convince others, yes? Perhaps others who don't care about Starless in particular but who care about other releases?

"I think you have a dislike towards Starless and don't think it should be held up to standard like other games JAST releases because of content."

Do I hold nukige to different standards than other releases? Sure. Do other people? You bet. Prose is less important in a nukige than it is in a game like Saya's Song. Conversely, mosaic removal is more important. That's not simply my opinion. That's how demand in this market works.

It actually seems kind of odd to accuse someone of defending a release because they don't like the game. The most natural expectation in such a situation is apathy, not defensiveness.

I just read on J-List’s Starless product page that the limited edition won’t be coming for another 1-2 weeks. I’m disappointed, but at least I can still play it in the meantime.

I don't see why pointing out typos is seen as insulting, if they are typos they should know about so they can release a patch fix.

Anyways I have a strange suspicion the zoom was done on purpose considering the zoom doesn't really do anything but make the sex scenes feel more focused.

So I can't say that I've fully noticed, without taking a trip to vndb, because it doesn't look out of place.

I think your argument suffers for it, people have brought up the subject and your like to avoid it and not say about the issue even though you are aware of it.

My point is with Starless specifically because I hold the game in high regard which I have mentioned.

But people have had inconstancy issues with JAST, which your self are aware of, yet won't admit.

If JAST release future Empress games I want the standard to be improved. You see people listing off editing problems and want to kill off the criticism and are trying to render it invalid saying they are minor.

"Do I hold nukige to different standards than other releases? Sure. Do other people? You bet. "

You basing this on your own preference and the community your involved with, that nuikge should be held to a lower standard and that is a problem. Should I turn a blind eye when I see glaring issues just because I label a game story driven and therefor unworthy? I know other people who are fed up of the way that people treat nuikge fans sub-par. I personally want people to understand the merits in both and the enjoyment they bring to people. While upholding a high standard for both.

I don't think your defending the release but defended JAST and their "work ethic" when it comes to certain titles that you don't really care for, when they are of sub standard, therefore pushing us fans out the market and using it to your personal gain.

Buy the game Shiki :P

I very much doubt the zoom is intentional, since the CG viewer doesn’t have the issue, and as dogma pointed out a couple of pages back, sprites are also being affected, and covering other ones, and in the example pictures it looks frankly awful, I hope a patch is out soon.