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Its a European game maker, I heard their main language is dutch so I assume their are based in the netherlands. They dont offer physical copies of their games sadly enough, you can only buy their games from their website which you can only buy digital copies.

great now I will save my money. thank you.

That’s odd…
Did somebody call my name?

Ah yes, nice indeed, good call there Narg :mrgreen:

By simply taking a look at Mangagamer’s release schedule I doubt many customers will wait months for a release that may not even materialize.

I have one word to say:

ROFL :lol:

You’d be amazed how many people would rather take a ‘wait and see’ stance knowing MG already has the rights and intentions to releasing DCPC as well. Some already have large backlogs of games to keep them busy and are in no rush. Other’s look at it as a means to save money, and some just aren’t driven with the whole ‘I have to have it RIGHT NOW’ mentality.

But yes, MG will be lucky if they can even last long enough to get all their current titles out, and this is again another reason why it was a bad move on their part not to just release DCPC instead of trying to release both.

Do you think this is what Circus asks MG to do? I was thinking of such case since the DRM thing was also from Circus’s request. :?

But it’s true that i’m in no rush to get Suika, currently having Heaven’s Feel and Wanko to Kurasou translated, both are lengthy, plus PW in the near future, so i’d pretty busy til the end of 2009 :smiley:

I feel poor for the guys who don’t have a FSN DVD :wink:

Except Wanko to Kurasou isn’t easy to find anymore.

You know the hardness of finding less than popular games, I’ve planned on it since TakaJun began his project and now the only way i can play it is to wait for a friend of mine to finish playing and lend me the disc (lol, can you believe it? Every online store is out of stock, and he’s the only one i know that has the game :P)

Anyway, the guys on Wiki made an article fast :shock: but they forgot to add it into the “English-translated H games” Category, so i did the job :lol:

In my opinion, whether they hold the license or not is purely a technicality, since Circus, OVERDRIVE, etc. have a pretty large say in what MangaGamer does, whether diplomatically or financially. All that really matters is if there is interest in bringing the games out.

And as reported previously (, “[when] asked about future game publishing and whether they’re putting out all the random Da Capo game titles, Circus replied that they’ll probably considering putting out Da Capo Plus Communication or Da Capo II next.” However, low sales of Da Capo, the original version, is probably going to put a a damper on their “considerations.” It’s obvious they’re essentially testing the waters with a smaller game, because it’s a less risky investment.

how long is tasty shafts

That’s a valid probability as well, but for some reason I can’t shake the feeling it’s more along the mentality of ‘milking the market’ rather then testing it. They’ve already displayed they have done little to no research on the over all market they were diving into, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they were already under the assumption they could get away with selling both without any potential loss of sales to either.

About 5 or 6 hours

First time you play is about 3 hours
Second time is about 2
Final time is about 1

regarding the comments from the proofreaders, are you sure you are allowed to make such comment in a public forum? I know that my company will not forgive me if I start making comment about the progress of a project, the inner working of the company or future projects that the company might take. Only certain people can make such comment and I am not one of them (thankfully).

any way, this thread is a proof that VN companies in the west do NOT advertise enough. How can a VN fan not know of the existence of a VN localisation company? (let alone a title) But again, where should they advertise? :roll:

the only place i can think of is anime magazines like anime insider and otaku usa

The company has shown such ineptitude that it seems reasonable to conclude they have no idea what’s going on. They hired inept translators and poor proofreaders, their site (although better now) is still fairly amateurishly written; the general level of “quality” from them is indicative that the higher-ups in the company don’t speak English, and they don’t speak Japanese. This being the case, it’s very likely they’ll never even hear about the comments.

Furthermore, the comments actaully IMPROVE the image of the company, even though they’re pretty damning. Since they make it clear that things are getting better, they should improve confidence that the company can turn things around. And they can’t hurt the company’s image; mangagamer did that all by itself already. The comments indicate a sorry state of japanese-english translation, however, it’s not like we didn’t know that already. It’s immediately obvious from their products.

they should just hire a few fansubbers to translate their games

This has ALWAYS been the biggest problem that all companies releasing these products have faced going back into the very old days of the early 90s. Nobody will sell them. Nobody will run ads for them. There has been no problem selling hentai anime, because it’s so similar to porn movies. The social battle over porn movies has been fought and lost decades ago. Games aren’t even decades old (maybe 3 at this point; maybe). Things are “different” because games are new. Not that they ACTUALLY are different (claims of interactivity, etc notwithstanding), but people have made this same exact mistake about all new media dating all the way back to the invention of the novel.

Publicising these games has always been really hard. Even now that the market for anime has gotten huge, we’re only just now seeing a more or less sustainable market developing. And it’s teeny.

They also had the intention of releasing it in October, but we know how that went…

But point taken, I guess it would be better for MG to say they were thinking of releasing the games if the first one sold well or something among those lines.

But MG didn’t even make a good effort to become known online, which I’d guess their potential customer base uses on a regular basis.

Heck, if it werent for the BBS posts I wouldn’t even know they existed. Some good PR people should be one of their priorities.

thanks man, that comment gave me a good start for my Monday morning. :mrgreen:

any way, going by this thread, some people have already raised a comment in line with “I will not get DC, but will wait for DCPC to be release since it includes DC plus more.” MG might have had a good reason to withhold the fact that they are not releasing DCPC anytime soon. And this reaction from the customers might have been it. Customers might feel that they were cheated when they learn of DCPC after they buy DC, but the fact that they are both different titles that need to generate their own revenue is true as well. From MGs point of view, the fact that they are going to release DCPC shouldn’t be known until few months (or 1 year) from the release of DC, and even then, it is the fact that it is going to be released which will be know, the actual release time can be further away.

oh well, I am getting DC as early as possible and will get DCPC once it is out. There is no way from me to wait for future releases if I can get my hands on something today. :twisted:

which reminds me, are they going to add support for download managers or at the very least split the game package to smaller files? I am assuming that the future titles will be large.

Some work, and some don’t.

Mangagamer is centered in the Netherlands right? from what i hear, 75% of the Netherlands is in a power outage so we might get some titles pushed back due to it.