Response Regarding Family Project Changes

We were having a discussion. I was responding to viewpoints and opinions brought up by others. Please don’t post comments that basically tell me to “shut up” about it. I have not tried to silence anyone else here for having an opinion of their own. Also please don’t claim that you represent the entire community with your remarks.

Don’t try to censor my views on censorship.

Well, I’m not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don’t want you to protest. I don’t want you to riot - I don’t want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write. All I know is that first you’ve got to get mad.

If only everyone against censorship in this thread could make their own company and release games FULLY UNCENSORED it’s the only way to beat peter payne and his evil censorship.
Maybe not the only way but it would be a cool way.

I would be all for picking up the pitchfork and torch in order to tear down the laws that oppress the freedom of speech and expression. Sadly, most people only like to talk big instead of actually act on it. It probably doesn’t help that I live in the “buckle” of the Bible Belt and have little hope to garner any support for such sexual expression and speech…

Not all of us have the money to start an organization, hire translators, game programmers, and acquire Japanese licenses. Otherwise, I’d do it in a heartbeat. The industry could use a bit of competition.

Dude, the horse is NEVER dead, unless there is a 100% assurance that such things will not happen again. Otherwise, these kinds of things can easily be forgotten.

You think Peter had money when he started this.
What you lack most of all is blind undying hatred for censorship. Only then will these problems seem small. Your dealing with censorship you know just about everyone will be ready to throw themselves at your noble cause. YOU COULD BE OUR HERO the Larry Flint of eroge.

Most normal guys don’t play eroges either. I’d be willing to bet that most people on this board have some sort of fetish that isn’t shared by “most normal guys.” Since we’re all in this tiny boat together, is it too much to ask for tolerance among ourselves?

And no girl is better with panties than without.

Most normal guys don’t like rape, sexual torture, or extreme bondage! Let’s ban those and see how this fine upstanding community reacts. I bet it’ll all blow over as long as we release games with just minor changes.

When did we all become experts on normal people.

A better question would be “What is normal and who defines it?”.

Sadly, the most powerful… which usually means society or some form of gov’t.

In a democracy, the vocal minority defines what is normal. Then the majority shrugs and accepts it.

Okay, society in general frowns upon rape, scat, water sports, extreme bondage, sexual torture, public nudity, and lots more.

Let’s kill all future releases with these themes.

Don’t like it? Go lobby the government, don’t bug us community members.

Even MORE sadly, I’d have to go with the gov’t. The organization controls us all. :frowning:

Don’t we already have these themes in current and past releases ? :slight_smile:

You’re the idiots who put your own governments into power.

Too true, too true my friend. But I think we should stop here before a flame war erupts concerning this issue.

… nearly all of “erotica” is subject to the prevailing moral opinion. However, attacking rape fantasy means attacking many lauded film makers as well as games, and the power wielded from those films and studios is staunch enough that the moral authority often thinks better of challenging it. Pornography in genral, however, has to constiently fend off the vocal moral majority with little open support from those who purchase the product. So releasing extreme versions does raise the risk of a lawsuit popping up from somewhere, just not as big a risk as loli themed games. Lolicon just happens to hit all the wrong buttons with the moral majority and thus the risk far outweighs the percieved reward.

Aside on gov’t: I’ve supported the rights of the individual and have always denounced any type of big brother gov’t. Sadly, one man against a political machine rarely comes out well for that one man.

Let me ask a very VALID question here. To those of you who are STILL bitching about a couple images being censored, with the offer of a FULL refund with no strings attached, and a full public apology that VERY clearly stated it was THEIR fault and they’re sorry for it, what exactly is it you’re after?

What’s your agenda? For them to uncensor their images in this game? For them to bend over and let you have at it? Well, considering their reasons for taking this very MINOR form of censorship, they’re covering their own asses from the possibility of getting slapped with lawsuits. Chances of it happening? Slim. But a chance is still a chance. I’d rather a company cover all it’s bases even if there’s the slightest bit of risk, it shows good business sense. If you can’t even grasp the reason behind WHY they made the decision they did, you need to step back and take a moment to look at the bigger picture. If they are censoring because of fear of the laws, you need to take all your bitching and fighting to the people who make the laws, not those that follow them.

Not happy with it being censored, don’t buy it. Not happy with your refund? Don’t pre-order game anymore. Still not good enough for you? Don’t buy any more of their games. And if that’s STILL not enough for you… You’ve got much bigger issues to sort through than some uncensored images in a game.

That would be an excellent start.

Lolicon always seems to just slip through doesn’t it ? :slight_smile:

Which is why we have political parties, oversized corporations, lawyers and whatnot; so the one man can fight with reinforcements rather than by himself. :mrgreen: