Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
*looks at his post count*
I'm not a veteran... I'm just a newbie!!! [img][/img]

... but this post brought you again closer to your 1000th post! Do you really want to be the second newbie (after myself) that crosses the line? [img][/img]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
[quote] Originally posted by Seishin:
Shinpai Shinai. Most of the veterans around here haven't reached the 1000 post mark yet either.

*looks at his post count*
I'm not a veteran... I'm just a newbie!!! [img][/img][/b] [/quote]

[img][/img]. Yeah, yeah, we believe you [img][/img].

But don't they say that the wisest speaks the least? If that's it; then you've been here for a long time but haven't spoke much, thus you are a wise/experienced person since you don't say anything unnecressiary! [img][/img]

Originally posted by Llilithe:
I guess I don't know much yet. *tries to study harder*

Having a lot of posts doesn't necessarily mean you know much, just that you "talk" more than others. [img][/img] And if Olf-san's a bishoujo newbie, than I'm a Wookie from Venus! [img][/img]

Hmm, hadn't seen that Honda commercial. Reminds me of the Rube Goldberg competition my dorm would usually do well in. Never could figure out if that was a good thing or not...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
[img][/img]. Yeah, yeah, we believe you [img][/img].

But don't they say that the wisest speaks the least? If that's it; then you've been here for a long time but haven't spoke much, thus you are a wise/experienced person since you don't say anything unnecressiary! [img][/img]

I think you're mixing two totally different thing: knowledge and wisdom. "Knowledge" is to know a lot of thing, "wisdom" is to know how to use for the best what little you know. He who speaks little may be wise, or he may know little.
Besides, both apply to me: my knowledge of the bishoujo world is limited and I don't know how to use properly that little knowledge I have.
Originally posted by ekylo:
Having a lot of posts doesn't necessarily mean you know much, just that you "talk" more than others. [img][/img] And if Olf-san's a bishoujo newbie, than I'm a Wookie from Venus! [img][/img]
Oh, I didn't know Venus has Wookies! Welcome on Earth, Wookie friend! [img][/img]
And drop the "san", ekycchan!!

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 07-21-2003).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Besides, both apply to me: my knowledge of the bishoujo world is limited and I don't know how to use properly that little knowledge I have.

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 07-21-2003).]

If you insist.

I’m getting really close to my 1000th post!

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
If you insist.
Only my dedication to Lain-sama and Swatty-sama is unlimited!!! [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 07-22-2003).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
And drop the "san", ekycchan!!

It's already force of habit for me here. I mean, heck, you realize how long it took me before I started refering to Spectator Beholder-san as 'Spec-san'? Besides, I do it to be polite, and conversely, a way of hinting when I'm getting more annoyed than normal and have decided to stop being polite. (Especially since I can't do my normal, "hit someone with a wet badger", to show how annoyed I am here... [img][/img] )

ekylo has a wet badger… Where did you get him/her? o.o I want one.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
I think you're mixing two totally different thing: knowledge and wisdom. "Knowledge" is to know a lot of thing, "wisdom" is to know how to use for the best what little you know. He who speaks little may be wise, or he may know little.
Besides, both apply to me: my knowledge of the bishoujo world is limited and I don't know how to use properly that little knowledge I have.

... [img][/img] ... [img][/img] ... ARRRGGHH! [img][/img]
Fow long are you going to insist that you're a newbie? We both know that it's just as true that you're a newbie that it's true that pigs might fly [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 07-22-2003).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
We both know that it's just as true that you're a newbie that it's true that pigs might fly [img][/img]



Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Fow long are you going to insist that you're a newbie?
Well, it's true.
We both know that it's just as true that you're a newbie that it's true that pigs might fly [img][/img]
Then, you should, like, download this!

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Well, it's true.

I'll grant that you may be considered a newbie compared to some dedicated bishoujo gamer in Japan, but compared to most of us schmucks, it's like Micheal Jordan showing up at a street basketball court and saying he "kinda knows how to play."

Originally posted by ekylo:
I'll grant that you may be considered a newbie compared to some dedicated bishoujo gamer in Japan, but compared to most of us schmucks, it's like Micheal Jordan showing up at a street basketball court and saying he "kinda knows how to play."
Which he would say, if he was of Asian ascent. To appear that way and claim "I am a very good player" is offensive at best to the other people, because he's putting them down...

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
[quote] Originally posted by ekylo:
[b] I'll grant that you may be considered a newbie compared to some dedicated bishoujo gamer in Japan, but compared to most of us schmucks, it's like Micheal Jordan showing up at a street basketball court and saying he "kinda knows how to play."

Which he would say, if he was of Asian ascent. To appear that way and claim "I am a very good player" is offensive at best to the other people, because he's putting them down...

[/b] [/quote]

This is irrelevant, because of course Michael Jordan is not Asian.

*coughs loudly*

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
This is irrelevant, because of course Michael Jordan is not Asian.

*coughs loudly*

But I am!!! o_O'

EDT: And pretty traditionalist, BTW... [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 07-24-2003).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
[quote] Originally posted by Nandemonai:
[b] This is irrelevant, because of course Michael Jordan is not Asian.

*coughs loudly*

But [i]I[I] am!!! o_O'

[/b] [/quote]


Huh? I'm sorry...I just knew that you lived in Europe, so I just assumed you were some kind of European.

...uh...Excuse me while I go pull my foot out of my mouth.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Which he would say, if he was of Asian ascent. To appear that way and claim "I am a very good player" is offensive at best to the other people, because he's putting them down...

Asian "ascent"? Don't you mean "descent"? But also as you pointed out, just being of Asian extraction isn't enough, you also have to be more of a traditionalist. After all, I'm Asian as well, and very non-traditional. I'm a big wussy man, and I'm damn proud of it! [img][/img]

And definitely pull that foot out of your mouth Nandemonai-san, you don't know where that foot's been...

Bling Bling

Originally posted by ekylo:
Asian "ascent"? Don't you mean "descent"? But also as you pointed out, just being of Asian extraction isn't enough, you also have to be more of a traditionalist. After all, I'm Asian as well, and very non-traditional. I'm a big wussy man, and I'm damn proud of it! [img][/img]
"Main Entry: as·cent
Pronunciation: &-'sent, a-
Function: noun
Etymology: irregular from ascend
Date: circa 1596
1 a : the act of rising or mounting upward : CLIMB b : an upward slope or rising grade : ACCLIVITY c : the degree of elevation : INCLINATION, GRADIENT
2 : an advance in social status or reputation : PROGRESS
3 : a going back in time or upward in order of genealogical succession."

"Main Entry: de·scent
Pronunciation: di-'sent
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French descente, from Old French descendre
Date: 14th century
1 a : derivation from an ancestor : BIRTH, LINEAGE b : transmission or devolution of an estate by inheritance usually in the descending line c : the fact or process of originating from an ancestral stock d : the shaping or development in nature and character by transmission from a source : DERIVATION
2 : the act or process of descending
3 : a step downward in a scale of gradation; specifically : one generation in an ancestral line or genealogical scale
4 a : an inclination downward : SLOPE b : a descending way (as a downgrade or stairway) c obsolete : the lowest part
5 a : ATTACK, INVASION b : a sudden disconcerting appearance (as for a visit)
6 : a downward step (as in station or value) : DECLINE "

Errrrrrrrrrr................. ^^;;;;;;
As far as I understand it, my ascent are the people in the generation before me while my descent is the generation after me. Right?
Anyway, my ancestry (and myself, in fact, 100% Asian, born in Vietnam and raised as such [img][/img]) is Asian.
And tradionalist as traditionalist can go.