Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

I look forward to seeing your reaction since we seem to have very similar taste in games.

So err… anyone managed to pull off a no-damage fight in the fight between Iris & Angela (Normal Mode)? I did, out of pure luck :lol: This game have some quite the challenge.

my very first play-thru. I had to, initially, as I went into that fight with just 26 HP dew to one super powered hit in the fight before her. After 79 ROUNDS of combat where I’d been whittling her down, I said heck with it, replayed the battle BEFORE her, walked in with my 100 HP, and not needing to play so cautiously, creamed her with no damage to Iris taken.

It’s not diffcult to build Iris in such a way that you ONLY can get hit in your first two battles (unless EXTREMELY unlucky). That’s why the card game didn’t impress me. I appreciated what they tried to do, and I’d look forward to a sequal to see what they do to develop it into something a bit more challenging.

Welcome to the forum defaux. Your post is fine; it is always nice to hear someone else’s point of view on the matter.

I realize I’m a bit late to the party here. I had just gotten a new computer when PW came out, and so I’ve been doing a lot of catching up on all the games I hadn’t been able to run on my old machine. The somewhat mixed reception the game got here also encouraged me to put it off. I’ve now finally started it, and I’m blown away by how good it is. I’ve never played a B-game that was so genuinely gripping and so difficult stop playing. I have to admit that I haven’t finished the game yet, but last night I went through the fight between Suzushiro and Liesel, which was one of the most awesome things I have ever seen in a game. After that, I pretty much had to come on and gush. The only complaint I have so far is that, like some other posters, I’ve been irritated that the card game and the plot seem to be so poorly coordinated, so that a decisive card victory often seems to have basically no effect. A lot of complaints seem to center on the ending, which I haven’t gotten to yet, but for now I would have to say that PW is a serious contender for the number 1 spot on my personal list. Kudos to PP for bringing out such an amazing game!

yeah the story isn’t as strong as fate/stay night but the battles are much better and you get to see them all even if your character isn’t there
the battles are a lot more insane than the ones in fate

And here it is…

First, Since I have a problem to unlock all the pathes (cfr here for those wh’d die to help me :wink: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5743 ), I didn’t see the bonus ending.

Nevertheless I can already state a lot of things.

God damned… the second part is totaly messed up. There should never have been H-scene in thi game. If Pulltop choose to put only one ending, why did they let Arata have sex with the other princesses ?
On my first try, I directly go for Lun Lun of course:) and I was so disapointed seeing how useless the sex scene was in the end since there isn’t even a Lun Lun ending :frowning: (Arata : I will have sex with you but i still prefer Chris. <= WTF ? :x ).
And then regarding the character developement, it was totaly out of place to let you have sex with Liessel and Angela.

Another problem is the absence of Chris during allll the second part… You totaly forget Chris and you don’t really understand why the only ending is a Chris ending…

Regardless that, I liked the story and like I said, it would have been better without the H scene. The only fact you can go for a princess, have sex with her, but still you can’t have an ending with her… it totaly ruin the game.

… Rhaaa I’m so disapointed I couldn’t live happily forever with Lun Lun :lol: (but how old is she ?)

I’m disapointed but I’m really thankfull to PP for having translated this VN. It’s not the best VN translated so far, but it’s still better than… APC for example 8)

PS : as for the card game… i could bear with it during all the game but now I don’t want to hear about it anymore (I was on easy mode when for the 4 last princesses). :smiley:

hopefully another version or a sequel or an anime version will fix some of the game’s story shortcomings

I saw what happens three months later…
It’s even more disturbing now.

What a player this Arata…

Okay, just finished my first playthrough, and honestly, the only thing I’m disappointed about is that it’s over. I’ve seen people complain about the lack of endings, but given the way the plot was set up, I have a hard time seeing how it could have ended any other way. Any other good ending, anyway. I agree that the justification for most of the sex scenes was a bit thin. It didn’t bother me, but I can see how it would annoy some people. I think the game would have been just as strong without them anyway. I definitely think this is the best b-game in English that I’ve seen. A+

Okay, I’m off to play again. :smiley:

I forgot to say that one of the best point in this VN is the REAL WINCEST ! Most of the time you find out that you supposedly sister and you are not blood related, but here it’s the opposite. Chris is you half sister.

PW could really use a scene library like Da Capo’s, where you can rewatch the non-ero scenes. I found some scenes there really hilarious but it’s difficult to find them again. :frowning:

Just started playing this and it’s pretty interesting so far. One thing I gotta say: LOL NEWTYPE FLASH. What makes it funnier is that I’m actually using tracks from various Gundam series for my battle bgm.

Fine, so I now finished my first playthrough - and of course I got the same WTF-“Bad end? How was I supposed to change anything in the storyline by playing my cards differently?”-experience just as everybody else who hasn’t peeked into this thread before getting there.

But leaving that aside, I learned from this thread that apparently the new option in the main menu is more than its inscription expresses, so that solved my question. However, I now wonder whether I should immediately continue with that or probably rather ignore it and regard the story as it was as canon- regardless that it ends with the so-called “bad ending”.
I mean - I really enjoyed the story and its comical parts- until it suddenly declared “playtime’s now over”. In particular, I will hold that unplanned date at the mall with Lun Lun dear- knowing now that it will not get any better anyway!

From what I read here so far, I conclude that apparently the story as it happens in the first playthrough seems to be at least entirely consistent- while every of the other princesses paths actually is a more or less messed up. And what I read about Lun Lun’s path definitely doesn’t encourage me to go there.

So what do the others who have played through all the alternate paths and the final epilogue say: Is it worth my time to play through them - or would I be happier if I’d leave it at that?

