Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

"Is it possible that your goal here is to convince JAST not to spend excessive resources on a game like Starless when they should be spending their time polishing to perfection the kinds of games you're interested in?"

My goal? Does every post I make need to have a goal? I simply remarked that I thought fixing the image issues was a higher priority than fixing the (seemingly minor) translation issues--a sentiment that appears unanimous. I exited the discussion because it was devolving into a silly tantrum about my perceived failings, lack of respect for fans of this game, etc. and I had nothing more to say. I don't care one way or another if the issues get fixed or not--it won't impact my playing experience, because I don't intend to play the game!

"Your statement may be factually correct but the conclusions you've made based on it are inaccurate."

As far as I can tell, you and others are putting "conclusions" in my mouth for me. I don't believe I made any "conclusions" other than the image issues seeming to be a higher priority than the text issues. Since I haven't been provided a quantitative estimate of the typo rate (which I requested and was denied), that "conclusion" is more an impression than an actual conclusion.

Can I go now?

About how long for patches? I kinda dont want to play this atm if there are massive QC errors everywhere. I hated Princess Eva just for minor stuff. My head would explode with this.

"...Since I haven't been provided a quantitative estimate of the typo rate (which I requested and was denied), that "conclusion" is more an impression than an actual conclusion."

Hmm I say the average rate is about one in every five to seven sentences.† Sometimes it is in every other sentences.† Don't get me wrong but after a while this gets bit irritating.† Maybe it did not bother me as much as it did for the other people at first is because I already played through the original and just wanted to see the uncensored CG, so I was more interested to watch the scenes rather than sit through and read the texts.† After the game, I went ahead and read through the texts again and yes, there are lot of noticeable errors that are unavoidable.† You could call it a nitpicking but I say the frequency of the error warrant for an immediate patch release to address this issue, along with the screen resolution conflicts and then we will have a perfect game.†

@ Dark_Shiki

"I simply remarked that I thought fixing the image issues was a higher priority than fixing the (seemingly minor) translation issues–a sentiment that appears unanimous."

I agree with that statement but you went further than that when you made the following two statements:

Quote 1: "Editing is labor intensive and no matter how much effort you devote the result will never be perfect. There will ALWAYS be mistakes for people to post screenshots of."

Quote 2: "Prose is less important in a nukige than it is in a game like Saya’s Song. Conversely, mosaic removal is more important. That’s not simply my opinion. That’s how demand in this market works."

The way I interpreted these statements is that you think it’s not worth JAST’s time to fix typos for games like Starless (quote 1) because its fans don’t really care for good prose (quote 2).

If these fans didn’t care they wouldn’t take the time to take screenshots and post them on this board. If JAST didn’t care they wouldn’t have asked us to keep posting these errors.

I don’t think its fair for you to use generalizations as a justification to criticize the actions of individuals. That’s most likely why you were called “uppity” and which is why I attributed a potential motive to your posts.

"As far as I can tell, you and others are putting “conclusions” in my mouth for me."

The “conclusion” I’m talking about is you telling us not to bother posting pics of text errors because people like us shouldn’t really care about that.

"Can I go now?"

I don’t think anyone here has any problems with you posting here (I don’t) as long as you don’t try to tell people what they should and shouldn’t do.

"Hmm I say the average rate is about one in every five to seven sentences."

That's 2-3 errors per page. That's unacceptable by college composition standards. That's a convincing argument that the game needs another editing pass. If the errors are THAT prevalent, posting screenshots documenting every single one is pretty pointless. It would take thousands of screenshots to document them all. That's a waste of everyone's time.

"The way I interpreted these statements is that you think it's not worth JAST's time to fix typos for games like Starless (quote 1) because its fans don't really care for good prose (quote 2)."

You interpreted wrong. If that was my argument, I would've said so. Quote 1 was simply pointing out that screenshots documenting typos (which don't make the sentences unreadable) are insufficient evidence that a general problem exists. A frequency estimate is required to establish a general problem when the individual errors don't distort the content of the message (which was why I requested a frequency estimate). Quote 2 was a reply to a nonsensical nonsequitur. I wouldn't read too much into it. The statement should be taken at face value.

"I don't think its fair for you to use generalizations as a justification to criticize the actions of individuals."

