Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by ekylo:
(Hmm, I think I'll have the term "baka-goddess" in my head all week...)

You deserve that for saying such embarassing things...
(However, you are perfectly right, but did you have to put it that way...)

EDT: After thinking this over, I think, I might help you forgetting this term after all.
Do you want some of my pills?
I very much prefer the green ones ( [img][/img] ), because the blue ones ( [img][/img] ) make me sort of depressive.
And the red ones ( [img][/img] , [img][/img] ), I really can't recomment at all, because they make make me crazier than before... [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-23-2002).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I don't remember. You're probably right. But I'd have to play it again to decide, and I don't actually *own* it, and I'm not interested in buying it based on my recollection of the game, so I'm sort of stuck.

Well, then buy the game, and if it is not to your liking, lock it in a dark chest in your closet and tell it to NOT come out again [img][/img]. The game looks nice enough to me in any case. But just as Ekylo, sometimes I wondered who I trained the maids for - and I still do. Perhaps there should have been more of a story to the game (were you among other things were told a little more of the girls's past, got to know the people you trained the maids for, etc), that'd have made it more interesting...

Originally posted by ekylo:
That's probably correct, given what we know of Nandemonai-san's preferences. And to tell you the truth, I think I would have liked the game without the night lessons. And like I mentioned in my review (it's so strange reading my reviews after so long...) it just made me wonder who exactly I was training the girls for. I mean, my favorite was Sanae, but I hated most of the night lessons I did with her.

I might have enjoyed the gmae without th enight lessons too... The only thing i really disliked about the night lesson was that you _had_ to be mean to the girls in many of the "training choices". I wondered the same thing as you, who I really trained the girls for... As I just said to Nandemonai, it'd have been nice if there had been more of a backgroud story in the story...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But just as Ekylo, sometimes I wondered who I trained the maids for - and I still do.

Well, two or three of them, you have just seen in the game:
- Ojiisan Yoshi
- The honorable Mr. Kobayakawa
- Your "good friend" Hirai

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-24-2002).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
That's probably correct, given what we know of Nandemonai-san's preferences. And to tell you the truth, I think I would have liked the game without the night lessons. And like I mentioned in my review (it's so strange reading my reviews after so long...) it just made me wonder who exactly I was training the girls for. I mean, my favorite was Sanae, but I hated most of the night lessons I did with her.

Heh, Ladyphoenix-sama, you really thought you needed to beg forgiveness from the likes of Unicorn-san and Ksarchet-san? The two guys who are like hyperactive kids on speed after the briefest of your smiles or can be in ecstasy all day over one of your bounces? (Not that the rest of us aren't affected but they tend to take it to another level... [img][/img] ) You should definitely know those two better than that! [img][/img] (Hmm, I think I'll have the term "baka-goddess" in my head all week...)

Okay, that's it, I'm welding that jaw on...

Hey, lay off. I get good mileage out of not having that.

*reaves more souls*

Originally posted by Unicorn:
And the red ones ( :o , :mad: ), I really can't recomment at all, because they make make me crazier than before... :p

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-23-2002).]

Oh, they do? Really? Really and truly? I'll be happy to take those off your hands for you :D

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 10-23-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 10-25-2002).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Oh, they do? Really? Really and truly? I'll be happy to take those off your hands for you

Here you go: [img][/img] , [img][/img] , [img][/img] , [img][/img] , [img][/img] , [img][/img] , [img][/img] , [img][/img] , ...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-23-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, two or three of them, you have just seen in the game:
- Ojiisan Yoshi
- The honorable Mr. Kobayakawa
- Your "good friend" Hirai

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-24-2002).]

Perhaps. I'm not really sure if it was those three that the maids began to work for after you had trained them. And the story doesn't tell us about that either, so there's no way to be 100% sure.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Perhaps. I'm not really sure if it was those three that the maids began to work for after you had trained them. And the story doesn't tell us about that either, so there's no way to be 100% sure.

Not exactly those people, perhaps, but they are good examples for the kind of people, you trained them for.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 10-24-2002).]

Off topic

Btw, thanks for all the suggestions on the anime. The descriptions and your suggestions should get me started on my collection.

Ladyphoenix’s apology.
Depending on the sites, your lucky to get a update every three weeks. So the need for the apology seems unwarranted.

The Maids Story
I could do without the night lessons too. But has anyone besides me played the game without night lessons or played the other extreme. Besides failing, I have completed the game with Hitomi and Azusa. I need to get the secertary and Sanae endings. Someday I’ll get motivated to play it again.
Oh, I still haven’t gotten Kana 1 and 6 either. I’ve been replaying Vampire:TM-R.

On topic

I like to get my hands on a red nauseated one.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Not exactly those people, perhaps, but they are good examples for the kind of people, you trained them for.