Let me be a bit more specific:
My current backlog of not yet touched english localized games contains:
[] X-Change 3 (played a few paths of it in its japanese version)[/]
[] Doushin . same heart (played most of it in its original version)[/]
[] Yin-Yang X-Change alternative[/]
[] Amorous Professor Cherry[/]
[] Ever 17[/]
[] Bazooka Cafe[/]
[] Pretty Soldier Wars A.D: 2048
So that are the immediate competitors for the … other paths of PW.

Ah well, I made Hanabi wait for much too long thanks to PW anyway, so I should now switch my gaming priorities back to ST3!

Just play the second part… The story is worth of it.
You can’t really talk about “path” in this VN since… it’s the exact same path for every single princess (even if as some of us will say that the beast princess path is the canon one since you learn a little more about some parts of the story).
If you’re only interested in the story, go for the beast princess. If you love Lun Lun as much as me :D, just forget about the beast princess and her “secret” identity (nevertheless you’ll be disapointed if you just continue for Lun Lun).

When you’re done with PW, try Ever17 ! (and burn X-change 3 :twisted: )

Before you burn that take Pretty Soldier Wars and atomize it (95% must have been your chance to miss instead of hit). But yeah just go ahead and play the second part. It may not be perfect, especially if you like Lun Lun (I certainly did), but it’s not horrible. In regards to the special end you unlock after doing all the routes, don’t waste your time. It’s short, bland and unless they plan a sequel sometime soon it’s utterly pointless.

So, I take it that “chapter 2” deviates even more from the story in the first playthrough than it sounds?
Maybe it actually would have deserved to be called… “Part 2” or even better “second act”?
I basically expected having to skip through 90% already read text, getting a meaningless sexscene, improving my cardbattle-strategy by repeating every before fought battle again five times - and that was chapter 2!

Anyway - thanks you two for replying. Otherwise, I might have uninstalled the game today and… see below!

So, that one actually deserves the treatment that I planned to give the now possibly existent “chapter 2”?
Just like there is of course neither a “Tsukihime”-anime series nor a first season of the “Sister Princess”-anime? :wink:

Now, isn’t there anybody out there who wants to recommend me what to do with “Amorous Professor Cherry”? :wink:

It will be to no avail though - my collection contains other Kumiko-lemon-award-titles that would probably deserve even more that treatment - and won’t reveive it either:

[] Transfer Student[/]
[] W.C. - th eforbidden chamber[/]
[] Virgin Roaster[/]
[] ADAM - the double factor[/]
[] DESTOPIA[/][/list]

Oh, and yes: Lun Lun is actually my favorite watches her giving the people in her PR-department a HUGE bonus! - closely followed by Nodoka (who tragically is no option… :cry: ).

… and Chris actually should eat her heart out! :evil: :stuck_out_tongue: :twisted:
Sorry, but I am not into boys who just happen to have been born with a body of the wrong sex!

Now, isn’t there anybody out there who wants to recommend me what to do with “Amorous Professor Cherry”?

How could i say it… If you’re the type of person who skips all the useless parts and the boring H-scenes in a VN… then you’ll skip everything in APC.

As much as I enjoy Lun Lun, I think the main reason not many people choose the beast princess is because of how little she is in the story. You hardly get to know the character.

I just reached the final end - and all my worries about an inconsistent storyline that I got from this thread are now wiped out.

Sure - it could have been more, but still the way it was made is a great epic. And if it was intended to be then - it achieved its goal.

Actually, I feel reminded of “Final Fantasy 7” whwn I think of the main criticism that I read here: then there also were (admittably quite believable) suspicions that the finalized product was cut in order to meet the deadlines. But nonetheless, it also was a great game that back then when it was released set new standards.
Well, I am not sure whether I would say that “Princess Waltz” really did the latter, but the former can be applied, so I close with the quote that remained back then that I picked up in the discussion of the case “Final Fantasy 7” and would like the ones who (again understandable and definitely not all unjustified) criticized a certain lack namely, the lack of multiple paths and endings to think about it:

“You just bought the Venus of Milo - and all you do now is complain that it has no arms?”

Again: I understand the critics and I by no means want to silence them here - but if a story has been well written (which I now think it is) and a piece of work has been declared completed by its makers, then adding the parts that are not meant to be by its creator is left to the hands of devoted fans - be it by writing fan-fictions or other kinds of doujin-works.

… and if nobody is going to beat me to that - I might as well write my own Lun Lun after-epilogue and put it up in this thread!

My take at that:

I don’t think “Princess Waltz” is a love-story at all -rather an epic. Arata’s devotion for saving Chris is less driven by real love, but rather stubborness - and Iris who uses him as her pawn for finally ending the long lasting conflict with Eldhin. Thus in the end, there still was hope for a later romantic relationship with any other princess - perhaps except Suzushiro because she might stil be most devoted to Chris - and with Chris now being a prince (no matter of which sex) her original wishes might be granted. Hmmmm… I think a yuri-fanfic for the two of them might be a nice idea too…

By the way (path-spoiler):

I understood that Shizuka’s path should only open after I had the sex-scenes with the other four princesses? Well, right now my main menu looks like this[attachment=0]PWMain.jpg[/attachment], so what happened to me should be quite obvious: I got the part of the beast princess in my first playthrough of “chapter 2” (which I still think would better have been named “act 2”!).

My choices in “chapter 18” that probably triggered this path (taken out here because apparently nested spoilers are not supported):

1st union with Liesel (wanted to go her path first because I care about her least - I was still upset about her style of fighting when she wore her true tiara)
2nd union with Suzushiro (collected in the battles joined with Liesel before enough EXP, so now I wanted to buy the “Rage”-Skill that i was only available if I had Suzushiro’s stat-boost
3rd union should have been Angela (wanted to try to get more skills using her stats boost), but that was not meant to happen after I made the choice…