There was no criticism in the initial post that started this. I was then pressed by an angry fan as to why I had the impression the typos were a minor issue. One facet of my reply was that derailing this thread to comprehensively document every single typo in this game seemed like a poor focus of attention. Even faced with evidence that the concerns were warranted, I still stand behind this statement.

"The "conclusion" I'm talking about is you telling us not to bother posting pics of text errors because people like us shouldn't really care about that."

No. See my clarifications above.

It seems to me like one or more people here are very eager to jump to conclusions based on illusory fears of persecution. I find this particularly puzzling since my words as an impartial observer (with regard to this title) carry no weight and therefore "exposing" any ulterior motives I might have is essentially meaningless. Stabbing blindly at curious onlookers is a great way to burn bridges and hobble attempts at growing the niche fanbase for titles such as this. I'll never be converted into a fan (or even a customer), but I'm connected to people who might, so driving me away isn't really in the best interest of fans of Starless.

I submit this as proof of sincerity.


I don't think that made any sense

I'm done discussing this subject, and this game. Congratulations

Continue on without me gentlemen.


People can clearly see that isn't the case and you revealed that with your replies to my questioning and I pointed out your ulterior motives.

Your position in the argument you had derailed the issues we were trying to address because you personally wanted me to do a word count to prove my point to you and to prove JAST inconsistency, when you tried making it that they don't. But wait I thought you don't care? You continue with this charade of I'm important, so don't question me or my BS, shows your arrogance. I proved a motive to your continued belittlement of the issue and the amount of work that needs to be addressed. So now your playing the martyr.

Before Shiny Days was a issue:

Why the sudden change of heart Shiki?

You now try disprove my calling of your motive by saying look at this post I made on the same day. Because you know I'm right, come on man, your doing yourself no favors.

People see through it.

Buy Starless Shiki :P

I quote something someone once said "There's really no reason to poke this beehive again..."

@tom-ahawk that post of dogma's screenshot, Makoto is censored (look at his balls), so i still think it's a resolution error.

If it is changing up images (and this game has a huge amount of images) I think the length of time it would take would be based on how many of those images are reused and how many are 1shot images (if a character has a bunch of appearances in one screen but changes body position a bunch of times (eg in some of the endings where the leg position or something changes during the h-scene), then more images need to be changed vs like during the interview, there are probably only maybe 5-10 sprites per character for the whole scene so it might take less time to fix for a scene of similar length.

I’m not quite sure what you mean about Makoto being censored, the bottom image is from the japanese version, so he had to be censored, but the top one is from this english release, and because of how his sprite is displayed, we can’t see his balls anyway, so we can’t tell if he is or isn’t censored.

@Murderous Int: Sorry, not biting Mr. Troll. Consider yourself blacklisted. The only reason I'm still replying is that other people care about my position for some reason.

@Shiki You already did. LOL It's cause you can't prove me wrong.

Okay that forum made me lol'd. Some of these guys are completely clueless of how dangerously perverted and extreme Starless is. I mean Marie not only injects semen in to Mikako's husband testicles but she does it because she needs an enema real bad as she was constipating. Not only that, but that semen tank belongs to Makoto, who is the son of this guy who is also being murdered right on the spot. Marie explains that he has poor gene and his gene must be wiped off, so she injects his son's semen inside his testicles. She explains that if he can cum so quickly, he doesn't deserve her vagina but her ass cause those will help her shit them out instead. All that is going on, Makoto's balls are being crushed by a contraption while everyone is watching and Mikako is witnessing her husband being murdered, which Marie explains with a laughter that she is "killing two birds with a one stone." It simply means that she is destroying the entire generation (Mikako, Makoto, and the husband) to show how twisted and dominant she is.

After that, Makoto is sold to some perverted lady who has similar semen tasting fetish as Marie but you can multiply her desire by 4x and Mikako is sold off to some pervert old guy, who most likely has animal farms for beastiality movie productions. Previous scenario explained by Marie that the last girl, who was bought by this old perverted guy, survived only three nights as her vagina was shred to pieces. Oh and later Marie used the husband's body for organ harvesting to get the money that they owed. Yeah...that's the kind of sickness this game is representing here.

