Response Regarding Family Project Changes

I think this could all be eleviated by allowing those that want those scenes back, to be able to install an uncensored patch for those particular scenes. This would make everyone happy in my opinion, While still giving those that want them the “freedom” to choose. Thank you for listening and yes I know I haven’t been here in a long time but I saw something that caught my attention.

And many countries there are A LOT more lenient on cartoon porn than in the US, so your point was? After all, MG did locate themselves in the Netherlands rather than the USA because their laws were way more lenient toward “cartoon porn than in the US” in the first place…

There main market seems to be there, so they may start censoring to deal with the countries that ARE problematic…

So you think. How much do you know about the European market?

That would defeat the very reason of having gone to the Netherlands because their laws were WAY more lenient than the American ones…

It was just somthing that popped into my head, I DON’t know what there market is…

HOWEVER, I DO believe that the fact that they are closer to the Japanese side, and after the whole Rapelay blowup, they aren’t in the best position right now…

Wow, go away for a week and look what happens. :lol: :shock:

Peter, thanks for responding to this issue. I’m not likely to take you up on your refund offer (since I consider the censorship minor), I do appreciate the gesture.

It’s interesting to see that this issue is two-fold: one about the censorship and the other about the “lie”. I cannot speak much for the censorship issue beyond what’s already been said… except to perhaps mention that wording in laws is often altered to fit circumstances, so I don’t think any entity is truly “safe”, especially when it comes to obscenity laws.

But I will comment on the “lie”.

For me, a “lie” is when someone deliberately says something is true when it is not. My understanding of the situation is this (and feel free to correct me if this is wrong…) :

  1. JAST obtains rights for KK/FP.
  2. A change to the websites is made shortly after with information about the new game. On one site, it is listed as being 100% uncensored.
  3. Somewhere along the way, an outside editing team changes. The game gets pushed through to gold master, and it’s too late to inform the masses about the censorship.

IMHO (and YMMV), that’s not a “lie”… it’s a mistake. From my point-of-view, I don’t see Peter Payne going out of his way to deceive customers so that he can grab more of your money… let’s face it, he’s offered you a free game, if you’re willing to take him up on the offer. It may be true that JAST will get less returns than pre-order cancels, but no sane businessman would ever make a bet like that, particularly because a loss of reputation isn’t worth the “extra money”. It seems like a mistake to me.

My big concern, though, is that the mistake was made. It sounds like things got rushed in production, which is never a good sign. KK/FP is a big deal, really a flagship game. I’ve been waiting for this game since it was announced, and was happy to hear that it was coming this month. BUT… honestly, I would have been happy to wait a little while longer if it meant better QA. That’s where the real concern is, for me. I really don’t want to see PP become an MG. Please, for the love of all that is eroge, take your time and do a good job. We’re willing to wait if you do a good job with it.

Or at least, I am.

One site accidentally saying it was fully uncensored was an accident - choosing not to tell the fans that you were changing stuff is a choice.

But wev - the raging lolicon hordes are pushing me to complain less because I don’t want to be associated with their bullheaded craziness.

So does that mean if this forum madness doesn’t end, you won’t complain even if they don’t give a warning about any edits in future titles?

Yes, frankly, if JAST makes no mention of being pressured by overseas markets (like MangaGamer has), then it is to be assumed that they are the only party and domestic issues (i.e. whether Matsuri’s “legal” or not) are the only factor. If you were right, and issues in Japan were heavily influencing their decisions, then JAST would pull the uncensored games with similar content from domestic sale, because as long as they are being sold, there will always be a risk that it may bite back the Japanese companies regardless of how old they may be. Hey, Rapelay was released in 2005, but being 4 years old didn’t stop the foreigners from complaining.

How the heck am I supposed to do that? The politicians in the Diet want to look good for themselves and the Japanese companies are just letting themselves be stepped on to save face. They have to step up on their own two feet. Considering we’re an already microscopic market, what is it to the Japanese companies if they listened to some foreigner that isn’t even part of their audience?

Maybe there is a possibility of them censoring, but they by far have no track record of breaking promises about it, either.

well at least there is an english patch for that. Matbe Peach Princess should not license games with young charachters

No, I just want them to be honest.

If they have to lie and say someone is 18, fine.

If they have to change something, let us know.

I’m very concerned how this whole thing will affect any possible release of Yin-Yang 2. I don’t want it to be denied here.

On the same token, if they do license and start to mess around with it, I want, no, need to know.

There’s only 2 declared lolicons in this thread. Neither of them are raging, IMHO. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s the gung-ho anti-censorship people (along with those that feel an oath was broken) that are the most upset, not the lolicons. If you think about it, it really isn’t in the lolicons’ best interests to make a stink about this.

Have to correct you there. I’m not a lolicon. I just don’t like censorship. I view eroge as a form of expression just like any other work of art.

Would I buy a title with just underaged characters in it? No.
Would I buy a game where a girl was raped? No.

There are some decent eroge titles that do have one loli character, though. It doesn’t turn me on as a fetish, but I don’t think it’s right to slice them from the storyline the author created, or to censor the images that were created.

With X-Change and the games in that series, I didn’t buy the games because of the rape. In fact, once I unlock those paths, I tend to never replay them. I just liked the general plot, the gender switching, character development.

With May Club, the character of Kirara was done very well, but the censorship took a lot of emotion out of it.

Censorship in my opinion is almost never a good thing. I understand why they feel they had to do it, I just disagree with them.

I think what really makes me mad is that there is nothing we can really do about this. Unless we change the world, we will continue to complain.

True, true. And I have nothing against lolicons anyway if they’re not frothing at the mouth. :slight_smile:

Heh, you definitely weren’t one of the two I had in mind. I did add those parentheses in a subsequent edit while thinking about you, though. I almost added “(and umarekawari)” instead, but decided that wouldn’t be very tactful.

And no, “Lolicon” is not one of them either. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seeing as it’s(somewhat) calmer and cleaner in here now, I’ll repost my question(the only reason I’ve even bothered with this thread up till now.).

With this censorship being done on KK, what are the plans for the future Nitro+ titles? As I mentioned before as a good example, Demonbane. I have no issue with any images being censored, but my concern is any alterations of the stories themselves. I think it’s safe to say the staff is already aware of what changes(if any) they will want/need to make on future titles regarding all the current events.

So can we have an answer on this? It’s subject to change, obviously, and I wont put any real faith into any answer given until I see the finished product, but I’d at least like to hear Peter’s, or one of the staff member’s opinions on this matter.

I think I was the other one meant. I’ve been mostly quiet in this thread since I feel like I’ve pretty much said my bit, but I might as well take the opportunity to say that I support your stand, uma, and I think they people who are continually posting in this thread about how they want people to stop posting in this thread are being utterly ridiculous. Kudos to you for sticking to your guns.

According to one of the Fan translators who was helping, he said it would not be altered, because the lolis in this case aren’t human.

I’d read the same, but I wanted to hear the opinions of the staff directly on the matter. While I’m not interested in loli’s, or even the H-scenes for that matter, my greatest concern is the actual story itself remaining unaltered, because there’s some questionable content that comes to mind.

(Thanks for the reply though.)

I’m a lolicon and a rabid free-speech nut, but neither of those things allows one to act without tact and politeness.