Post Your Bishoujo Game Collection

Thanks. JList’s 15% off any 4 helps. :slight_smile: I’ve got a bunch wishlisted right now:

Snow Sakura
Family Project ~ Kazoku Keikaku
Tokimeki Check-in
Kana ~ Little Sister
Yume Miru Kusuri
The Sagara Family

Well, if nothing else, my interest in eroge could get me back to learning Japanese again. :lol:

Not a lot for starters and I’ve only made my way partially through the 2nd item on the list…lol. Cost me about SGD$300 to $400, I think. Or maybe much more.

Animamundi(wait does this even count as bishoujo?)
Phantom of Inferno
Hourglass of summer
Piece of wonder
Yo jin bo

Edit: Some of you have close to 100 games?! Eh… wow, you must have a lot of time and be really devoted to visual novels. :slight_smile:

Ahh, I’m so jealous of those who have Utawarerumono! I really want to play this game, but I can’t read japanese well enough. ><;;

Believe me: buying a game, installing a game and playing a game are three completely different activities, not necessarily tied. :smiley:

Mirrormoon/Soylations have translated it.

Heh… hate me even more… I got it 6 months ago off eBay for 3000 Yen (~US$30) @__@

Just do like I did and get open it in Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop and make it so that it’s 120 pixels high :slight_smile:
From “Da Rulez”

  • images (gifs / jpgs / png) are allowed
  • pixel size limit: 480 width by 120 height
  • total image filesize limit: 100k

Getting >100 VNs isn’t a particularly difficult task. Go back to 2001 or so and buy every game that looks awesome as it comes out. You’ll easily have over a hundred by now.

That doesn’t mean just getting the games that actually were awesome. You have to get everything that looks like it’s going to be awesome. That includes every big, hyped release that flopped because half the characters had their routes cut and were replaced with a bunch of uninteresting nobodies.

You’ll end up with a lot of junk in your collection, but you’ll have quite a collection. Imagine, being able to go back and play Garden any time you want. =P

(for reference, 100 games is only about 2.5% of the VNs that came out 2001-2007)

Oh, I had no idea. Thank you very much! :smiley:

Good find! :o

Yeah, tell me about it. :slight_smile: I just wish I’d only been able to find Tsukihime for that, but unfortunately, I had to fork out ~10.000 Yen (~US$100) for that one

Hah… so this means they’re collecting games, huh? :slight_smile:

Oh no. It’s just that the reasons to buy a game, to install it and to play it are many and miscellaneous and don’t necessarily match or even intersect.

I’ve got between 10 and 20 games I’ve never opened… (Silent Hill 1, 2, 3, 4, …).
I know I should play them since I bought them but…
Argh I don’t even want to think about how long it has been since some of those games are on my desk.
I’m really no more intersted in video games… (except from eroge of course)

LOL… I have an Atari 2600 that still works \o/ Pitfall FTW…

Yeah i had an Atari too.
It was the time when people knew what was good :smiley:

I remember I had this game : Kangaroo

I remember Berserk. 8)

Here is my humble collection so far:
Come See Me Tonight, Crescendo, Kana - Little Sister, Snow Sakura, Yume Miru Kusuri
Waiting for the arrival of:
Come See Me Tonight 2, Family Project, Hitomi - My Stepsister

Given your tastes I’m sure you will be really confused after playing Hitomi :smiley:

A friend in my Japanese class (who seems to be a Nasu addict…) has warned me on more than one occasion about Hitomi when I told him I was getting it. In a way, I’ve also been warned by reading the HH webcomic. I think I’ll be alright.

My collection is not as large as it should be, but DVDs eat most of my time. Currently I have:

Ai Yori Aoshi
Bazooka Cafe
Bible Black
Brave Soul
Chain ~ The Lost Footsteps
Critical Point
Discipline -The record of a Crusade-
Do you like Horny Bunnies?
Do you like Horny Bunnies? 2
Jewel Knights Crusaders
Hourglass of Summer
Kango Shicyauzo -Voice Plus!-
Kango Shicyauzo 2 -Is the Sorority House Burning?-
Lightning Warrior Raidy
Phantom of the Inferno
Private Nurse
Tokimeki Check-in!

I don’t think I’ve gotten 100% completion in any of them >.> And some of them I haven’t even gotten a chance to play yet. I am making progress though! (slowly…)

It’s still a good collection. And I can understand where you’re coming from when you haven’t gotten 100 percent yet. Sometimes I like to leave a game and do something else right in the middle for some reason. I still have to finish off a couple I stopped before completion.