Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by ekylo:
That explains the funny looks I was getting. I thought I had put my clothes on backwards again or something...

Well we are use to that by now. [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
I thought I had put my clothes on backwards again or something...

Backwards from your or from our point of view? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
If it indeed is you, I'll take my time to say "Hello!" to you [img][/img].

Just find the spot where to play the flute in the first place! We can leave those "Hello!"s until then... [img][/img]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
*Olf_The_Drake whistles innocently...* [img][/img]

Hmmmm. Shouldn't that be "olf_le_drake"?

*Curses! I dont know the french word for dragon! My knowledge of the french language still needs some improvements, but learning japanese is more fun...*

Originally posted by Unicorn:
*Curses! I dont know the french word for dragon! My knowledge of the french language still needs some improvements, but learning japanese is more fun...*

It's the same word, just use a french accent.
Btw, vampire lemons shouldn't be translated to sangsue citron. Well, it shouldn't be used until the worm is replaced by a leech.

[This message has been edited by Gulyen (edited 11-06-2002).]

Akira, the drinking partner that starts with a sunrise and finishes with a sunset. Hmm, drink the whole day away, maybe with a cola.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
*Olf_The_Drake whistles innocently...* [img][/img]


Dragon: My! you've got quite a large bosom! should I call you "Bosom lady", then?

The daughter: NO, thank you!

Dragon: No? but it's so fitting....

As I said, the dragon is funny, even if he is a pervert .). Yesterday I married off my daughter with the young dragon, and it did go well, it seems [img][/img].

But the ways in which the gmae might end is amazing; Even if you get the same ending twice, for example, things might stillb e different. For example, in one of the endings, my daugter became a general and managed to do a career for herself as a genmeral, but later I got the same ending, but this time, she wasn't as successful: Instead of staying behind the lines as a general should, she insisted of fighting together with the soldiers, and thus, she was wounded in combat by an arrow that injured her so seriously that she had to retire fromh er post as a general...

Originally posted by ekylo:
That explains the funny looks I was getting. I thought I had put my clothes on backwards again or something...

That sure does explain it [img][/img]. But that you have your clothes backwards is nothing new [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Just find the spot where to play the flute in the first place! We can leave those "Hello!"s until then... [img][/img]

Well, doens't seem like it matter where you blow the flute, but you must blow it in the forest, or the unicorn won't appear. I gave the flute to the unicorn and got some Sensitivity in return... However, you also had the choice of keeping the horn, but I don't know what'd happened if you keep it, but it might be like the Egg of Paradise: you get the choice of eating it or save it. If you eat it, your life-points will go up by 50 point, but if you save it, a paradise bird will hatch from the egg and thys yiu'll get 100 points of Sensitivity. I did say hello to the Unicorn too [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But the ways in which the gmae might end is amazing; Even if you get the same ending twice, for example, things might stillb e different. For example, in one of the endings, my daugter became a general and managed to do a career for herself as a genmeral, but later I got the same ending, but this time, she wasn't as successful: Instead of staying behind the lines as a general should, she insisted of fighting together with the soldiers, and thus, she was wounded in combat by an arrow that injured her so seriously that she had to retire fromh er post as a general...

Aaaargh! Now I am really tempted to start playing that game too... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Aaaargh! Now I am really tempted to start playing that game too... [img][/img]

That's not a bad idea [img][/img]. It's your choice, but if you do that, you'll be busier than before, right (and with all those new games you're palying and alll...)? Also, you have to find a way to get the beta to your computer, since you're using your school's computer, right?

Emp. #1: Gods, our so-called customers are still there, and there’s reporters everywhere…
Emp. #2: Oh, come on, think of this as free advertsing for us!
Emp. #1: Well, maybe, but still… Is there any way to make them leave?
Emp. #2: Hmm, well, we are working on a way to get rid of them…
Emp. #3 comes rushing into the room They’re done! hands Emp #2 some DVD cases
Emp. #2: Good, good…
Emp. #1 What’s “done”?
Emp. #2 These shows Emp. #1 some DVD cases with the titles “Brave Soul” “Slave Bazaar”, “LMM” and a couple of others
Emp. #1: What’s these? The games? How did they manage to finish them that fast?
Emp. #2: Nah, those aren’t really the games. Those are the first betas we were playtesting…
Emp. #1: The first betas!? You mean the ones that were buggy as hell, missed a lot of text, were troublesome to install and on top of it had no sex scenes?
Emp. #2: Yeah.
Emp. #1: So, what are you…! Wait a minute! You aren’t thinking of selling these to our “customers” out here, right?
Emp. #2: . I am.
Emp. #1: You’re out of your mind! They’d hate us if we sold this to them…
Emp. #2: Nah, nah, you forget something: They asked us to bring them the games as fast as we could, and this is the best we could offer at the moment, so how could they blame us when we just are trying to do as they say?
Emp. #1: Well, there’s a certain logic in what you say, but…
Emp. #2: No buts! If they hang around here for some more days, we’ll start selling the betas to them. Of course, this means that we’ll soon be getting lots of requests to make patched, so be prepared for a lot of work in the near future…
Emp. #1 … you’re evil. But… Wait! that means… gods…lots of work… on… making… patches… and… answering… a few thousands… of… angry… mails…AHHH! X_X:

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 11-07-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
It's your choice, but if you do that, you'll be busier than before, right (and with all those new games you're palying and alll...)?

