Official Post about Starless: Nymphomaniacs' Paradise

I'm saying that they'll likely be censored because of the content that they have, the only one that wouldn't need some sort of censorship(Taking into account of what was censored in starless) is possibly P/A. But I know for a fact that DominanE has bestiality in it. And the look of some screens from Closed game on the site it looks like that would need to be censored as well.

A fan patch doesn't omit the fact that it was censored by the company localizing it.They also are definitely pulling a moe novel because they're censoring an 18+ game and one that was meant to be hardcore at that.

Depends on your definition of Bestiality.

Since DominancE got a weird cow/pig monster hybrid and Closed Game as monsters too. which would be Peter's call to decide if that is bestiality, I personally think it isn't since bestiality would require an actual cow or pig not a monster. If that is the case them furry/bronies should be worried.

While Starless has actual dog/pig/horse sex. Which the fans are sorting out anyway and if you can't read between the lines then I can't really do much for you freind.

Haven't seen one of these before!

Personally, I hope if the do localize another that it isn’t P/A, while it is definitely a good game, I found it far inferior to Sei’s other games. It would still require a bit of censorship over the scat, but yeah, there’s no bestiality. Lewdness doesn’t have any bestiality either, so if they don’t want that, I’d prefer them release that than P/A. Closed Game looks fantastic, and doesn’t technically have bestiality, but it would require a lot of censorship by the looks of things if they don’t want to publish monsters.

Well I'm not sure how PP stance is on scat content and he would need to reply directly to such questions.

Since he said it was more the volume of scat in Starless was the problem compared to Water Closet, while the other Empress titles contain a lot less.

DominancE you have the option to turn the scat see through in the JP original.

But monsters shouldn't be a problem? I think Raidy sort follows that guide line.

While MangaGamer have been releasing the Lilith tiles that are a monster sex fest.

Plus no Loli in Empress games.

Though really Peter Payne would have to make a post on this content since he his the head honcho to know where JAST stand on these games.

Tentacles are considered bestiality by most sponsors(It's a problem that porn creators face when trying to become a legit business) Even if you can't consider something like this bestiality


It'd be pretty hypocritical that starless gets the bestiality cut but that pig hybrid thin gets a pass when it's clearly still animal like.

"@Dark_Shiki, another aspect of this is, we've got staff members who might potentially quit if we forced them to "suck it up" and be associated with certain themes. We have to consider this when we make these decisions."

I've been very focused on the Shiny Days debate and didn't read this til now. Since this is the second time this has come up I can no longer dismiss it as I have until now.

Ok, I'll buy the legal argument. Staff members are entitled to work without fear of the law looking over their shoulders. There's content in Starless that could be legally problematic, even in the US. It's a nukige, so the Miller Test might not be a good defense. Contractors working in other countries have even more reason to be worried. I'll buy your argument here.

But with this comment and others you're implying something completely different. You're implying that staff have a right to dictate what content is socially acceptable for release. Censorship by legal coercion, I'll grudgingly accept. But censorship because staff find content distateful? Screw that. If I ever thought that was the primary reason JAST was censoring a product, I'd take my business elsewhere. If staff don't want to be associated with a product, here's a solution: don't include them in the credits, or use a pseudonym. Simple. If they still complain, they shouldn't be working at an eroge company. Period. I hear MoeNovel is looking for competent staff members that are willng to gut eroge to make them suitable for 12-year-old French girls. Point your ex-staff members in their direction. Tell them not to let the door hit them on the way out.


"Tentacles are considered bestiality by most sponsors" BS

Then JAST and MangaGamer wouldn't have been able to release a bunch of titles.

So something being based on a real thing is bestiality, even if it looks completely different in design from what it looks like in real life? Then you would have to include cat-girls, bunny-girls, furries, bronies porn too since they all are clearly still animal like. I bet your surprised Neko-Para got released!!

The person who can't distinguish between a monster/creature from a real animal?

Guess sex with this is snake bestiality then:


Jast have made some odd decision when you look at their library on other content, but the bestiality in Starless is with actual animal deceptions so there is a clear difference compared to monster/creatures based on real things and anything like that ever being released in the West.

I getting the impression you don't like any games, with intresting sex?

It would be PP's call to make since we don't run JAST and he makes the call on these matters so a response from him what be the one that matters most here.

@Murderous Int

I'm gonna have to second this, monster sex and bestiality are pretty separate things, bestiality is much more of a legal issue, probably due to the fact that the act is illegal in reality (in most places), so porn encouraging such an act is also illegal. Monster sex on the other hand is entirely fictional, and so porn depicting it can hardly cause someone to have sex with a monster, because well, they don't exist!

Your point on catgirls and the lot is also quite good, since catgirls are a hybrid between obviously a cat and a girl, and this "Pigman" in Closed Game is obviously a hybrid between a pig and a man.Yet apparently not censoring this Pigman because he is animal-like is hypocritical? So letting catgirls off isn't hypocritical, even though they too are animal like? Again though, the overall decision lies up to the publisher.

I'm saying that if tentacles can be something that most sponsors won't back you for that fact animal and animal humanoids are probably next on the list of things that can be considered bestiality.

That pig cow thing is clearly something that definitely could be considered bestiality. It also doesn't matter if people could actually intimate in real life because that's not what people who are trying prohibit things like that care about.

Your point about cat girls is completely irrelevant, unless the cat girl is more furry like in appearance she's gonna look more human then not. I hope you seriously aren't comparing that pig man to a cat girl.


Nope, I have to agree with Murderous Int and tom-ahawk in this regard.
If something doesn't exist in real-life, it's fictional.
The fact that these games are all fictional in its core to begin with, something like this pig-cow-hybrid-thing here doesn't qualify as an actual animal; it's a mix of two animals, yet these types don't exist (yet) in real-life.
Therefore, it does not qualify as bestiality, if these ''beasts'' don't even exist to begin with.

