Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Does that mean a trip to the west coast is in your future ladyphoenix-sama?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
grumble grumble grumble!!!i'm going to start a picket line outside peapri's offices [img][/img]

Heh, looks like your devoted followers are already ready to join you on the picket. [img][/img]

Strange thought, but wouldn't that be an interesting first face-to-face get together for most of us, picketing PeaPri. We'd be alll outside, swapping jokes while inside the conversations ends up being like this:
Emp. #1: Who're the looneys outside?
Emp. #2: Apparantly our customers.
Emp. #1: Really? Quick go out there and
get a few more pre-orders...

Originally posted by ekylo:
Heh, looks like your devoted followers are already ready to join you on the picket. [img][/img]

Strange thought, but wouldn't that be an interesting first face-to-face get together for most of us, picketing PeaPri. We'd be alll outside, swapping jokes while inside the conversations ends up being like this:
Emp. #1: Who're the looneys outside?
Emp. #2: Apparantly our customers.
Emp. #1: Really? Quick go out there and
get a few more pre-orders...

I got the banner all ready.
A picture of "the united earth" surounded
by oak leaves and lemons. Opps wrong banner. I know I got the right one here some where.

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 10-31-2002).]

hehehe, join the goddess’ battle for Slave Bazaar! free pictures with the lemons for all who join!

I want LMM, and I want it now, where can I sign for this? just give me some time to finish my banner

Also, who wants to vote for a Lamuness’ corner in the newsletter? like the one of Dave E. err… Kumiko?
Let’s see some hands here people

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
hehehe, join the goddess' battle for Slave Bazaar! free pictures with the lemons for all who join! [img][/img]

To paraphrase the Samurai:

-My sword is yours!

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
hehehe, join the goddess' battle for Slave Bazaar! free pictures with the lemons for all who join! [img][/img]

"and you've got my ax" [img][/img].

But, did my e-mail reach you, goddess? And did you send a reply? [img][/img]

And you also have my, er…

looks in pockets

Um, swiss army knife? Sorry, they stopped letting me bring my sword in to work for some reason…

And since I’m slightly amused by the image, plus I’m bored and have no life, the continuing saga:

Emp. #1: Good night everyone, I’ll see you tomorrow.
Emp. #2: I don’t think you want to go out there, those people are still there.
Emp. #1: Still? It’s almost midnight.
glances out window
Emp. #1: And what’s with all the lemons?

picketing. I guess its a pretty sure fire way to let them know what you want. still working on my fwobigols robes and cloak. I hope Peach Princess doesn’t get the wrong idea from all this picketing though. I would hate to think that they might get the idea that we don’t want them around.

We want more! We want more! Slave Bazarre, LMM, We want more!

…what the hell do you guys want me to write in this so called Lamuness’ corner?

Plus, it is decided not to include any names during updates…so there will not be a “Lamuness” corner…

Originally posted by Lamuness:
...what the hell do you guys want me to write in this so called Lamuness' corner?

Plus, it is decided not to include any names during there will not be a "Lamuness" corner...

We want a equal rights.
We demand a [b]Lemon Corner[/b]
Originally posted by Lamuness:
Plus, it is decided not to include any names during there will not be a "Lamuness" corner...

Why not just have a "Staff talk corner", then?

Originally posted by ksarchet:
picketing. I guess its a pretty sure fire way to let them know what you want. still working on my fwobigols robes and cloak. I hope Peach Princess doesn't get the wrong idea from all this picketing though. I would hate to think that they might get the idea that we don't want them around.

*News van pulls up*
Newscaster: Here we are outside the office of Peach Princess where a group of picketers have setup a picket line. Excuse me sir, what is the reason for your picket?
Fwobigols: The games!
Newscaster: So your protesting against these adult games?
Fwobigols: What? No, we're picketing because we want more games!
Newscaster: Huh?
Fwobigols: I'd explain more but you'll have to excuse me, they're bringing in the goat now...

The things that go through my mind on Fridays... [img][/img]

(sorry, mis-spelled 'fwobigols' again...)

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 11-01-2002).]

newscaster: what did you call yourselves again?
Fwobigols: Fwobigols… Faithful Worshipers of Bishoujo Goddess Ladyphoenix-sama.
newscaster: and who is this Ladyphoenix-sama?
Fwobigols: Our goddess… she’s the bouncy one with the Slave Bazarre sign. Isn’t she lovely?
newscaster: yes, quite the sight. I hear you have come frome all over the world.
Fwobigols: yep, Europe, Austrailia, Singapore, and of course the USA to name a few. excuse me, the lemons are about to sing, and I don’t want to miss this.

Newscaster: Errm, excuse me, Sir, but do you know who that strange guy in a hood with strange signs painted all over his body and with all those fangy lemons dancing all around him are?
Fwobigols: That one? Well, he’s our Goddess’s personal lemon-tamer. We don’t know much about him, except for…
Newscaster: except for…?
Fwobigols: Well, it’s rumored that he has a past as a shaman in Lappland who lived in a kÂta (a kÂta could be compared to an indian tipiti (spelled wrong, I know) with only a computer, some bishoujo games and some other stuff, but I can’t say if it’s true or not. In any case, one day he encounted the Goddess sitting on the cold ground crying because that a loved one had left her and then he felt a great sorrow for her, and caught some vampire lemons and made those dance in pretty dresses for her. At that moment, the Goddess let out a heavenly laugh that seemd to warm the cold earth itself. She smiled warmly at him, thanked him and offered him to become her personal lemon-tamer, and since then, he has followed her wherever she goes. Where the Goddess is, there is he and his lemons. And the very same day, the Goddess declared the Lemons to be holy creatures under her protection, and you may never rise your hands at them, lest you risk getting struck by the Bishoujo Curse or something even worse!
Newscater: Errm, interesting story. So he’s some kind of priest, you might say?
Fwobigols: Well, kinda. He’s never called himself a priest anyway, he just thinks of himself as the lemon tamer. Quiet, now, He’s about to hold his “Speech of the Day”, and whenever he does that, we listens. And after that, he and the lemons will dance before the Goddess, and THAT’S an event we do not want to miss . If the Goddess are in a good mood, she might even bounce bounce bounce!
Newscaster: …

And here I was worried that this thread might turn serious. What was I thinking?

dear goddess, we are going to have our own bible very soon, i can see it now

newscaster: excuse me, goddess ladyphoenix…uh…-sama? May we have a word with you?
goddess: not now, i have to…wait a minute, can you bring us slave bazaar?
newscaster: um, i don’t even know what this slave bazaar is, but i’d like to talk to you about…
goddess: oh dear goddess, not now! i told them no more goats! ::goes stomping off to free the goat, singing lemons in tutus following close behind:: GUYSSSSSSS, i won’t bounce anymore if you don’t let that goat go this INSTANT!!! Don’t make me pull out the Lemon Tutu Brigade!

Fwobigols: quite right, let the goat go.
newscaster: goat sacrificing?
Fwobigols: haven’t gotten to kill one yet. It does get the Goddess’s attention though. This is the same goat we have had from the start.
newscaster: and what’s with the kittens?
Fwobigols: also under the Goddess’s protection. She started to intercede on their behalf when some upstart “god” started trying to smite them. We agree with our Goddess. Too cute to hurt.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
goddess: oh dear goddess, not now! i told them no more goats! ::goes stomping off to free the goat, singing lemons in tutus following close behind:: GUYSSSSSSS, i won't bounce anymore if you don't let that goat go this INSTANT!!! Don't make me pull out the Lemon Tutu Brigade!

*looks meek*

Um. Which part of the goat were we supposed to let go of?

looks around to make sure no one is watching

grabs the conversation



cough cough Ahem. In keeping with the topic of this thread, I present the following email which I received today:

Dear Friend,
I am Mohammed Abacha, the eldest son of
the late president of Nigeria, i was
falsely acussed of murder and as such was
imprisoned, but thanks to Allah, i have
been released for my innosence. Well dear
friend i need your assistance in
transfering some of my money into your
acount, because the government is making
plans to seize them, as they did to my
fathers own. The ammount is $20 million
in a Security Abroad. All that is needed is
for me to instruct the company to transfer
the funds to your account, i will
renumerate you with 20% at the end, but
most of all is that i solicit your trust
in this transaction. I have been confined
only to Kano and all my calls are
monitored,So i will get my private
attorney to get you the needed information.
Best Regards
Mohammed Abacha

If you are curious, you can look up more information here:

Now, I just have one thing to say: Apparently this scam works. Quite well. Can ANYone tell me why? I can’t imagine reading this email and taking it seriously for ANY length of time at all. It’s just…preposterous. Where do they find all these gullible people? I didn’t know there were so many…