Response Regarding Family Project Changes

Not a big socializer. But he is apparently very verbal and constantly sends letters to politicians! Gotta love them anti social activist!

Insanity, anyone else who wants to discuss the issue, just ignore the trolls.

I’m honestly shocked that a forum regular would act this way. But I promise most of us here are nice and easy to get along with.

You might have to bribe Narg with twincest though.

Please… And posting on the board of the company you apparently hate doesn’t make you a hypocrite or maybe a retard in any way? Go to gamefaqs and have a friendly bash discussion there.

Actually, the US layperson has no idea what the word “loli” means (believe it or not, many anime fans are also unfamiliar with the word). If they’re educated, they might be familiar with the word “Lolita”, and they’ll get the idea with a little explaining. The word “loli” has a very specific meaning to me (much as the word “anime” doesn’t simply mean “cartoon”). A loli is an anime-style character with a childish appearance, with the connontation that she’s sexualized in some manner (i.e., there’s panty shots). Since anime girls are usually somewhat childish looking anyway, I define the term “childish” relative to the anime norm; thus a loli looks considerably more childish than the average anime girl. It may seem like an overly cumbersome definition, but I think anime fans tend to agree with me, even if they don’t realize it. :stuck_out_tongue:

for those upset about the broken promise, I can see where you are coming from and I would have been as upset as you are if I wasn’t simply happy about getting the title (again, if this is the price to be paid for getting more titles, then please cloth the underaged girls. I am willing to pay this price for a good story based VN). The lose of trust is not something to be taking lightly, as the Haruhi 2nd season have shown us with Endless Eight, people began to hate the 1st season because of the 2nd season. And I for one have stopped watching the show even though I am NOT paying for it! :expressionless: But unlike KyoAni, JAST gave an apology and a offered a refund.

any way, to JAST, may I suggest that before accepting a product as golden master, have these questions (added and) answered by the QA and production staff:
Have any CGs been altered? (if yes, why)
Have any CGs been removed? (if yes, why)
Have any routes been altered? (if yes, why)
Have any routes been removed? (if yes, why)

the answer to the above 4 questions (only ‘No’ or ‘Yes’) would be posted in the upcoming releases post once the product have gone GM. If any if the answers is ‘Yes’, then a new thread for the title plus the explanation for the reason behind the change would be posted.

final note, in my view, their is a difference between censorship and trying to remain within the legal boundaries of the law (or in this case… trying not to attract the attention of people with power who have suddenly realized that there is such a thing as “eroge” that they can attack to gain an improved “family value guy” image :evil: )

P.S. come on guys, the JAST staff where clearly busy for the last few week getting ready for AX2009, an error like was bound to happen (IMHO).

I’ve just run into enough people that have lolicon=pedophilia, so there does seem to be a size-able amount of “knowledge” about it… well, at least enough to make an assinine conclusion like that.

That’s not a bad idea. I could even go as far as saying that it’s a brilliant idea :mrgreen: . I really like it and I hope Peter/Shingo can offer a response to whether something like this is possible for them. Hope that this idea doesn’t get overshadowed by all the other responses and they can reply to it.

This. Common sense would indicate that they should have done this from the beginning after the X-Change 3 shitstorm.

Oh no, you really think this ad-hominem “company hating” crap really has any sort of relevance?

In all and all, nobody gives a shit about a particular company or a brand name. The only thing relevant is just the game that was released, any promises made and the games that will be released later on. If MangaGamer or some other company handled things in the same way, they’d get the same type of feedback.

Mangagamer released Suika and My sex slave is a classmate with some censored cg’s. Where were the anti censorship people then?
Mangagamer removed 4 titles which was kind of like censorship. Where were the anti censorship people then?
The anti censored coalition dropped the ball with Mangagamer big time.

Man plays japanese eroge on a regular basis.
Man buys english uncensored game because he’s tired of japanese and mosaics.
Man finds out game was still censored.
Rage ensues.

Okay I get it. They don’t want to take risks and they don’t want to alter the script…but yet they fail to realize they are mostly catering to hardcore fans who HATE censorship with a passion. Perhaps a better disclosure would have been a good idea, but a better idea would have been a poll which asks what is more important to the fans: unaltered script ot unaltered cg.

