Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Sleep? What’s that?

Private Nurse was pretty well developed. I had no problem with the story, which I liked. My problem was the irritation of trying to get all the CG’s and the lack of translation in the voice over in the credits. I just have the feeling I’m missing something there.

Wait a minute, that was vaguely “on-topic”. Okay, a brief rant then! X-Change 2 isn’t even out yet and already some guy on GameFAQs asking if you’ll be able to download it. And I know he’s not even an innocent asking about a legal download version, since I’ve seen him posting about downloading other games. I did the proper response about it not being available for download and to buy a legal copy of the game but who wants to bet he responds in such a way that I’ll feel like stabbing someone?

Originally posted by ekylo:
who wants to bet he responds in such a way that I'll feel like stabbing someone?

I bet a box of funny pills, you can come up with something quite more creative... [img][/img]
(yep, that was the first of them)

Originally posted by ekylo:
Sleep? What's that? [img][/img]

...something other people do?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Private Nurse was pretty well developed. I had no problem with the story, which I liked. My problem was the irritation of trying to get all the CG's and the lack of translation in the voice over in the credits. I just have the feeling I'm missing something there.

I understood the simpler parts of what they said. This kind of disturbs me, since my only real knowledge of Japanese comes from subtitled anime. I should probably get serious about trying to learn the language at some point...

But I never intended to imply I had a problem with the story. I liked the story. (I did call the game "sweet" as opposed to "cute", and I don't usually describe even romantic things as such.) The characterization is especially strong and there's quite a bit more development than in a lot of other games; I like that. I also really liked the fact that the game lasted for more than a few days (of gametime, I mean). That leaves more time for believable character changes.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Wait a minute, that was vaguely "on-topic". Okay, a brief rant then! X-Change 2 isn't even out yet and already some guy on GameFAQs asking if you'll be able to download it. And I know he's not even an innocent asking about a legal download version, since I've seen him posting about downloading other games. I did the proper response about it not being available for download and to buy a legal copy of the game but who wants to bet he responds in such a way that I'll feel like stabbing someone?

Goodnes! An on-topic post? Why would you ever want to go and do a reckless thing like that?

As for this doofus...ignore him, or complain to Peach Princess. If Peach Princess really has a lot of time to waste on something like this, they can go to gamefaqs and say "whose IP address is this?" and smack him. I doubt they will [img][/img] because it wouldn't be very effective. know what Peach Princess should do? Take all the h-scenes out of the game, rip out the music and the voice acting, and like run the pictures through some noise filter and make the story halfway incoherent. Then release THAT as a "ripped" version for download.

(Yes, I KNOW Pea Pri does not actually have time to do that, and wouldn't if they could anyway...but I can dream my twisted dreams, can't I?)

Originally posted by Nandemonai: know what Peach Princess should do? Take all the h-scenes out of the game, rip out the music and the voice acting, and like run the pictures through some noise filter and make the story halfway incoherent. Then release THAT as a "ripped" version for download.

[img][/img]. Now, isn't THAT a good idea! I can alreday hear the (not) poor souls who downloads the "game" and then Ìs like "Hey! What IS this crap!?" [img][/img]

how dare this topic be on-topic??? this is the OFFTOPIC thread, people! i’m disappointed in you lol

to get properly offtopic again, The Sims: Superstar kicks ass…and the new Morrowind expansion looks like it will kick ass too i am soooo excited!!!

Funny, before we were accused of getting off-topic. now we’re getting accused of getting on-topic .

ekylo I can see the reason why umm you’re a little bit on the stabbing side.I guess it’s no use trying to pull off a pirate in a single message.Just be a little more patient.

Originally posted by Nandemonai: know what Peach Princess should do? Take all the h-scenes out of the game, rip out the music and the voice acting, and like run the pictures through some noise filter and make the story halfway incoherent. Then release THAT as a "ripped" version for download.

That's too much trouble for achieving that goal.