That's probably true. But even so, I don't think all of them could be able to afford a maid. Perhaps Ojiisan Yoshi and Mr. Kobayakawa, but not Hirai. But each of them do have a certain thaste for a certain girl; Hirai likes Hitomi, for example, and will request a "night lesson" with her if you assign her to be the maid who gives service during his visit, but if you instead choose Sanae and Azusa, he won't be interested in them... That was something of a flaw, or so it seemed to me ^^;;

YOumight have forgotten that Hirai lives off his parents money (so, his job is being child of his parents) and I think, those parents (who are obviously the type to spoil their children) would gladly hire him a maid or two or …

Well, and I think, I have also seen Hirai ask me for Sanae (that I am pretty sure of, because I hate to let a guest touch her) and I believe, even Azusa.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
I need to get the secertary and Sanae endings.

... and the Itsuki-ending ...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
YOumight have forgotten that Hirai lives off his parents money (so, his job is being child of his parents) and I think, those parents (who are obviously the type to spoil their children) would gladly hire him a maid or two or ...

Well, and I think, I have also seen Hirai ask me for Sanae (that I am pretty sure of, because I hate to let a guest touch her) and I believe, even Azusa.

Perhaps. Wish I had parents like that; a miad or two could be of some use to me [img][/img]. My apartement is often a mess, ans I soemtimes feel like I've got no strenght to clean it up, so that'd be a good thing about having a maid [img][/img].

Oh, so you hate to give away Sanae? What about the other two, then? Hmm, I don't remember Hirai asking me to get Azusa or Sanae, only Hitome. Yet another thing to check if I do buy the gmae [img][/img].

Originally posted by Unicorn:
You deserve that for saying such embarassing things...
(However, you are perfectly right, but did you have to put it that way...)

Well, yes I did. If you havn't noticed, I have a weird way of being bluntly honest at times. [img][/img]


EDT: After thinking this over, I think, I might help you forgetting this term after all.
Do you want some of my pills?
I very much prefer the green ones ( [img][/img] ), because the blue ones ( [img][/img] ) make me sort of depressive.
And the red ones ( [img][/img] , [img][/img] ), I really can't recomment at all, because they make make me crazier than before... [img][/img]

Admit it, you've been waiting for an opportunity to put together something like that for awhile havn't you? Oh well, I'll take a few of each. What are a few more pills in a day?

And even with those examples, I'm also wondering where my character came up with some of those ideas in the first place, was there a checklist of something? I mean, a litterbox? I admit to having a dirty and somewhat kinky mind at times but I'm not sure if I'd have thought of that as a "night lesson".

We definitely are straying into legitimate topic territory. What's up with that?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Admit it, you've been waiting for an opportunity to put together something like that for awhile havn't you?

Not quite right. But your comment kept tormenting my mind and I first thought of your running-gag blue pills, then I suddenly thought of the circular blue smily and the idea was born.

Originally posted by ekylo:
I mean, a litterbox? I admit to having a dirty and somewhat kinky mind at times but I'm not sure if I'd have thought of that as a "night lesson".

Awww. Come on, no need to be that humble...
Perhaps, you'd have some other, more ... interesting ... ideas? [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
We definitely are straying into legitimate topic territory. What's up with that?

Well, first it might be part of our craziness and on the otherhand, even part of SOMEONES (*peers into all corners*) evil plans...

(I recall SOMEONE encouraging ladyphoenix-sama to elaborate about "The Maids Story", what we FWOBIGOLSs now do for her...)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
(what we FWOBIGOLSs now do for her...)

Well, what would a FWOBIGOLS not do for the Goddess? [img][/img].

(and in case antone asks me that question, "What would you as a FWOBIGOLS not do for the Goddess", my answer is the same that Natsuki answer to Takayuki was when he asked if she'd do ANYTHING if she'd lose their gamble).

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 10-25-2002).]

(I recall SOMEONE encouraging ladyphoenix-sama to elaborate about "The Maids Story", what we FWOBIGOLSs now do for her...)[/B]

as always, whatever she wants.

Well, considering I don’t have a cat or a litterbox (Hmm, would I ever have one but not the other?) I’m pretty sure that particular “night lesson” would not have come across my mind. As to what other “interesting” ideas I have, yes I do have them, but that’s between me and whatever girl takes pity enough on me to start dating me…

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
(and in case antone asks me that question,

In case antone asks you? Who’s Antone?

Originally posted by ksarchet:
as always, whatever she wants.

Heh, as if anyone needed to be told that!

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 10-25-2002).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Well, considering I don't have a cat or a litterbox (Hmm, would I ever have one but not the other?) I'm pretty sure that particular "night lesson" would not have come across my mind. As to what other "interesting" ideas I have, yes I do have them, but that's between me and whatever girl takes pity enough on me to start dating me... [img][/img]

Well, the "seeing another woman/ my girlfriend" pee is a somewhat popular fetish from what I know, especially among "kinky" people who like it because that for the woman, it's embarrasing to let another person, especially a man, see them pee... now when I think about it, I think most people are shy about the fact that we pee, even among the same sex. So even if you hadn't throught of the "litterbox" part, you might have gotten an idea or something like that about peeing [img][/img]. Wonder what horrors the poor girl who starts dating you might go through [img][/img]. Or, perhaps, what horrors might await you! I mean, you might discover that the girl/woman you're dating is a VERY dominant dominatrix, for example [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder: In case antone asks you? Who's Antone? [img][/img]


[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 10-25-2002).]