I still enjoy their games and I am not planning on returning family project for refund because I fully support them even if they do mess up. (We’re all humans)

People need to consider that at this time there is a lot of contraversy with eroge. International outrage over rape games. Rape games getting banned in japan. Japanese government on the verge of passing anti loli laws. Etc… I just hope that in the future jast will look back and say: hey we could have handled this so much better. What’s more important for the fans? Does this really make sense? Will this hurt our image and our sales longterm?

Mosaics are not the same as redrawn undergarments. The circumstances here (with the lying) are also different from MGs. Had a more detailed post explaining it but lost it. I’m willing it to explain it again if these points aren’t clear.

That’s a bit different in that those games were removed by the request of the copyright owners (because of the Rapelay/EOCS fiasco). It wasn’t MangaGamer’s choice…it was something they had to do, as ordered by the Japanese companies.1 So you can’t really blame them for a decision that’s out of their hands.

( … gulations/)

I was really making more of a general question of why these people didn’t go against MangaGamer at the time if they are so against censorship? Even the mosiac’s are still a form of censorship which the anti censorship coalition should of been all over if they are truly against censorship. I mean MangaGamer stated even the higher prices where so they could pay the artist to uncensored the artwork. Yes Mangagamer didn’t lie since they didn’t promise anything but when Suika and My sex slave is a classmate where released they didn’t mention the mosiac’s being left in it was only after a few people complained did they announce anything.
I understand why they where censored and some titles removed but would of been nice to have seen these people atleast trying.

Also, if any company could excuse mistakes by saying “Well, MangaGamer did it…,” that would be a reeeally slippery slope. ^_^"

Mangagamer is basically ran by the Japanese side. If people spoke out about the removal of titles maybe they wouldn’t have removed them or something.
It was still a form of self censorship to avoid problems the same thing as this situation just done differently.

I lol’ed at this. :lol: We can always count on you to add a little levity to the situation. :smiley: :mrgreen:

Has the pointless flame war in this thread stopped yet ? :?

Anyway, back to the issue of unnotified censorship on their part, I think we’re going to see a lot more of the fighting and insulting that has gone on here if JAST continues to change up their games like this without telling us.

If only it was that easy my humorous friend. :slight_smile:

Heads up moderators, flame wars coming through !..and good-bye pre-orders

Everyone’s used to seeing mosaic or black bars in hentai images. What they aren’t used to seeing is further “localized” alterations made to the artwork that involve concealing even more than what was shown in the original. That’s not to say we don’t like alterations that involve removing such mosaic, assuming the end result looks good, but we don’t like changes that involve even bigger censorship. Mangagamer didn’t change or “censor” anything–They just left the artwork alone in its original state. JAST, however, actually went out of their way to change it and conceal it even more, including the art that didn’t have any mosaic–That’s where the difference lies. MG’s way wasn’t ideal, but leaving the CGs alone is a hell of a lot better than having them covering them up even more in the localization process.

No, it’s gonna inevitably happen regardless of whether they actually inform us or not (seriously, /jp/ knows about this board now). The act of censorship alone is enough to cause flame wars, as seen in the XC3 fiasco. The fact that they didn’t tell us was just putting salt on the wounds.

You think JAST is the only party responsible for this? It could have been the original company. After all, with the current negative attention eroge are getting, mainly from a sale of a used copy overseas, they might be more leary of overseas markets now. If I’ m right, that would explain why they keep games with similar content, but edit this one…

EDIT: I believe the blocking of foreign IPs to certain sites, as well as some of minori’s comments about making sure there games only work on JP systems, DOES seem like there is a weariness towred the foreign market.

You should also help fight THAT censorship, because they may decide it’s too much trouble to release games overseas in the first place.

Mangagamer is probably more likely to edit now than JAST is, just cause it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen. they are located in the EU, and some countries there are a LOT worse on cartoon porn than in the US, not to mention they are closer to the Japanese side, which is becoming increasingly stronger in censorship.