Response Regarding Family Project Changes

I have no problem when you are being constructive. Thankfully, what I said seems to have made an impact, and since I posted you have been much less repetitive (e.g. repeatedly posting what Peter said regarding XC3). Lastly, I apologize for using “we” in that post. I’m extremely drained from all the posts I’ve made since yesterday, and it slipped under my radar. However, given what others have said, I think it is safe to say that I’m not the only one here who got sick of you sounding like a broken record.

Too true. Unfortunately, for the most part it seems, both political parties that hold the power in the US are against us. Republicans are against us because of “family values”, and Democrats are against us because they “think of the children”. While I do vote for lesser parties when I am not happy with either candidate, not enough other people do. I think it is rather naive to think that just because someone is in power, means they represent what everyone believes.

It’s not happening. Take your ‘fight’ to the people who make the laws, not those that follow them to protect themselves.

There are no such laws, unless you are willing to claim that the other games Peach Princess is selling contain illegal content?

Perfect. :mrgreen:

How about you stop lying to your self and admit you’re pissed because they put undies on your loli (she most certainly is by any standard beyond a sick fuck).

No one in their right mind should be so angry to spam the hell out of a message board, if all they were pissed about was that a web page said uncensored while the product had 3 censored images…THAT IF YOU NEVER SEEN THE UNCENSORED IMAGES, YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE KNOW WERE CENSORED TO BEGIN WITH!!!

Yeah, I’m the idiot here.

GB2 /b (or /L or what ever rock you climbed out from under)

Quit insulting everyone who disagrees with you, jackass. I don’t bitch about people liking rape, so don’t you bitch at people upset over loli censorship.

Don’t play dumb. You know exactly why they’re covering their asses. No company would put EXTRA work into censoring something just because they want to piss off their customers. They do it to protect themselves.

If you have a problem with that, again, take it to the people that make the laws and ensure that Peter and his company is ‘safe’ from such interpretable laws, and MAYBE, they’ll fix those couple images for you. Of course I very much doubt you’ll even do that. It’s much easier to bitch on a forum to a company that’s just trying to cover it’s own ass.

Again, THERE ARE NO LAWS. Otherwise quite a few of Peach Princesses stock would be illegal. There was no reason for the protection.

Peter and his company stated before that they were scared “because the Republicans were in power”. He’s just scared in general, and for no reason. Just say the girl is 18 and keep the content. It worked for previous games, it still works now.

Jeez, and I wonder: If they don’t expect to hear complaints/feedback, why on Earth do they even bother to put up a forum for their customers? :roll:

Peter Payne is clearly the Peter Molyneux of eroge.

Both parties are merely using the cover of societies’ moral values to bolster their respective campaigns; it’s just another tactic to try and grab for the power seat.

I don’t understand how anyone could work that out; if what you said was actually true (underlined part of quote), there wouldn’t be any opposition for anyone in power at any given time.

A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner. America’s Federal Government is not, and never was a Democratic goverment, it is and always has been a Republic.

Well, again I’ll say it. Enjoy your pissing, ranting, and bitching about your couple censored images in a story based game. If you want to keep being so daft as to not understand the reasons for the censorship, be my guest, but practice YOUR rights to stop buying their products. Problem solved for you.

Peter’s broken everyone’s trust with this, not just your’s. So what am I doing to follow up with that broken trust? I’m not bitching like a little baby about it, I’m taking action, and I wont be pre-ordering any of their products in the future, and I’ll ONLY be buying what I deem is unaltered story wise. Grow up and do something about it rather than throw a tantrum.

Are you guys quite done with your government conspiracy/censorship theories? Most types of censorship, this one included, is a case of self-censorship–One where the makers made the decision to censor their own works.

I sure as hell will. Enjoy your next eroge when you get lied to and it gets messed around with. But too bad for you they won’t listen unless I speak up.

I sure as hell will enjoy my next eroge, as I wont buy unless I know it’s to my standards, problem solved, Mr Happy.

Is this the part where we’re supposed to reply with “Down with the man!”? They haven’t started the apocalypse like you people are making it out to be. Grow up and do something about it rather than bitching on a forum. Speak with your wallet, because -IF- you even bought KK, you now have that money back that you spent on it, that you can now refuse to put down on any of their future games.

Why are you trying to censor me Mr. Anti-Censorship? I will insult whom ever I choose, when ever I choose. You don’t like it? Tough titty, go lay on some rail-road tracks somewhere.

I’m not “bitching” about lolicons, just lolicons who can’t admit they are pissed because their loli had some undies shopped over her goodies, instead of acting like they are pissed about bieng lied to about their loli getting undies shopped over her goodies.

The company has a right to make sound marketing decisions, and that’s what they did. They weighed their options and went with what they thought was best for their company. You don’t like it? Tough titty.

You know, when your entire product line of English translated eroge IS uncensored in the traditional sense of the word (no-mosaics), then it’s an easy mistake to make to miss the term in the item decription.

You all can keep touting that your upset becasue JAST and Peter “pissed in your Corn Flakes” one too many times. But the rational know you are really just pissed that Matsuri had some undies shopped over her goodies.

Now do you feel insulted?

Actually, I’m pretty much planning on doing the same thing as you are–Investing my money in titles that I deem are unaltered. Unlike you, I’m not using it as a reason to blow it off like it’s nothing because it means they might just “forget” about it when they try to release a title I might want in the future.

Over, and over, and over… and… over… you get the idea. It’s childish.

This entire fight was just about a couple of censored images in ONE game ? Oh come on, grow up and get over it; there’ll be plenty of future uncensored releases for you to drool on.

God I’d hate to see how long something like this would drag out if they screwed over an entire game…

Better being a broken record than risk giving them the impression that I’m blowing it off, pal.

And I’m supposed to give them my unquestionable trust that they’ll do so because…?

I hope Pete’s thinking the same thing too.