[Cruelicorn mode]
Instead, you should simply generate a heap of binary garbage, about the size of a CD, look for a host with minimal bandwidth that wants to comply with that joke and post it there. Of cause, you should add an according html-page to it, in order to attract all the usual search-engines and then let them all have fun when the host every time shutdowns each download because it exceeds the allotted bandwidth. }:>
[/Cruelicorn mode]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 05-22-2003).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
But I never intended to imply I had a problem with the story. I liked the story. (I did call the game "sweet" as opposed to "cute", and I don't usually describe even romantic things as such.) The characterization is especially strong and there's quite a bit more development than in a lot of other games; I like that. I also really liked the fact that the game lasted for more than a few days (of gametime, I mean). That leaves more time for believable character changes.

I wasn't claiming you had a problem with the story, in fact I was agreeing with you about it. I was pointing out that of the various aspects of the game (story, gameplay, art, extra, etc...) the story was the only one I had no problems with.

Achaoz-san, don't worry I know I probably won't have an affect on that particular person. (It was a rant after all.) It was one of the reasons that despite being a member of GameFAQs for awhile, I avoided the boards since they tended to piss me off more than anything else. But I'm currently there trying to promote understanding of these games there, and I'm hoping while I might not affect that person, it may affect others who visit the boards and think downloading is legal for these games.

Though, interestingly, here was his response:

What the hell? Do you work for the company or something?

More amusing than stabworthy unfortunately. Also like the fact that someone else responded that it was "respecting the law". Stuff like that gives me hope at times.

Oooh, the Sims. You know, I still have yet to pick up a single expansion pack. I'll have to try one of them one of these days...

you don’t have ANY expansion packs!!! oh my god, then you do not truly understand the wonders of downtown, excellent parties, and of course…THE LOVE BED!

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
how dare this topic be on-topic??? this is the OFFTOPIC thread, people! i'm disappointed in you [img][/img] lol

to get properly offtopic again, The Sims: Superstar kicks ass....and the new Morrowind expansion looks like it will kick ass too [img][/img] i am soooo excited!!!!

Never played The Sims, and I never will either. For the same reason I never touch MMORPGs: just don't have the time. (This more or less rules out Morrowwind as well, not to mention the XXXBox can go fuck itself.)

Now, if someone were to make an MMOTRPG you just might get me to play...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Now, if someone were to make an MMOTRPG you just might get me to play...

"T"? What's the "T" stand for?


[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 05-23-2003).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
* Fireworks *

O.k. thanks to my own craziness and the as inspiring as funny people around here, I actually managed to make my 1000th post before the end of the first year of my membership to this BBS.

A *bit* late, but...
Congratulations, Unicorn!!

I want to thank in particular:

olf_le_fol: For introducing me to the special world of ren'ai

It was me?! How come? What did I unleash in this world?

Ah, my little on-going saga. Now the little fellow is whining: “Oh yeah, i’m sure none of you have downloaded music onto your computer at all huh. Unless that’s true you have no right to say anything about it.” And the truth of the matter is, I don’t have any downloaded music. I love it when people can’t put up decent arguments…

For some reason, I just never picked up any of the Sims expansion packs. I do enjoy the game, just never got around to picking any of the others up. Maybe one of these days, you know, when my wallet begins speaking to me again…

Originally posted by Seishin:
"T"? What's the "T" stand for?

Tactical. Usually simply abbreviated to TRPG, this refers to games like Final Fantasy Tactics, the Arc the Lad series, Tactics Ogre, and (so I hear) Shining Force.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 05-23-2003).]

That's easy for you to say.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Ah, my little on-going saga. Now the little fellow is whining: "Oh yeah, i'm sure none of you have downloaded music onto your computer at all huh. Unless that's true you have no right to say anything about it." And the truth of the matter is, I don't have any downloaded music. I love it when people can't put up decent arguments...

Oh, I can go WAY beyond that one. Even if you have downloaded music in the past...1) it might be legal 2) the recording industry cartel is VASTLY different from Pea Pri so the nature of the wrong is different 3) two wrongs don't make a right.

There's probably more, but that's not a lengthy rant I care to make now. Gotta go to the mall, I got paid this week [img][/img]