That's why Starless is such an extreme game. It's not just the CG that counts for the extreme contents but it is the dialogues, the story and the explanation of each scenario that is being slowly and progressively being explained, shown and demonstrated throughout the game. This is what drive this game to a whole new level of perversion. These types of games are non-existence, if you ask me. I don't think I have seen anything like this and I pretty much played, seen, and heard anything hentai related out there.

...well may some Ail-soft game came close to it...

The party is literally the moment when you learn what sort of fucked up people your dealing with.

All the bad endings show it even more. How they are literally above the law and your way out of your depth.

Like when they are literally gonna sell off your organs or when they sell off Mitarai and offer all these weird "upgrade" packages.

Though I also like it when Sachie saves your arse in the good ending. Even though you gave her all your money. Her bad endings though. My GAWD!!!

@dogma: It's Fuwanovel. Most of the members are relatively new to VNs and especially to content like this. Well, I did say that Starless has levels of extreme fetish content matched only by the likes of Monobeno.

Thanks to everyone posting in this thread. We will be doing a patch soon to fix these issues.

We have *no idea* how the zooming thing happened. It wasn't anything we did that I know of. I suspect it was something like, we received slightly older CGs from the company. We'll fix those as well.

The minor mosaic will also be fixed. You have no idea how many days we spent staring at these images to find all the little spots of mosaic we'd missed, because there are hundreds of layers in these images, and more than 3000 images. I knew we'd miss at least one.

Kudos to the sleuths in this thread for identifying the zooming issue. It's easy to see how that would've gotten through QC. It pays to have dedicated fans that really comb through your releases. You might want to consider recruiting (very motivated) beta testers from the community in the future to catch issues like this before release.

@PP I'm hoping with the hiccups aside. That the game is doing well enough to prove to you bringing Empress games over is a good call and we have a pretty solid, somewhat dedicated fanbase. Though Starless to me is Sei's gem of gems. I'm also looking forward to your Lewdgamer interview and the interview from Sei in the packaged version.

I just hope you can improve the typo problems, which I know is a lot of work but should be of a higher standard post release. Would you say it is worth the time of us posting these issues on the bug thread, since there is a lot of them? It would be easier to get a hold of the script in a document format so we edit on the fly, rather than post a load of images, for a text heavy game.

I think I can speak for a lot of people that we are thankful for the staff members taking the time to do this.

I just hope this volume of fan QC can be avoided in the future, since it does do your reputation as a localization company harm.

I'm having a easier time convincing people to buy this and who have brought this when your fixing these issues yourself, since it shows your teams commitment.

@Murderous Int: Oh gwad yeah, Sachie's bad ending is the probably the WORST ending I have seen. Just imagining her inside being shredding apart while the baby is still movie...the bulging and the drowning of the baby from semen haha. Yikes I am going straight to hell! By the way, remember how you and I were talking about if that was a baby's head from the original game? Apparently that was just a stain from her amniotic fluid. I was very curious if they would keep the artwork in the CG to actually show the head being popping out, but I was kinda disappointed that it wasn't. Yup straight to hell! :D

@Dark_Shiki: Ah no wonder. Looks like the mod knows more about the Starless than anyone in that forum though (and you). Well, those who aren't used to playing hardcore h-games should take it easy with it haha.

@Peter Payne: Hey Peter! Where have you been? You missed lot of interesting commotion around this part of the forum. Great release. One of the best from JastUSA thus far. I don't think you can top this release! :D

Also, appreciate the fan made patch. What a way to deliver! Just perfect. Now if this upcoming patch fixes the minor nuances, then this will be one hell of a experience for everyone and I am sure it will be labeled as one of the best and hardcore game ever to be localized in the West! :)

Oh and while you guys are at making the patch, is it possible to get the complete uncensored audio files, as well? For example, the adult derogatory terms for vagina and penis are still censored, when spoken. Some other things are censored, as well, but the slang of "penis" and "vagina" are being censored the most (well, all throughout the game, actually).

@Dogma Yeah I think it was just amniotic fluid, the line art just made it hard to tell. Don't worry about hell, Marie was just trying to help with the birth and we hear the baby was born okay, though I would worry about its future.

I think it's unlikely they would be able to get the uncensored audio if it was in the original censored.

It's likely the audio master was only compiled once they had added the *beeps*. Worth asking though, since you never know.