Tentacle porn is the same thing.
Doesn't exist in real-life, tentacles that penetrate people.
Except for these intense creepy fetish kinds of porn movies, but these aren't ''real'' tentacles, but artificially made one.
When talking about bestiality, we assume these things to be ''living creatures'', which doesn't qualify for tentacles in real-life porn, so in the end, I have to disagree with you about this.

Who are these sponsors you talking about?

I seriously can't believe you saying a pig-man monster is bestiality but you know different folk.

Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between human and non-human animals. Cat-girl is okay?

Yet you don't sense the double standard based on your aesthetic taste. There is a difference between a girl wearing cat ears cos-play fetish fantasy and a girl that is a cat. People would be able to tell what it is based on but the act of bestiality would need to involve a real world animal not some monster/creature fantasy hybrid. The cow pig hybrid retains a lot of the two animals traits but it is still something of fantasy which you can tell by looking at the image.

PP would have to make that call and since his in bed with Will he is the one we have to ask about these things, to know where he and JAST stand on the other Empress works and the content. If anything this is a more grey zone where PP would need to decide where his beliefs fall on the matter.

I can say one thing for sure: if the creature has human intelligence, it's not bestiality. Bestiality is immoral in the same way that sex with a child is immoral: a nonhuman creature cannot consent to sexual intercourse with a human. It's essentially mistreatment of the animal. This argument disappears if the "animal" somehow has human intelligence.

Then what about dogs fucking other animals (like cats) Or humans with brain damage?

Just because something isn't intelligence doesn't mean it don't wanna fuck.

Another thought is what if the creature is raping the human the supposed more intelligent creature?

Are you seriously saying this


is comparable to this


And intelligence has nothing to do with bestiality, you can write an intelligent dog and keep it a normal dog.

Whether or not it can happen in real life doesn't matter either because if that were the case there would be no legal troubles in the first place.

Anyways as for sponsors I'm just going by what I've heard from porn business when they talk about how funding can have tight restrictions of what they're willing to fund for.


There aren't any legal troubles with such content - because it doesn't fall under bestiality, if you still haven't realized the difference between the two.
And yes, in its core, both of your two examples you depicted here are the same, in its core.
Someone dressing as an animal (bunny suit, nekomimi etc.) and someone being, in the story, a hybrid between a human and an animal/monster and even a ''monster girl'' are not the same as an actual, anatomically correct depiction of a real animal.
Of course, these two examples give off a totally different expression, but they are in its core the same thing; in the story, these characters are ''monsters'', aka surreal living beings; if it's surreal, it's not bestiality.
Bestiality is something that involves actual animals; if this pig-cow-hybrid was either one of this entirely, then yes, it would be bestiality.
But since it's a mix of the two and such beings not existing as of now, it does not qualify as bestiality.

If your mind is still lacking comprehension for this, then I don't even know how to further elaborate anymore. =_=
If this still didn't enlighten you, others might as well explain it to you in a way that makes you realize the difference.

The only thing I agree with you here is that intelligence doesn't affect the classification of bestiality.
Sex has nothing to do with ''intelligence'', but is a carnal desire, an instinct.
It is not related to intelligence at all.

Are you stupid? In their core? Anyone with a brain can see those two imagines are not the same in their core. If the cat girl had more furr and actually looked like a cat maybe you'd have an argument.

Cat girls are monster girls and most monster girls are too humanistic to be considered on the same level as that pig man.

Drawings aren't real though so you're point is moot. It being real has nothing to do with whether or not it can be considered breaking the law.

The theme is the exact same thing.
I have an argument here regardless of if you think I have one, or not.
The following point doesn't necessarily add to my own argument here, but I haven't been the only one who came to this conclusion, others here said the exact same thing.
Now ''Others agree with me!!11'' isn't necessarily something that speaks for my point, but it serves as a demographic that you yourself could use to reflect on your own opinion and questioning yourself.

''Monster girls are too humanistic to be considered on the same level as that pig man.''

Total bullshit.
I have two examples here that prove you wrong about this.

Picture 1

And in case you come with crap like ''No, this isn't human, this monster girl has machine parts in it! :'('', how abour you take a look at this here.

Picture 2

And to add to the irony, the game these screenshots are from is called Monster Girl Quest.
But yes, if you say that all monster girls are of mainly human appearance, it must be true.

And since when is law absolute?
Laws change, our society changes, social standards change, points of view changes, everything changes.
Besides, law isn't everywhere the same.
Loli is another good example of ''breaking the law''.
If I draw a stick figure with visible genitalia and write over this character ''This person is a minor.'', am I ''breaking the law'' for spreading child porn?
Of course not.
If I draw a stick figure lying dead on the ground in a puddle of drawn blood, right next to it another stick figure holding a gun, does it make me a murderer?
No, it doesn't.

For having ''moot points'', I'm bringing up more reasonable points to this debate than you do.
Prove me wrong with something else, other than your own, subjective opinion, then we can keep talking. :)

So you have no sponsors to sample relating to the subject of Hentai?

Some hentai anime with bestiality released in the west.

Family of Debauchery, Cool Devices, Phantom Hunter Miko.

We know outright bestiality as in real living breathing people is illegal in some places.

But this category of fiction is a bit more varied and grey when it comes to erotic books or the hentai medium.

A non-sex orientated picture of the pig-man.

I find it weird that JAST is advertising the game using images from scenes that they’ll be censoring:

I understand that the content will be restored in an official patch released using unofficial means but it’s weird using the stuff they’ll censor as a way to advertise. I thought they were trying to distance themselves from the censored images.

That is kind of odd. I wonder what their game plan is.