Just kidding. I still have Obbligato pending on the Chisae-path and try to get all Paradice movies.
Regarding my ToDo-List of reviews, there are still 4 reviews that I plan to write for the goddess and "Private Nurse" is also about to enter this queue.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Just kidding. I still have Obbligato pending on the Chisae-path and try to get all Paradice movies.
Regarding my ToDo-List of reviews, there are still 4 reviews that I plan to write for the goddess and "Private Nurse" is also about to enter this queue.

Good to hear that [img][/img]. But seriously, when you've finished those games and written a few reviews out of those, I think that playing PM2 mighr not be a bad idea [img][/img]. I'm thinking of writting a review for that game myself later and send it to the site of one of our newest members here, if that's okay [img][/img]. And I might make a few other b-game reviews of PP games and send those to both him and the Goddess too [img][/img].

But about Private Nurse, it might not be entering that soon, you know [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Good to hear that [img][/img]. But seriously, when you've finished those games and written a few reviews out of those, I think that playing PM2 mighr not be a bad idea [img][/img]. I'm thinking of writting a review for that game myself later and send it to the site of one of our newest members here, if that's okay [img][/img]. And I might make a few other b-game reviews of PP games and send those to both him and the Goddess too [img][/img].

Might as well. Always good to have multiple opinions. The only thing is that with PM2, the English version really never "officially" came out which puts it in one of those weird "grey areas" as to the legality of it. (I'm still trying to remember where the heck I got the copy I have from.)

Obbligato...that's right, I was trying to read a magazine article about it the other night. (And I do mean "trying.") I was wondering why the name sounded so familiar. I am going old and senile. And did I wear shoes from two different pairs again?!?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Might as well. Always good to have multiple opinions. The only thing is that with PM2, the English version really never "officially" came out which puts it in one of those weird "grey areas" as to the legality of it. (I'm still trying to remember where the heck I got the copy I have from.)

You got it from me. You see, I have this time machine, and I went back in time and gave you your copy so that you would give me mine. So you'd better keep your end of it or you cause a paradox causing you to have never had the copy you're not playing now.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Might as well. Always good to have multiple opinions. The only thing is that with PM2, the English version really never "officially" came out which puts it in one of those weird "grey areas" as to the legality of it. (I'm still trying to remember where the heck I got the copy I have from.)

Well, that's true, but then, again... it'd really feel like a shame to not use the game since it was almsot fully translated and made into an english version, so... Still, the only one other opinion would be to buy the original game, and I prefer to play a game I can understand [img][/img]. My Japanese-meter is still at "1", or something like that, you know [img][/img].

Originally posted by ekylo:
Obbligato...that's right, I was trying to read a magazine article about it the other night. (And I do mean "trying.") I was wondering why the name sounded so familiar. I am going old and senile. And did I wear shoes from two different pairs again?!?

Hmm, was it a bishoujo game magazine? Can you remember what it said (as much as you understood about it anyway)? ^_^. Opps, are your clothes all in and out again?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But about Private Nurse, it might not be entering that soon, you know [img][/img].

I think, a release-date, announced less than two weeks ahead, should be quite accurate. The monthly release-schedule could be another story, I suppose.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hmm, was it a bishoujo game magazine? Can you remember what it said (as much as you understood about it anyway)? ^_^. Opps, are your clothes all in and out again?

I think it was "BugBug". I just remember buying it at random and finding it had an article on Kango 2 in it. (Right about the same time I received my copy of Kango from G-Collections.) Don't remember all that much since my translation was really spotty. I was just really bored one night and decided to play with trying to translatea few articles. I'll see what I can figure out and let you know.

so are we all ready for the next installment of the soap opera that is my life? i didn’t want to say anything right away, until i knew exactly what was going on, but here we go…it’s official now…

Brian and I are back together!

It looks like the doodoo-head finally woke up and realized what we had together…we saw each other last sunday for the first time since our break-up…and in his own words, seeing me in person hit him emotionally like a ton of bricks and he felt almost like he was ‘coming home’…we did a ton of talking and cuddling over the next couple of days and by tuesday he finally admitted to me and to himself that he is in love with me…i told him i could not play emotional head games with him anymore because it hurt too much and that if he meant what he was saying then he had 24 hours to choose between me and his girlfriend Marnie

he went to marnie’s house (you all remember marnie is his ex-girlfriend who stole him from me a while back) tuesday night and broke up with her…as of wednesday morning, we officially became a couple again…we had a long talk today, and not only has he told me that he is perfectly happy and content with his choice, and that he promises he will never leave me for someone else ever again

i am being cautious and taking this whole thing one day at a time, because he still has to prove over time that he means everything he has said, but if you read my earlier posts about him, you know that he and i have an emotional connection that can’t be ignored…also, i feel it is worth giving him another chance because i laid out for him very succinctly what it would take to get me back and he did all of those things, even though they were not easy for him to do

any opinions you may have would be happily read, i am kind of curious what you all think…the reactions i have gotten from my friends about this situation have ranged from ‘ok it sounds like he might have woken up to reality and you guys might have a real chance now’ to ‘you’re an idiot because he will hurt you again’