Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by Mike Thomas:
To LadyPhoenix,

Well, if it makes you feel better I get about 2 or 3 emails a month from people asking me to send them the bishoujo games that I've posted opinions on at GameFAQs... usually it reads something like:

"Hey Mike, my copy of game X doesn't work. It says something about a bad dll file. Could you zip up and email me your copy of the game, so I can try it out? k thx bye"

So... your not the only one who gets those emails. [img][/img] After about the 40th one, you just start to igore them.

Anyway, kudos to your website.

It's a good thing no one's ever asked me for such things. I'd be tempted to give 'em some sort of really baaaaad thing, like some kind of virus or something.

...I think I'd be able to restrain myself from that, though.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
it's my pleasure to post your reviews, unicorn....they may not be grammatically perfect, but they are still high-quality stuff [img][/img]

and now i need to rant....i apologize, because i know i have ranted on this before, but i am really angry right now (it may have something to do with it being 3am, but i don't care)

i have gotten two separate emails over the past two days regarding my website....the first begged for me to post the H-scenes from the games on my website...the second gave me a very short, very to-the-point comment on how to improve my site "You need to have downloads of these games, dude"

i am getting sooooooo pissed!!!! am i getting through to ANYONE???? does NO ONE read where i explicitly say "I DON'T PIRATE THESE GAMES"....does ANYONE read about where i painstakingly point out all the BAD EVIL THINGS about pirating these games????

i am really starting to feel like it isn't even worth it to have this website anymore...i'm not getting through to anyone....i pour hours of my soul into this website, and it's not easy (my anxiety kicks in every time i have to focus like that) and i'm not getting through to's not doing anything....i feel like i am pouring my effort, my heart, AND my money down the toilet (remember, i PAY for this website monthly)

i will probably keep on chugging along, i love bishoujo games way too much to just give up altogether, but i really needed to get that off my chest....thank you for reading....and now back to your regularly-schedules chaos [img][/img]

If I were you I'd be tempted to post what you just did on your website, along with some kind of "ask me for pirate games, get reported to the software piracy group" warning.

People will probably pay attention to threats far more readily than they will exhortations to morality. If appeals to morality worked there would BE no piracy problem. There wouldn't be any spam either, the entire premise of which is "if I bother everyone in the entire world, the very few gullible and/or just plain stupid people will make me rich!"

thanks for the support guys…i feel a lot better now after getting that off my chest and hearing your support

you’re right, ekylo, sometimes you just need ot bitch to feel better

…Learning about Japanese culture is all well and good, but there’s always something called “too much information.”

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
..........Learning about Japanese culture is all well and good, but there's always something called "too much information."

Aww, you can never have too much information. Although I will admit the pictures are disturbing. I'd hate to have a huge Hello Kitty doll like that hovering over me...

From what I’ve read so far, I can’t quite figure out whether a love hotel is a place where you pay for sex or just rent the room to have sex in? Do they supply just the rooms or the women also? Is there another name for a place like that?

I’m asking because i’m interested in japanese cultures, and love hotels are a recurring theme in japanese b-games.


It’s just a regular room, it’s not a brothel.

Originally posted by Hightower:
From what I've read so far, I can't quite figure out whether a love hotel is a place where you pay for sex or just rent the room to have sex in? Do they supply just the rooms or the women also? Is there another name for a place like that?

Like Seishin-san says, it's a regular room. Basically, it's sort of from the idea that in Japan, since you live with family and such, it's very hard to have privacy. These types of places offer couples that sort of privacy. Here's how Payne-sama describes it in one of his J-List updates:

One unique side of Japan are the "love hotels" that pop up here and there throughout the country, especially in rural areas. Because Japanese young people usually live with their parents into their 20s (or indefinitely, if they're the oldest son or daughter), it can be difficult for couples to find time for privacy. So they go to a love hotel, where they can enjoy "rest" (2 hours of privacy) or "stay" (all night). Formerly known as "motels," which causes some confusion when Japanese go to the U.S. and see motels there, the rooms inside love hotels have everything couples might need -- exotic baths, toothbrushes, even a condom on the pillow (although Tomo says it's dangerous to use this condom, as couples who used the room before might have poked a small hole in it for the next couple, as a joke). Many love hotels are organized around a theme, such as the Queen Elizabath (a giant hotel that looks like a ship) that happens to sit in the middle of our own city, or rooms that look like the Forbidden City in Beijing. The most famous love hotel in Gunma is called The Rock, and everything in the rooms is based on Alcatraz -- but it's so popular, you have to wait outside for hours to get in. Since couples going to a hotel want privacy, the hotels make sure they never need to see anyone -- at some places, you can check out by phone, and put your money in a tube that will be delivered to the front desk.

Interesting concept, neh?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Interesting concept, neh?

Very [img][/img].

Originally posted by ekylo:
Interesting concept, neh?

Still, there really are some hotel themes that simply throw you for a loop. Almost everyone who's commented on the article (not just on this BBS) mentions the "Hello Kitty" decorations.

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
Still, there really are some hotel themes that simply throw you for a loop. Almost everyone who's commented on the article (not just on this BBS) mentions the "Hello Kitty" decorations.

Of course. Hello Kitty is disturbing enough as it is, having it watching you like that just makes it worst....

You guys might want to see this, it’s the most insane case mode ever for a pc:

So like, Lamuness… refresh my memory…

Originally posted by bokmeow:
You guys might want to see this, it's the most insane case mode ever for a pc:

Holy Crap! That's a severe mod if I ever saw one.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
You guys might want to see this, it's the most insane case mode ever for a pc:

My question is, how do you keep from overheating?

Plushy! Wai! It looks so…so…so WRONG!!!

Originally posted by ekylo:
My question is, how do you keep from overheating?

I thought to myself the same thing. The HD is in the chest, but the cooling fan is in the butt?? What kind of d00d puts a cooling fan a meter away from the HD?

Originally posted by bokmeow:
What kind of d00d puts a cooling fan a meter away from the HD?

The kind of d00d who built the thing in the first place, apparently.

Found another funny link posted by my bruthas at the BBS: l0\^/ bu6937 pr0n

Yes, I don’t get lee7 sp34|< that’s why it looks like nonsense. I feel dumber for trying to type it already.

I just now beat Private Nurse for the first time (yeah, I’m slow…got lots to do). I do have to go to bed now, but I thought I’d post some preliminary impressions.

I like Private Nurse. It’s a sweet game. I got the Maria ending that ends at the parasol (to avoid spoilers). I was actually surprised at how well developed it was.

In any event, I have only a few feet to go before I sleep, now…