Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, the "seeing another woman/ my girlfriend" pee is a somewhat popular fetish from what I know, especially among "kinky" people who like it because that for the woman, it's embarrasing to let another person, especially a man, see them pee... now when I think about it, I think most people are shy about the fact that we pee, even among the same sex. So even if you hadn't throught of the "litterbox" part, you might have gotten an idea or something like that about peeing [img][/img]. Wonder what horrors the poor girl who starts dating you might go through [img][/img]. Or, perhaps, what horrors might await you! I mean, you might discover that the girl/woman you're dating is a VERY dominant dominatrix, for example [img][/img].

Well, if or when I get a girlfriend, I'll let you guys know. You'll probably be heavily amused. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder: Huh?

You had said "and in case antone asks me that question, "What would you as a FWOBIGOLS not do for the Goddess", my answer is the same that Natsuki answer to Takayumi was when he asked if she'd do ANYTHING if she'd lose their gamble." So I was asking who Antone was. (Yes, I'm teasing you on your typing once again... [img][/img] )

Originally posted by ekylo:
Well, if or when I get a girlfriend, I'll let you guys know. You'll probably be heavily amused.

Hmm, you sound like you don't have much hope about that part [img][/img].

Originally posted by ekylo:
You had said "and in case antone asks me that question, "What would you as a FWOBIGOLS not do for the Goddess", my answer is the same that Natsuki answer to Takayumi was when he asked if she'd do ANYTHING if she'd lose their gamble." So I was asking who Antone was. (Yes, I'm teasing you on your typing once again... [img][/img] )

ACK! Didn't notice that [img][/img]... (Curses! Teased again [img][/img]) [img][/img].

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Well, first it might be part of our craziness and on the otherhand, even part of SOMEONES (*peers into all corners*) evil plans...

(I recall SOMEONE encouraging ladyphoenix-sama to elaborate about "The Maids Story", what we FWOBIGOLSs now do for her...)

Evil plans? Did you say EVIL plans? O_O How terrible! We must find this person!


I don't see anyone. Now begins my never ending hunt for the real killers...

Originally posted by ekylo:
You had said "and in case antone asks me that question, "What would you as a FWOBIGOLS not do for the Goddess", my answer is the same that Natsuki answer to Takayumi was when he asked if she'd do ANYTHING if she'd lose their gamble." So I was asking who Antone was. (Yes, I'm teasing you on your typing once again... [img][/img] )

No, see, a spelling flame must contain no less than three misspelled words and it has to use the f-word a lot and make unfounded and irrelevant implications about the poster's sexual orientation. Try it again!

Originally posted by ekylo:
And like I mentioned in my review (it's so strange reading my reviews after so long...) it just made me wonder who exactly I was training the girls for. I mean, my favorite was Sanae, but I hated most of the night lessons I did with her.

Your character mentions it once actuallyin one of the talks with his friend
, I don't remember exactly, but it was something like CEOs and politicians.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
No, see, a spelling flame must contain no less than three misspelled words and it has to use the f-word a lot and make unfounded and irrelevant implications about the poster's sexual orientation. Try it again!

Well, I could re-write it using the f-word more but this is Spec-san we're talking about, how many unfounded and irrelevant implications about his sexual orientations could I possible make? [img][/img]

Just kidding! Um, where was I. CEO's and politicians? That would explain a lot. (And I vaguely remember that as well...) Then again, considering some CEO's and polititians, I don't even want to think about them doing those type of "night lessons". (Ugh, bad image! PURGE! PURGE!! PURGE!!!)

Out of curiosity, any of you guys “Shazbut” on GameFAQs? I’m starting to feel like I’m being set up on some of my answers about bishoujo games there. (Not in a bad way but still a little odd.)

Originally posted by ekylo:
Well, I could re-write it using the f-word more but this is Spec-san we're talking about, how many unfounded and irrelevant implications about his sexual orientations could I possible make? :D

It is always possible to make unfounded implications. Besides which, ANY implications about sexuality are totally irrelevant to a spelling flame by default. So there you go :)

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 10-29-2002).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Just kidding! Um, where was I. CEO's and politicians? That would explain a lot. (And I vaguely remember that as well...) Then again, considering some CEO's and polititians, I don't even want to think about them doing those type of "night lessons". (Ugh, bad image! PURGE! PURGE!! PURGE!!!)

Here, let me help.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Here, let me help.

Ack, no, not the vaccuum again! AAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Well, I wouldn’t mind Azusa serving my cough every need and that is a good image to me

Ya know, i have been fearing this forum forever… since i started posting here.
I still havnt read 1-18 or so… but everything after that, and all i wanna know is… how is this forum still related to lamuness?

Originally posted by Gambit:
Ya know, i have been fearing this forum forever... since i started posting here.
I still havnt read 1-18 or so... but everything after that, and all i wanna know is... how is this forum still related to lamuness?

Do you expect to understand quantum effects, if you don't bother to start with Isaac Newton?
So why do you think, you understand how this thread relates to its original topic, if you skip the first 7/8 of it?

Originally posted by Gambit:
Ya know, i have been fearing this forum forever... since i started posting here.
I still havnt read 1-18 or so... but everything after that, and all i wanna know is... how is this forum still related to lamuness?

You mean you didn't know? Everything is related to Lanumess-san! [img][/img] He's all powerful. He's all seeing. He's all knowing. He's going to send a letter bomb my way if I keep this up...

Actually, it's more of a request from
Spectator-san to Lamuness-san for help in refreshing his (Spec's) memory. So actually, you could say that the subject of this thread is actually Spectator-san's mind, and in that context, everything just makes sense... [img][/img]

Boy, really need to read the PeaPri updates more closely. Almost missed the mention of Doushin. I think that's third on my "me wanna" list after LMM and BS. (Btw, who's the "friendly group of people in the BBS" they keep mentioning? They must be an awful quiet crowd... [img][/img] )

Originally posted by ekylo:
Boy, really need to read the PeaPri updates more closely. Almost missed the mention of Doushin. I think that's third on my "me wanna" list after LMM and BS. (Btw, who's the "friendly group of people in the BBS" they keep mentioning? They must be an awful quiet crowd... [img][/img] )

Gee, the annoucement that Doushin willb e released 2003 was a bold thing to do... But, it might have been unwise to make such a statement... "Will they make it?" will be the big question of many... And what will appen afterwards? After all, Doushin will be the "last" CROWD-game, they've the rights to... So will PP enter new negotiatons with Crowd afterwards, or will they do in in the near future? Or perhaps...

and why aren’t they working on SLAVE BAZAAR??? ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and why aren't they working on SLAVE BAZAAR??????? ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Amazingly enough, this has nothing to do with my evil plans.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Ack, no, not the vaccuum again! AAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

If you insist. Where did I put the salt and the cooking oil?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Do you expect to understand quantum effects, if you don't bother to start with Isaac Newton?
So why do you think, you understand how this thread relates to its original topic, if you skip the first 7/8 of it?

I suspect quantum mechanics is easier to comprehend than some of the stuff in this thread. (Maybe we should put some quantum mechanics in this thread, to blur the two? But then the thread would have to be comprehensible and gibberish at the same time...)

And I believe it started when someone asked why localizing a game was more than just ripping out text.

Originally posted by ekylo:
(Btw, who's the "friendly group of people in the BBS" they keep mentioning? They must be an awful quiet crowd... [img][/img] )

*valiantly attempts to keep a straight face*

Why, I'm always helpful. At least, if there's any sort of disagreement, we can always....come to an arrangement, if you will...