Humm… too many to list.
My first b-games I can remember purchasing were True Love, Ring Out, and Paradise Heights 2. True Love cemented my interest in b-games for life, and Ring Out taught me that most b-games come from a very strange story place and you just never know what awaits you. And that’s been my experiences since— there’s fun games, there’s interesting games, there’s endearing games, and then there are really weird games beyond belief out there.
I’ve purchased almost all of the b-games J-List has ever sold. The only things I never bought are the new BL titles, Water Closet, and the Exchange series. I considered ordering the BL titles just to make sure Peach Princess got some extra money for opening up a new genre of translated games, but I don’t know anyone to give the games to. If I did, I’d order them.
What turned me off ever ordering Water Closet and the Exchange series was these forums, actually. This forum and its elder members dumped on those particular games so much they more than convinced me I’d never like them and I would just waste my time no matter what kind of taste I have because they are guaranteed to be total fail, no exceptions. They actually did that with Kana and a few other games as well, but I went ahead recently and got Kana. It’s sitting in the very BOTTOM of my b-game pile. It’s not like there’s any mystery in the title— because its been spoiled to hell and back a million times in the forums. I’ve only wasted my money on Kana so I can see the complete product and have a common reference point with my fellow game fans.
Yeah, yeah— I know I’ll get flamed now, but I don’t care. This forum spoils way too much. When there’s a new game I’m looking forward to playing, I just don’t come around here until I’ve finished it. Otherwise, these forums are bad to spoil it, even when I avoid obvious threads about the game. I guess I just don’t play them fast enough to be a permanent fixture around here and enjoy the mysteries of my (new to me) b-games.