Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

I'm also pretty sure every vn localization company has had an inconsistent translation history.

I haven't had a sprite problem yet, but I am only in the first section of the game.

A lot of VNs are a little inconsistent, but I've not seen differences to this effect before, in Marisa's first scene half of her head is out of frame for goodness sake! While I can definitely see how a mistake like this happens, it's understandable that someone wouldn't notice this in testing. Slip-ups like this happen all the time, especially in recent AAA games, and almost all of them get patched. I'm hardly angry that this has happened, but I will be if it isn't patched. The typos are a little more disappointing, as the editor really should know to check for this, and there are a fair bit of them. But again, as long as their patched sooner or later, I don't mind all too much. I'm just glad the game is finally in english!

I can get past typos but I found one where there was a = instead of a ' was weird and threw me off a bit.

Other then the one Dogma listed here is another other one. It is with scenes always in this room.


Other scenes zoomed-in:




It's is so far only with the first 4 scenes out of the 84.

The spirte art problem, I haven't logged all the problems.

"But people have had inconstancy issues with JAST, which your self are aware of, yet won't admit."

Maybe I'm not as omniscient as you think I am? Just putting the possibility out there.

"You see people listing off editing problems and want to kill off the criticism and are trying to render it invalid saying they are minor."

This argument started off with a single sentence in a single post. I hadn't intended to push the point, as like I said I don't really care about this particular title. You're the one who keeps bringing this up and won't let it go. If you want to turn this into a typo report thread, be my guest. I don't care.

"I don't see why pointing out typos is seen as insulting"

Pretty sure I never said that.

"You basing this on your own preference and the community your involved with, that nuikge should be held to a lower standard and that is a problem."

Now this conflict has escalated to general accusations of discrimination? Are you sure you aren't venting some deeply repressed resentment at me for no other reason than that I'm here and you're currently annoyed with me for some trivial reason?

"certain titles that you don't really care for, when they are of sub standard, therefore pushing us fans out the market and using it to your personal gain."

Is this about my stated position on Hentai Industries titles? Because it sure sounds like it.

@Murderous Int

Looking at your first picture, it's pretty clear the issue is with the uncensored art being a higher res than the original art. Since Marie's image doesn't show genitals and as such wasn't any different in the original, it didn't need to be replaced for this version, but since both Kyouichi and Makoto's sprites show genitals, they had to be replaced with the uncensored versions, which were higher res than the originals and as a result have been displayed differently, while Marie remains in the same place, as her image was unchanged. Now that we can safely say this is a glitch, I think a patch really needs to happen, not that it should take *too* long to fix an issue like this.

"The spirte art problem, I haven't logged all the problems."

Probably happens to any scene that has uncensored sprites, eg. all the male characters' penises and Marika.

Shiki, you know, you've been a active member a long time.

If you didn't care you wouldn't be so uppity about me bring this problem up and then calling you on it when you try to say it shouldn't be a problem. You would have took up your argument elsewhere.

I think totoro felt that your implication of down playing major typos is insulting.(But I can't speak for him)

Nope, I'm not personally against you, just pointing out bullshit when I see it. This is a general problem with the double standards of the community, which you yourself seem to be showing.

I'm also not a fan of MG's hentai industries titles(the ones MG have released), but they have had some atrocious problems and they should be addressed which is why I never said they're minor when they were actually brought up on a MG thread.

Shiki buy Starless :P (You seem to like to talk about it a lot!)


I don't think we can be sure it's a resolution problem due to uncensored art, the other stuff is with other sprite art that isn't nude and is unchanged too. Check Dogma's post.

"I don’t think we can be sure it’s a resolution problem due to uncensored art, the other stuff is with other sprite art that isn’t nude and is unchanged too. Check Dogma’s post."
I’m no developer, but my suspicion is that when they replaced Makoto’s nude sprite, they also replaced all of his clothed ones too, which is why in dogma’s picture, he is the only one who has moved, since Mikako’s sprite is the same situation as Marie’s and doesn’t show genitalia, and Mikako’s husband doesn’t have a nude sprite (IIRC). It seems to be the most logical explanation. But I could be way off.

(Sorry for stealing your pic dogma)

Yeah you might be on to something. They may have inserted them off because they didn't have the uncensored sprite art, so wanted to hide it, knocking all the sprites for the character off balance. If that is the case, it would only be fixed through using the censored sprites at the original size.

"If you didn't care you wouldn't be so uppity about me bring this problem up and then calling you on it when you try to say it shouldn't be a problem."

I'm being uppity? I was discussing this title respectfully and objectively until you decided to make the discussion personal for some reason.

"I'm not personally against you, just pointing out bullshit when I see it. This is a general problem with the double standards of the community, which you yourself seem to be showing."

This is a personal attack. And you're just expecting me to back off and say nothing because you say "oh, nothing personal, but..."

If you want to make a coherent argument that you'd like me to listen to, then do so. If not, return to your fan editing project and leave me out of it. Thanks.

@Murderous Int
Well if that is the case, I’d certainly rather just have the censored sprites, than the way it is now, that’s not really what I got this for anyway, that was the uncensored CGs, the english, and to support more of Empress’ works being translated. If they have the uncensored sprites, it’s just a matter of resizing them, and if they don’t, I’d rather they just put the old ones back in, it’s far more obtrusive to have the characters as they are now, than with some mosaics. And if someone doesn’t want the old censored sprites, since it’s a patch, it’s just optional.

"I was discussing this title respectfully and objectively until you decided to make the discussion personal for some reason."

