Pokemon... only 50% done...

“Now I’ll show you how real Trainers do battle!”

“Stop Whining! All I did was kill your Starter Pokemon! Summon your Legendaries! Call out your Perfect IV’s! Use Full Restore! Stand up! Pick up more Pokeballs! Do something! The night is still so young, and the real fun is yet to start! Hurry, hurry, hurry, HURRY!”

For those who don’t get the connection.

I just can’t see Alucard being willing to suffer the indignity of being put inside a Pokeball. But I wish I could :slight_smile:

Two words: Master Ball. :lol:

Though really… would want Alucard on your side? He’s not above turning into a girl, and it’s pretty clear he’s into having an intimate relationship with his Master. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d rather have those Great Old One powers that Alucard throws around (practically invulnerable until he releases his level zero seal… at least in the manga and OVA versions), than have Alucard himself as a servant. Too much mind games for my tastes.

Now Seras on the other hand… :twisted:

The question is which Seras do you want? The fairly normal one at the start or the epic Seras that appears at the end? Early Seras would be easier to control but would not be anywhere near as strong. Epic Seras could slaughter entire armies for you but she might flip out if you irritated her, and that would be very bad.

Epic Sera!!!

Seras obeys the “letter of the law” with her Masters. Alucard on the other hand, only obeys the “spirit of the law” with his Masters.

Seras will do what you say. Alucard will do what he thinks you wanted to say. Even if he’s right, it’s subversive mind games… and he likes doing it.


She’s lawful. He’s chaotic. Alucard isn’t the kind of guy who naturally takes orders… and it’s pretty obvious… Besides… I think the only reason why he truly obeyed Integra, is because he loved her. After she authorized the unlocking of his Zero Seal, Alucard could have killed her, as he had total freewill upon that action (which of course, made him vulnerable to being slain or enslaved by a new Master - hence Anderson, Monty, and the Angel of Death going for the kill). Interga never defeated Alucard in battle, so he wasn’t beholden to the same limitations that Abraham (her father) had instilled upon him. Alucard followed her, because he wanted to…

new update the shadows of the starters

Hmmm… It’s still waaaaay to early to judge, given this game probably adds at least another 120 Pokemon or so… but the new designs for the 'mons is not appealing to me. Zorua and Zoroark are fugly to me, and has that “scrapping the bottom of the barrel” look to me. The outlines to the new starters, ain’t exactly boosting my hopes either.

Putting that aside.

The right side one looks like a lizard and the bottom 'mon hits me as a rabbit eared piglet. Totally no idea what the upper right one could be.

Can’t wait for the upcoming weekend, to see their full appearance. First stage for starters are supposed to look cute (liek mudkipz)… so I’m crossing my fingers they get it right.

Yurimon, my favorite!

Actually, it’s called Moemon:



Fakes… but very interesting ideas. We all gotta wait 'til this weekend for the real things…

new info in the video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyEoYO35 … eature=sub
the grass type is a snake
the fire type is a pig
and the water type is an otter

hmmm… I wonder if they mean this Pokemon is set outside Japan. Previously, all the games were set in pesudo-Japan, except for the GameCube titles: which supposedly took place in the US desert. Maybe this one goes back to the fake America? Or maybe it’s in Europe? That really be cool.

Fire Pig. Narg approves. Grass Snake. Narg approves. But WTF is up with that water start? It’s fugly. :expressionless:

more new info new attacks and new abilities

and a few blurry pics of the new pokemon in action

Animated. Pokemon. Battle. Sprites.


I came. Multiple times. :stuck_out_tongue:

This isn’t just a rehash of the game engine… it’s like the Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and Soul Silver/Heart Gold titles were just beta tests. Black/White is an overhaul… OVER 9000!!! I saw some footage of the cities: it had vehicle traffic and dozens of people roaming around.

All my doubts are gone. This is going to be one badass game. 8)

Official artwork for the city known as Isshu…

Some have commented it has a vague New York City appearance. Perhaps this entry takes place in the Pokemon World version of America? :shock:

Does that mean Obama is the Pokemon Champion? :stuck_out_tongue:

Whao… badass… the legendaries of Black and White are pure freaking badass!!!


They look like Angelic Dragons. I’m guessing one is Dragon-Dark and the other is Dragon-Psychic (or perhaps Dragon-Flying). Maybe they’re Arceus version of archangels?

September can’t get here soon enough (for the Japanese version; US in 2011).

lots o leaks
there is a chinchilla-that is normal type
a pig like thing that is psychic type
a gear thing that is steel type
a NEW pigeon that is flying normal type
a fire gorilla/demon thing
a electric horse
and a earth/dark gator

All these sites are so hyped on the new Pokemon, they’re overlooking the region map shown for the game.

It’s practically confirmed that Isshu is the Pokemon world’s version of New York City, New York, America.

Insert distasteful jokes about Team Jihad being the villains this time around. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

According to Nintendo’s upcoming quarterly investor’s report: Pokemon B&W are 100% finished. Nintendo is just building the hype and starting card/package manufacturing. I propose we perform a blackops mission and break into Nintendo HQ!!! :wink:

On a total side note: MILF Professor this time around. Brock will be happy, when they air the next generation in anime format. :stuck_out_tongue:

Although… exactly what’s the age threshold that Brock operates? I know he’s not into “younger” girls (May, Misty, Dawn)… but does the teenage female protagonist count as a target?

For some other worthless facts… there’s some sort of running joke that Lyra is a yandere. I’m honestly not getting it though. She doesn’t act yan…

And this last pic will only make sense if you know Eva and Pokemon. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ah… nevermind… I get it now. It’s to explain why the original girl in Crystal, isn’t around anymore. She killed her to get Ethan.

Younger girls or twincest (Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny).