Response Regarding Family Project Changes

They can see the original CENSORED images. The issue here is that it was CENSORED, period.

And that gives them the excuse to censor it even more because…?

Becasue the market it is bieng released in is currently changing to possibly persicute the sale, distribution, and/or ownership of such material…DUH.

No my bad, they did it to get more internet traffic on their message boards from 4channers, and to piss of the lolicons.

You dumbass, why did you even bother mentioning the “CENSORED” part, then?

Piss off, troll.

I’m fully aware this is a repeated offense. But you know what? I honestly have no issue with what has been censored. I’m not blowing anything off, because it doesn’t alter my enjoyment, nor does it hinder it, while playing this game. In no way, shape, or form in fact. So -I- have no problems to blow off. There’s a thing called moderation when speaking up against something you don’t agree with. My form of moderation(or should I say lack of continued interest) is by bidding you lovely people a good night, while my pet and I go enjoy this entertaining game.

YOUR the one sounding like a troll here, constantly repeating the same shit OVER and OVER, as if it will change anything.

And you expect anything to change either if I just blow it over as if I didn’t care about the issue?

Only act when it concerns you.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not protest;
I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.

I didn’t mention it “dumbass”, Anon. Jones did. How’s your reading comprehension?

Because Jews and Nazi’s need uncensored eroge too. Goodnight.

I thought you didn’t have any interest in this discussion, Dalburnan? Go and enjoy your game–It doensn’t affect me if you’re apathetic about the issue of censorship in localized eroge. Why bother responding to the complainers?

I’m saying it’s funny that you only do whatever is convenient for yourself.
Again, how many of you were up in arms over the possible rape ban in Japan?
A good many of you that were are acting like this is nothing. Hypocrite much?

That all would be relevant, except…

  1. You are “speaking out” on an eroge board.

  2. JAST is not the Third Riech

  3. Genocide through eugenics and covering up a lolis goodies are galaxies apart.



Only act when it affects what concerns you. Rely on others to defend your freedoms.

You’re not. Either they fix this problem or they don’t, it’s that simple. Put up with it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be going now. Goodnight to you all and I hope this conversation ends on good terms.

One game? No. Two games. One broken promise, another worthless promise made.

Better being a broken record than risk giving them the impression that I’m blowing it off, pal.

And your not doing anything to help get obscenity laws overturned? that’s whats scaring them now.

Like that’s any excuse for them to alter content or not avoid titles with any questionable content before licensing.