Response Regarding Family Project Changes

You clearly have no idea what a loli actually is. Matsuri is supposedly 17/18 in the game, which is several years older than what is considered a loli. She’s not even flat chested, as Tsukasa himself mentions in the game. You most certainly are the idiot here, repeating yourself like a broken record over and over again to other people trying to prove your uninformed point. JAST is still selling uncensored games with ACTUAL lolis as we speak. I don’t even care about the censorship, I’m annoyed that they lied about it yet again. I’ve already seen the uncensored images (and the censored ones, since I’ve actually played through Matsuri’s route), and if I really wanted to get off to loli scenes I’d find something much better than the bad art the game features.

Touche. I agree with voicing complaints, but don’t you think the point has been stated just a little too much in this thread ? Now goodbye.

Nope, the horse is NEVER dead.

News flash! Over 70% of games out there have content that might be questionable. Are you saying they should only get games with F-cups only? Because school settings would be out, so would a lot of fantasy themed games.

Also, technically, THEY CAN GO AFTER PRACTICALLY ANY PORN WITH OBSCENITY LAW. Basically, NOTHING in the JAST library is safe.

So while this censorship is stupid, this game is better than almost anything they can license with the amount of money they have. It should be noted that this is actually LESS questionable than some other games, since at least 3 of the 5 heroines are clear adults, one could be a minor, but not necessarily, the other is more obviously one

The hell says I’m not? I know my senators and representatives by name. Do you?

I’m constantly sending letters to them, our local District Attorney, our Governor, and to our local papers.

My opinions on various matters, from privacy laws, to drug enforcement, to obscenity, have been published on occasion.

I have a folder of the responses I’ve received from our local mayor, DA, Gov., and what have you, even if some are just form letters.

It’s called activism, just like what I’m doing by posting here.

What right do you have to accuse me of doing nothing but running my mouth?

And what, pray tell, are YOU doing about it, mister higher-then-thou?

Well, MOST vocal complainers just keep bitching without doing anything about it, so the comment wasn’t directed at you specifically…

I’m very vocal. I’ve been to protests, had my day in court on occasion, but I will fight if I see something I feel is wrong.

That’s still their responsibility. Even if their titles were limited in scope, I’d have a hell of a lot more respect if they didn’t put themselves in a position where they have to censor their own games. I’m perfectly capable of equally enjoying sex romps and deep-story VNs, as well as flat-chested lolis and big breasted milfs alike.

You think limiting themselves is ridiculous? Well that’s one thing we can probably agree upon. However, unlike you, I don’t appreciate or tolerate having companies act like chickens and/or lying to us for any reason.

The text in bold is one of the reasons behind my “bitching” about their decision to censor their titles.

17 or 18…yeah keep dreaming lolicon. 1st years are adults now? That’s just precious.

I’m the broken record? Or am I just the one making the most sense?

GB2 /l

1st year what? I wouldn’t call 1st year college student a loli.


The first year college student who has some strange form of dwarfism, and calls twenty year old men “onii-san”, and men like Tsukasa feel compelled to let “grow up” before they violate them.

No, apparently they have to be in diapers for YOU to consider them loli.

Keep dreaming lolicon.

Tell that to the thousands of eroge out there that have to have all characters over the age 18 and not mention a single thing about the characters being “loli”, dumbass.


Well, from the looks of things it seems Mangagamer has a chance at beating out PP after all.

We aren’t talking about “those games”. Nice attempt to redirect, the fact remains Matsuri is a fucking loli in the censored images…“dumbass”.

You’re not even trying to hide the fact that you’re just trolling anymore, it’s rather humorous. Perhaps you’re actually a closet lolicon yourself, and are trying to condemn others to make yourself feel better about it? You sure do mention /l/ a lot, you seem to be quite familiar with it.

She’s a “loli” in the censored images, but not in the uncensored ones despite looking exactly the same in both, physically? What’s your reasoning there?

Dude, don’t put yourself down. We don’t really know for sure if it is “falling on deaf ears” or not, even if they aren’t releasing an uncensor patch. At least, as far as future titles are concerned.

I have nothing against lolicon, if I did I damn sure wouldn’t be playing eroge from Japan. Just idiots slamming a good company for making a decision they have every right to make, and not admitting why they are really pissed about it.

Yes, I refuse to believe their reasoning since it is clearly unreasonable. The three images did not alter the quality of the game one bit, and there are no ugly mosaics to be found, and only one listing of the game claimed it was 100% uncensored. So it is clearly unreasonable to generate this much animosity toward the solitary source for hard copy translated eroge in the States, even after they offerred a full refund to ass holes who can play through the entire game before returning it, all based on a misleading fucking product page.

It is still uncensored, just not 100% uncensored. Whoopie shit, how does that effect the value of the game…UNLESS…you are a pissed off lolicon.

Inquisitive psychological powers? Is that supposed to mean something?

If it doesn’t lend to my credibility or incredibility, why should I care either way.

Brilliant logic there. If i cared what you think of my credibilty, I would shoot myself in an instant.

Unfortunatly for you, I don’t and I won’t.

LOL This is too easy. Fish in a barrel. I’m going to actually play the game now, have fun by yourselves, you pissed-off lolicons.