Princess Waltz: THE THREAD

It’s a valid question, though; historically, PP/GC/JAST haven’t released demos of their games, and considering Princess Waltz has a downloadable demo already… it would be nice to have, anyway.

True, but we were lucky enough to get a demo for YMK. In fact, that demo is what convinced me to finally take the plunge and start getting these games.

I’ll say this, at the risk of coming across as vague and entirely unsatisfactory: there are a lot of surprises among the cast of Princess Waltz. Some you’ll see coming a mile away, others… well, I was surprised by a few character developments, though I’m not sure that everyone will be.

A few things are left unresolved at the end as well, which should allow for plenty of delicious speculation. It’ll be fun to compare notes with people once the game’s out!

There are currently no plans for an English version of the demo.

I could really care less about most background music in the games (with Crescendo being a major exception). On the other hand, I prefer that songs be uncompressed or use a lossless codec. As for images, personally I’m fond of PNG. However, I’m not averse to some other format for the pictures, as long as it doesn’t create nasty artifacts in the images. Lastly, while I often quite enjoy watching the opening movies, its not something important enough to get me bent out of shape.

The last time I see a .flac lossless music file, it was 29.3 MB in size even though the song was only around 4 minute in length. I was like zomg :shock: Imagine a game soundtrack that has around 15 track, with each of them around the same length and being uncompressed/lossless.

I tried converting the file to .mp3 format at highest quality possible, resulting in a 9.09 MB file, and i can’t hear a difference at all. Really, the develpoper can do us a favor just by compressing the sound files in their game just a bit so we can save a lot of disk space, but of course, what they can do and what they want to do don’t always match :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the opening movie, i usually don’t care much unless it’s a game from minori. Man, love Shinkai :smiley:

To bring this line of discussion which is kind of getting off topic back on track, I guess I’ll ask this: what encoding does the sound and music in Princess Waltz use?
While I’m aware that you were most likely directing your comment at qwerqwerty, Panzerhaust, I think what I suggested is perfectly workable. Even with the relatively large size of a lossless encoded or uncompressed song, there usually are only one or two songs in a game in my experience. The most songs I’ve encountered in a game thus far is Kana Little Sister, with three songs (Shiroi Kisetsu, Believe ~Tsubura na Hitomi~, and Anata he).
Hmmm, this brings up another question: How many songs does Princess Waltz have? I was kind of let down when I obtained APC and found that there were no songs, only musical pieces.

Well that wasn’t really a long game so I don’t blame em. But seriously though, for a game of THIS size, I think the soundtrack will be pretty loaded.

Just a couple of questions I came up with.

More or less, how many hours are required to complete the game?

About the card battles, are they frequent, or should we expect to find just a few ones here and there?

Regarding about the first question you can find here Here. ?The topic I was post i past.


I am sure I read that topic, but it seems I missed the first posts.

I’ve been waiting for this game for over a year, and constantly I got frustrated why it hasn’t been translated yet (unfortunately I don’t speak Japanese at all :frowning: ) when it was announced it is coming soon I thought: “yeah right soon as usual”, but then excitement grew day by day. Now, when it’s almost shipping, another thing started to bug me: a fear that it will be a major disappointment. Please keep me informed whether it is worth buying, because money doesn’t grow on trees and I am reluctant to risk byuing a disappointing game (I will never forgive myself byuing Final Fantasy X-2 :oops: )

Ya know, ive heard nothing but good things about this game from any reviewers (ill await somethingawful’s) but ya know… it offers 2 levels of play… you can play the card game, and ive read people can get immursed in that, but on top of that the game offers a nice story on top of it… this game isnt like ur average 500 million dollar release from EA… its been released to a market once already and did very very well, so you know it has some level of play.

This is a good question, I’m not sure. Sound was one of the aspects of the game we didn’t have to address in the production of the English language version. I can look into this if you like; the audio quality seems quite high from experiencing it while testing.

Note that the Princess Waltz soundtrack will be available in a separate folder on the install disc so you won’t have to extract the music data from the game files.

This is going to vary pretty widely depending on your play style and your definition of “complete”. To experience all of the paths my guess is around 20 hours, maybe less if you steamroll through all the card battles on easy mode; that said, the card battle system presents a bunch of challenges independent of the story that can easily add several more hours of game play if you choose to pursue them (I can provide examples if anyone is curious).

After an initial period of plot exposition the card battles become fairly frequent. I don’t have the number off the top of my head, but I’d estimate there are around 20 battles total throughout the game (more if you choose to fight the optional training battles).


Now thats a good new. Though I really don’t mind if i have to.

Oh Thanks. It was a great idea to do that with YMK so I hope the OST of Princess Waltz will be at least as good as the one of YMK (I almost listen to it every day).

You pretty much stole the words right out of my mouth le nuage.

On October 28th, got an email saying it would ship out approx 3 weeks from now, which puts the release just before thanksgiving here in america, around the 18th (im sure it could come out earlier or later) but based on that email id have to say on or around the 18th of November.

don’t pre-order people get it earlier like maybe a week or so

We don’t have a firm date set yet. The game is complete and has begun the replication process (hence the “gold master” announcement), so the window of variability for the release has been narrowed - I think it’s safe to say it should be in your hands by the end of November if you’re in the continental US. Our procedure is to ship the game immediately to those who have it on preorder as soon as the boxes arrive from the duplicator, and on a first-come-first-serve basis to customers who order on or after that date.

We are committed to a download release as soon as possible. The technical issues are worked out on our end, so it’s simply a matter of getting Will on board; we think they’ll give us the green light soon, but we have no control over that final step in the process. We’ll let you know as soon as we’ve received the OK.

I’m trying to give this title the benefit of the doubt, but one thing I’ve been confused about from posts from people who’ve played the game is are their different endings where you end up with each girl, or just one ending where you end up with the main girl?