I'd disagree, your commenting on something you haven't even played and tell me to count the volume of edits, to validate my points. When you yourself haven't even played it.

It's not a personal attack, I'm saying your saying the problem is minor is bullshit, you haven't even played the game, to make that judgement. If JAST release Shiny Days with terrible typos and you complain should I say its a minor problem if I haven't even played it to make a fair criticism. What I see you doing is derailing the issue.

I listened to you and that is why I called it...

Shiki buy Starless :P


I feel the same, It seems weird with them out of place.

JAST have done an amazing job with the patch and the editing on the CG the translation is faithful to the story too. I want this project to do well and for future Empress titles, it would be a crime not to get more.

I'm done discussing this subject, and this game. Congratulations. You've successfully driven off an interested observer who has pointed interested casuals in Starless's direction and poked higher-ups at a major fansite about publicizing it. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Continue on without me gentlemen.

You did that for the issue of "Shiny Days". I didn't see a why I support Starless post motive until "Shiny Days " issues came up with a fan patch issue. But don't worry bro, people can see your agenda.

All we see here is someone acting the martyr.

Shiki comeback once you buy the game. :P

I wanna hear your actual experience!! Good evening and carry on!

Hi Everyone. We're very interested in getting a patch that fixes all the typos and bugs you've noticed.

To help keep track them all down, please post what you've found in this bug reporting tread.


Since the subject of college isbrought, I was taught that if there are more than two words that are misspelledin a sentence, then you simply don't know how to spell. If there are morethan two grammatical and punctuation errors in a sentence, then you need tobrush up your grammars. I was always under the impression that typoshappen unintentionally but when there are multiple spelling errors, grammaticalmistakes, and erratic punctuation usage in a single paragraph, then the root ofthe problem is not on the typos. This should be a professional level oftranslating and editing, where every sentences should be clearly translated andedited as they were in the original. As I have mentioned earlier thatthere are rarely any mistakes in the Japanese version. Every structure ofthe language is addressed superbly, so the quality of the English versionshould be no less.

Anyway, I am not going to extend this argument any further than it already has butI just wanted to point out that Dark_Shiki is right about the NativeSpeaker. We just don't simply notice minor mistakes but that is oftentime true when it comes to engaging in verbal conversation with anotherperson. However, when it comes to reading something, it takes some timeto get used to, if there are continuous typos showing up. This is when wetry to decipher if these typos are intentional or unintentional (definition oftypos). Lot of novels, for instance, will use abbreviation to write "I'm"instead of "I am" or "he's laughin'" instead of "he islaughing" and there is nothing wrong with that. It's theperspectives of the author. He decided to write in that style, and we, asa reader, just take it with a grain of salt. However, if an Englishtranslation of the original work from another language is made, then it is theresponsibility of the party, who were translating, to make sure that everyaspect of the original contents are kept the way they were meant to. Manipulating the contents through mistakes and typos can lead tomisunderstanding and degrading of the original work.

Anyway, having written all of that, I agree about the patch, which isdefinitely needed for this game to fix these multiple recurring issues.

I did not want to get involved but here goes.

I don’t understand how anyone could disregard the typos or think they’re not a big deal. This is a visual novel we’re talking about. While the images are important, playing a supporting role, it is the narrative which submerges the player in and conducts the story inspiring all sort of emotions in the readers mind. Any error in the text serves only to distract the reader and ruin the overall experience.

Being a native English speaker does not exempt one from noticing these mistakes. Only a lack of attention does. English is not my first language and I sure notice them. And simply because something is wrongly expressed orally is no excuse to do so in written form unless intended.

I’ll accept a flaky fan translation any time, but if I purchase a game from a localization company I expect certain quality standards. Just like I would not condone a book with typos, or more generally, a product with defects.

I could go on and on but I’ll end it here.

He's right it's pretty bad if they're are alot and there's so many. Even if they aren't necessarily making it hard for you to understand, if they're frequent it can be annoying.

@ Nicholas Graham

Thank you for making an official statement to express interest in fixing the reported issues.

If you license any future games from Empress I hope you can get Murderous Int on your QC staff to make sure these games will be of the best quality at launch! It takes a special type of fan to volunteer as a beta tester as it effectively ruins your first experience with the game (at least that’s my opinion).

Also thanks to everyone for pointing out the issues they found to help make this the best release possible for a game that can easily be considered the best of its genre.

@ Dark_Shiki

"Editing is labor intensive and no matter how much effort you devote the result will never be perfect. There will ALWAYS be mistakes for people to post screenshots of."

I don’t see what’s wrong with trying to make this game the best it can be. What’s wrong with wanting the best release possible for one of the greatest games ever made? Is it possible that your goal here is to convince JAST not to spend excessive resources on a game like Starless when they should be spending their time polishing to perfection the kinds of games you’re interested in?

"Do I hold nukige to different standards than other releases? Sure. Do other people? You bet."

So you’re saying that a B grade translation is sufficient for “lesser” titles? I don’t think so. Just because people who play these games are more likely to have a higher tolerance for text based errors (as a demographic) doesn’t mean that they can’t appreciate a high quality translation when they see one. Also I don’t think it’s in JAST’s best interest to adopt this attitude as it would give them a bad rep. Your statement may be factually correct but the conclusions you’ve made based on it are inaccurate.

"Prose is less important in a nukige than it is in a game like Saya’s Song. Conversely, mosaic removal is more important. That’s not simply my opinion. That’s how demand in this market works."

Also positive word of mouth is critical to any business operating in a free market based economy. Actions resulting in negative word of mouth should be avoided at all costs. And that’s how business works.