Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Woodelf: fortunately (!) Dragon Ball ends in DBGT (Though what GT means, is another different matter. To some GT == Grand Trash)

Ksarchet: There are spanish manga, if you know where to look, specifically, on the other side of the Atlantic.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
"shenanigans" ??? What's that?

Oh, that's right. Non-native speakers and all.

"Courtesy" of

she·nan·i·gan Pronunciation Key (sh-nn-gn)
n. Informal

1. A deceitful trick; an underhanded act.
Remarks intended to deceive; deceit. Often used in the plural.

2. A playful or mischievous act; a prank.
Mischief; prankishness. Often used in the plural.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
??? What's wrong about that song?

It's not that great, and I would have much preferred that they do 26 different versions of Zankoku no Thesis.

Originally posted by woodelf:
From what little I have seen of Japanese Anime the characters grow in the stories or just be short one-off events that have a short time frame. [This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 08-16-2002).]

Actually, that's not entirely true. While it is certainly true that stalwarts like Escaflowne don't maintain the status quo, there are plenty of shows that do maintain an episode-to-episode status quo. Most of these tend to be the less-well-funded shows, but not always; see Pokemon and the first half of Evangelion.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Speaking of [b]Time warps here is a nice site on old saturday morning commercials.

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 08-16-2002).][/b]

Oooo! Random goodness, my fellow Xaositect!

Originally posted by woodelf:
I think this true more on the part that the original comics like [b]Superman really did not have story line thought up when it was created. I like funny comics like B.C. or The wizard of Id or Archie rather than the action adventure comics. Most comics focus on Super Power or Super Evil rather than ordinary things and that gets too repetitve. To quote a line from the animated series "Back to the future", How many times are we doomed in one day".Spiderman & Fantastic Four at least had semi-normal lives the same can't be said for others.
BTW Are you sure Dragon Ball Z ends?

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 08-16-2002).][/b]

Actually, there's an interesting side note concerning Spider-Man: when whatever-his-name-was was first pitching his idea, it was totally revolutionary. Spider-Man was the first US superhero strip to feature a character who had problems in his life that he had to deal with. (I don't know if Batman would qualify because Bruce Wayne being really wealthy doesn't give him that same quality.) There were even some executives saying things along the lines of "people want their superheroes to be perfect, to be better than human; who's going to want to read about a superhero who has problems in his daily life?" Spider-Man went on to be wildly popular, of course, proving them wrong.

Stan Lee

Originally posted by ksarchet:
Stan Lee

and Steve Ditko

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Actually, that's not entirely true. While it is certainly true that stalwarts like Escaflowne don't maintain the status quo, there are plenty of shows that do maintain an episode-to-episode status quo. Most of these tend to be the less-well-funded shows, but not always; see Pokemon and the first half of Evangelion.

I refuse to see [b]Pokemon[/b]. [img][/img]
Anybody care to send me more Anime DVD's I'll take them. [img][/img] It really depends on what people want to watch and sadly the USA seems to have a low standard of quality.

Hmm, I’d like to refute that but I can’t. I mean, I see commercials for some of the cartoons now and they seem, er, lower than even the ones that were around when I was longer. Or maybe I’m maturing… :shudder:

That’s odd. Er, has anyone ever gotten an email from Peter and J-List “inviting” you back? Something about not having placed an order in awhile. I placed an order exactly one month ago! I mean, as much fun as it would be, I can’t spend all my money there now can I? (Darn, sorry, another tangent… )

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
It's not that great, and I would have much preferred that they do 26 different versions of Zankoku no Thesis.

Well, I don't care much for the song Fly Me To The Moon, but I really like Zankoku no Thesis [img][/img]. They did make some different versions of it, if I remember correctly, it is sung by three of the main character's voice actors, if I remember correctly...

Originally posted by woodelf:
This brings up a good point.
Just what manga and anime have been translated into other langauges than english?

Here in Sweden: not much; as far as I know, only the Drgaonball manga, and Book 1 of akira was translated and published in a magazine called Magnum, but that magazine went bankrupt (I think) and ceased to exist, but yoou can still find the issues that has those parts of the manga in it (I'm the proud owner of all the 6 issues that had the Akira manga in it). And then Zelda - A link to the past - the manga was also translated and publised in another magazine, but that mangazine also ceased to exist before the manga reached the end [img][/img]. That's all, I think.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I don't care much for the song Fly Me To The Moon, but I really like Zankoku no Thesis [img][/img]. They did make some different versions of it, if I remember correctly, it is sung by three of the main character's voice actors, if I remember correctly...

Yeah, I have that version. They were trying to do it as their characters doing the singing. Not sure how well it worked.

Megumi Hayashibara did another version (by herself) as Rei. I've got that one too, it's pretty good.

Originally posted by woodelf:
I refuse to see Pokemon. [img][/img]
Anybody care to send me more Anime DVD's I'll take them. [img][/img] It really depends on what people want to watch and sadly the USA seems to have a low standard of quality.

I wouldn't quite say that. Pokemon is aimed at very young kids, and that's mostly who likes it. I will give you that TV executives don't have any idea what they're doing with respect to anime, with the exception of Cartoon Network who seems to actually know the intended target audiences of some of the stuff they're showing.

But if the average US anime consumer had no taste we'd've not gotten a sub track added to Mononoke Hime specifically because we bitched until they gave in. We probably wouldn't have seen a domestic release of shows like Perfect Blue and Serial Experiments Lain either.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I don't care much for the song Fly Me To The Moon, but I really like Zankoku no Thesis [img][/img]. They did make some different versions of it, if I remember correctly, it is sung by three of the main character's voice actors, if I remember correctly...

Neither do I. That was my original point.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

But if the average US anime consumer had no taste we'd've not gotten a sub track added to Mononoke Hime specifically because we bitched until they gave in. We probably wouldn't have seen a domestic release of shows like Perfect Blue and Serial Experiments Lain either.

How ever the average age group of anime watchers 11-16 years around here. Still a
bit young for the heavy anime. The general
public still dislikes anime because they
show a little more nudity. Anime like TV or the internet or computer games is [b]not[/b] a babysitter.

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 08-17-2002).]

Oh yeah!!!

I’m the 300th post baby!!! Oh yeah!!!
What ya think about that now everyone!!! Who’s ya daddy?!!! Who’s ya daddy?!!!

But on to the issue, too bad there isn’t an anime channel… Even though there’s practically a channel for everything. I mean for your goddess sake. There’s a channel for golf! GOLF!! But at least it’s not a crazy as this I’m sure you’ll find it quite intersting

Originally posted by Soul Dragon:
Oh yeah!!!

I'm the 300th post baby!!! Oh yeah!!!
What ya think about that now everyone!!! Who's ya daddy?!!! Who's ya daddy?!!! [img][/img]

But on to the issue, too bad there isn't an anime channel... [img][/img] Even though there's practically a channel for everything. I mean for your goddess sake. There's a channel for golf! GOLF!! But at least it's not a crazy as this I'm sure you'll find it quite intersting [img][/img]

Sounds like a cult... you can never argue with cults. Would that not come under the freedom to publish things under the constition of america? Can any people of the US reply to this.

the fact that there are people out there like this really scares me…that’s it, it’s sealed…i’m moving to japan someday, hopefully soon

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
the fact that there are people out there like this really scares me...that's it, it's sealed....i'm moving to japan someday, hopefully soon [img][/img]

The fact that you fell for it makes me wonder. This is so obviously supposed to be a joke.