Response Regarding Family Project Changes

Yet for some strange reason, you do…continually!!!


What a nice scapegoat. You’re so cool.

I find it funny that all you can seem to do is make unnecessary posts insulting other peoples intelligence. Which is funny, because your post has not one, but four typos.

Uh oh…here comes the grammar police. Now I know you’re losing it. :smiley:

No, I’m just tired of you guys constantly derailing the thread just to attack and insult others, or to tell us to shut up.
It’s funny. You guys fight over the rape censorship and when I pointed out the morality argument for that, you told me to shut up.

Now you’re using the morality argument to tell me and others to shut up. You want this to turn into a flame war so the thread gets locked, so you keep baiting people by insulting them, their opinions, and basically adding nothing to this debate.

I don’t play that game, and I’m not going to go the same route you’re taking. Go ahead and keep insulting us, tell us to shut up. It really reflects well on the community, the company, and yourselves.

If this thread gets locked because of your pointless insults and bickering, I’ll just make a new one.

[Nothing to see here]

I should get all my friends to make an account so that they can back me up ! That sounds reasonable. The reason why we would like this locked is because it’s unnecessary, EVERYTHING HAS ALREADY BEEN SAID, and there is no further point to it. Plain and simple. If you noticed, this board was perfectly fine before all of this. Every regular person to this board has voiced their opinion, said what they wanted and they have moved on. 90% of the people who are hating and “outraged” are brand new accounts, which leads me to believe there is some group of people out there, or one person doing all of this just to make a scene. And jesus umare, get off your high horse.

If you’re implying that I’m behind this, I don’t know any of these people. A lot of new people are joining solely to express their outrage and to explain their opinions. The news and links to this forum are past 4chan and are all over various eroge review sites now, you know.

Also, I like the view from my high horse. I can see my house from here. Jesus, Conon, quit insulting others. We all know you’re fine with the changes, so move on.

First off thanks a lot Peter for your response to this issue.

I was mad for about one second and then I got over it. Thanks for releasing this great game, I’m having a great time with it and It’s unlikely I will ask for a refund on it. I will take a few of the others advice and wait until after release before placing my order. I’m sure there will be hundreds of threads devoted to asking about any censoring on a title weeks before release so we’ll probably get a response from you guys next time.

Thanks a lot, I’ll go enjoy KK now.

But you just agreed to my insult so you’re playing along. Yay! Isn’t this game fun?

So you admit you’re basically playing a game in an attempt to jerk me and others around? Hmm. I see no point to that other then the thread getting locked.

In any case, I’m done with you. Since you can’t grow up and act like an adult, you’re going on my ignore list. Have fun talking to yourself.

:Edit: Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and put Vick on there to. Trying to have a serious discussion while keeping flames to a minimum is hard enough already.

Why put me on your ignore list? You seem to ignore me pretty well already. I do recall being serious at a time and you ignoring me then too. You are so good at avoiding people! And yes, I was screwing with you since you aren’t being grown up either.

With the exception of a few of my posts, all have been relivant to the quoted post and fully on topic. They do include various insults, but that’s my choice to make, no one is forcing you and the others to respond to them.

It’s just convenient for you, that you ignore the relavant points of my posts and focus on the insults, just like with the above response. You can claim you don’t address my points because of my demeanor, or even my grammar, but then why respond at all?

Oh, and don’t try to claim I haven’t been making any valid points, I don’t think my stomach can take much more laughter right now.

But…But…But…ins’t that censorship…BA HAHAHA AHAHAH :lol:

Wow. Just wow…

DetectiveConan, you are a troll. If you honestly don’t care about the changes being made, why do you keep making so many posts on this thread? Don’t you have anything better to do then post stupid comments like this?:

Um, I could give the same sarcastic response to you after reading that post… Just with less boring spam to read. Grow up and get a life.

vick101: Didn’t you say you were going to leave this thread a while ago? Why are you still here if this whole topic is so pointless? You have made just as many posts as umarekawari. The difference is that for half of your posts, all you have been trying to do is flame anyone who is against the censorship.
If you really want this topic to die - LEAVE.

(And, no, I am not one of umarekawari’s ‘friends’. :roll:)

-waits for the flames to end and the thread to lock-

You know, whether this thread ends up locked or not, I don’t care, watching these guys flame each other endlessly is just too damn funny!! :lol: I can’t wait to see how far this goes :twisted:

Hmm… He puts us on ignore and some newcomer magically comes out of nowhere with his same opinion and argument and begins talking to us… Curious. And insanity, you clearly have no idea what my purpose here is. I don’t give a damn about censor or no censor. I’m simply asking the question “why” are these people still here? If you’d read my post from way earlier today, and from about an hour ago, you’d very much see that my point is there is nothing more to be said here for the complainers. To me, they have made their case and they are still here protesting it. Their original post will last for days so people can read their complaints. There’s absolutely no reason to keep repeating it. I know I mentioned this already in this post but I suppose I have to mention it again… If Peter Payne has made a public apology, and full refunds, what more do you want from him? What really is your purpose here other than to make him almost feel guilty. If you’re here for blood, that doesn’t show much for you. Especially considering the circumstance is so unimportant. Even if you use the statement “we don’t trust him after what he did” I have to re-ask you, why keep posting about it? Send the company a letter, make a long post here telling them why you’re upset. But please don’t make a damn scene out of it.

Awww…I hate it when quitters quit.

I just like amusing myself by slapping around mental midgets with my brain…:smiley: (ooooh…that’ll get 'em going)

They have nothing to bitch about, except some imaginary plot to steal their lolicon funds by decieving them into paying for a loli with undies.

“But we were lied to…WAAAHHH!!!”

Not intentionally retards, play the game, or don’t, then get your money back. Then get over it, go fap on /l, or jump off a bridge. (if you can manage not to get hit by a bus before you get there)

JAST is a fucking awesome company, and you should all be ashamed of dissing them on their own board after the initial post in this thread. Having said that, it’s your right to keep slandering them, but it’s also my right to slap you silly with my brain. WOOT!!!

It’s funny, really. If I have this many “friends”, then why the heck didn’t I know about it sooner? I don’t socialize much, in real life or online. All of a sudden I’m part of some plot to bring people in to complain. This is funny. Let’s look at a more likely idea. … red-eroge/

See that? There’s a message from Peter Payne among the replies. He posts a link to this BBS and invites people to post their comments.

Surprise, all of a sudden we have new members, posting opinions, mainly about the game mentioned in the blog post! How sinister!

Of course, if you want to act paranoid and pretend that all these people were sent by me or know me, go ahead. It’s your fantasy world.

Yes, you have found me out! :slight_smile: I am really umarekawari. Anyone that has sense is obviously me in an alt account. :stuck_out_tongue: [/sarcasm]

Then why are you still here? If you really want it to end, stop posting and ignore the thread.

Yep. That’s a sure fire way to let a thread die without being a troll :smiley:

I did. I have been following this thread since Peter posted his response. I actually decided to stop lurking just to post how hypocritically some of the people that ‘want the complainers to stop posting’ are acting.

Then again: WHY ARE YOU STILL POSTING? People can read your response at the begining of the thread saying that you find this topic idiotic. All you are doing is restating your opinion, but while being a troll in some of your posts.