Response Regarding Family Project Changes

You can certinly tell that they have not played the game either. The images and even the original context clearly has Matsuri at 14/15 and not a first year college student at 17/18.

But yes, at this point it has merely become trolling because something twisted their panties. It has long since left the domain of intelligent debate. The first complaint was fine. The continued bitching with 30 more posts is just childish. The increasing insults flung by certain posters have only made this topic a joke.

It’s either uncensored or it isn’t, you can’t have it both ways. Why can’t you comprehend that simple fact? It’s not fully uncensored, that’s the truth of the matter. You seem to be taking this the hardest, what with all your personal attacks and such.

Nope, I’ve never played the game.

Then how in the hell are you arguing that she is 17? It is clear just through the scant school scenes that she is closer to middle school than to college. Add in context from this translation and the context from the original Japanese and nothing indicates anything but a young teenager just starting high school.

I couldn’t agree more, which is one of the reasons I have withdrawn from this discussion.

The context from the original does not specify what school she’s in. The censored scenes from soon after the picture I posted have her naked in the Japanese version, whereas she’s wearing bra and panties in the English version (complete with revised text saying that she’s in her lingerie). She offers Tsukasa to pay with her body if the money she’s earned isn’t enough, and with her not naked the impact of the scene is most certainly changed. It gives off the appearance that she’s not really serious about what she’s offering him. If JAST claims she’s 17, who are we to argue? The original game doesn’t state her age. Even if she were to theoretically be 15 or so, which is about the age for a first year high school student, that is still not considered a loli, and they do not have sex at that point anyway.

Unless you care about what this might mean for other games that might be released in the future or the fact that they lied to us.

Enjoy the game for all I care. It’s better than trolling the board.

If they’re claiming that she’s 17, despite the fact that the original game doesn’t state anything, doesn’t that mean we can argue that they already messed with something in the dialogue/text despite the fact that they said they chose not to mess the story up?

First :the last time I checked, in Japan, the age of consent is much lower than the US (which might vary from state to state, but 16 is the minimum and 18 the max in this country). So those nude scenes aren’t as volatile as they are here. To the US layperson, loli simply implies under-age, not one specific sub-set of under-age. I myself do not consider a 14 or 15 year old as a loli, but then I don’t agree with the US’ stance on teenage sexuality. I would prefer such censorship was not necessary, but in today’s volatile climate, I understand the drive to play it safe.

Second, I disagree on the impact. Her naivette and “innocence” is the core of the character and those very qualities still intruding during that scene actually affect me more.

I am sitting at the scene with Chunhua and Tsukasa on the roof and he clearly states he would have to be a lolicon to “like” Matsuri. There is no room for debate, she is underage at the time when the censored images are displayed in the story. JAST is just covering their asses this time, and it doesn’t bother me at all that they did, it’s their decision to make, and the government did not make it for them even thought he climate may have.

Back to KK.

Yet you keep cursing about lolicon and telling people off in sole regard to it. Someone has denial issues. I haven’t cursed at you, although you are sorely tempting me.

I haven’t cursed lolicons in general, just pissed off lolicons slamming JAST. Go back to school and learn to read. Curse me if it makes you fell better, I couldn’t care less.

Let’s cool the discussion here. There are strong feelings on various sides of this issue that are worth stating, but ad hominem attacks, flaming, and trolling are not appropriate for this forum.

I’m not going to lock the thread, but if we don’t get some restraint and civility in the discourse I’ll have to go back and slice a lot of posts to ribbons. Let’s not go there, please.

Then you’re not interpreting it how the scene was meant to be viewed by the creators of the game. You’re free to have your own opinion, though.

You obviously haven’t gotten to the scenes where he mentions how her breasts are developed and refers to her as a woman when they’re both together and she’s naked in the original version. I agree that JAST is covering their asses and they have the right to, they just shouldn’t have lied about it.

Okay, I’m tired of you just insulting me, and others who have every right to be upset.

The company lied. We have every right to be upset. If you don’t like it, tough.

Get out and deal with it. Go enjoy your game, we’re not forcing you into this issue, since its clear you have nothing constructive to offer.

I found the intrusion of the naivatte even then to only heighten the moment. I didn’t miss the intention, just felt that the censorship in this case actually seemed to amplify what was within the character.

Christ you guys are such drama queens, especially you umarekawari. How many times can you say you don’t trust them before it gets old? And if you’re mister send politicians letters why are you not sending them letters about this and leave people alone here. I mean we understand already, we get it dude. You are officially mad at Peter and PP… Move along. You do realize that you’re just going in circles with this right? I mean your “discussion” (which you mentioned earlier) is just getting repetitive now. I have a favor to ask you, umare, relook at all of your messages and see how many times you said “he lied to me, or us” and say it out loud that many times… Doesn’t it start to sound repetitive and ridiculous after awhile? You’re making this very personal when it isn’t. It’s just like someone said earlier, it’s a business. Weigh the pros and cons and then decide what your next move is. To you I would guess this is a very big con, so leave it at that. And to say something so over dramatic like “I’m fighting for your freedom.” What are you? a martyr? That is just down right ridiculous, I mean, is it lonely up there on your pedestal?

Hey, Conan. FYI, no one’s forcing you to read this thread. If you don’t want to be exposed to opinions you know upset you, and if you don’t want to read the information, try not viewing it.

Don’t try to restrict access to it for others. They too can choose to view or not to view this topic.

Oh wow that was so clever! did you think of that response on your own? That was so clever, the use of “blah blah blah” for ignoring someones point. I mean, where did you get that response? You need to PM me someday with where you get your material, or even better, maybe we can become friends and your awesome sense of humor will eventually rub off on me! Or did you read it in a book? Oh you are just the funniest kind of guy. But no seriously. You didn’t answer my question. If Peter Payne were here having debate with you I can understand. But you’re basically just saying the same thing over and over using different words. Also, you are so right! I CAN read this if I want, OR I can leave if I want! Where do you come up with these ideas man? You just have to inform me chubs. It’s kind of like how I chose to ask you a very easy question and how you chose to simply avoid it like a rodent.

You asked a bunch of questions, none serious.

Once you insult me, I don’t any need to respond to you.

Oh yeah, this thread has a lock in it’s near future for sure.

It’s funny how adamant the haters are, when they haven’t a leg to stand on, I mean nothing at all to base the hate on. Peter already said they will refund your money, even after you have played the game, yet you all still act like they intentioanlly set out to decieve you all and steal your money.

Seriously, I find it hard to believe all you haters can actaully function as human biengs and not get hit by a bus crossing the street, or falling off a cliff somewhere.