Response Regarding Family Project Changes

If they stopped licensing games with young characters I would stop buying them as I am a lolicon. Also I don’t see why they can’t just make a patch for those that want that content instead of just changing it and making it so everyone has to live with a censored product.

Look people, it’s really simple.

When you go to the movies to watch some silly horror flick, you do know you are watching and edited and usually a censored film, don’t you?

When you watch a stupid TV sitcom, you know they have their own censors in the comapany that watches the material before it is aired?

The game was censored by the company that is responsable for it’s release and distribution, just like network television and every other media source from video games to magazines.

It’s different when a comapny is voluntarily censoring their own content (I know it’s not JAST game per say, but it’s their release version), than when a government is passing censorship laws.

Where’s all the hate for the evening news and local newspapers? Where’s all the hate for the film industry? It’s all bieng censored in house, and you sit on your asses in front of your keyboards oblivious to it all, happily fapping I suppose, without a second thought.

It’s so obvious why the haters are so pissed. Just own up to it, you’re pissed about not getting your nude loli. The censoring has no negligable effect on the game’s quality, unless you are a lolicon.

You want to claim it’s the whole censorship angle? Better start registering on an assload of other entertainmemt companies’ forums, and picketin your local TV stations and newspapers, or you are just a damn hypocrite.

You want to claim it’s because you were “lied” to? Well you know that’s just assinine, because it was clearly not intentional and you can get your precious loli funds back, even after you enjoyed the great story in FP:FF.

That would kind of defeat the purpose of redrawing the CGs in the first place. This isn’t some sort of rating feature desired to protect someone from exposure to obscenity who would rather not be exposed. It’s a marketing/legal move to deflect criticism/potential lawsuits from people who would never play these games, but see fit to pass judgement on those that do. A censored release with an official uncensor patch undermines the entire strategy.

Not that an uncensor patch is impossible. It’d just have to come from the fans (or the pirates). But who cares where it comes from? As long as it comes. Of course, the licensing issue is another story. But we’ll cross that river when we get to it. For now, they licensed Family Project, and more recently, Demonbane. That suggests their licensing policy hasn’t changed all that drastically. The next question is how they’ll handle Demonbane.

So if an unofficial patch was made (and “released”) then it would solve the problem of the game’s censorship ?

Did you follow the News here? Matsuri is implied to be underage, and the nude scenes with her can cause some problem if they were to attract attention.

You DO know about a man in Iowa who is going to jail for lolicon manga, don’t you? Because they charged him under vague “obscenity” laws, not child porn laws. Meaning this could easily be illegal if it got to the wrong judge. Then again, so could a lot of there products, so I think it IS inconstant.

I think they were just overreacting, however, I don’t think they’ll patch it as long as the current fear exists. They censored it because of potential legal issues, NOT because it would offend some of there customers.

Better start writing to get those laws overturned, or our Loli collection could be ruled obscene if some puritanical law enforcement group saw it…

EDIT: if an unofficial patch was made, it would probably insert the JP versions of the scenes, meaning there would be still be mosaic censorship.

Yes. I don’t care about principles. I just care about results. If the game in my hands is uncensored (mosaiced original = ok), I don’t really care about the process it took to get there. That of course assumes said patch is already available, which is a hypothetical situation at this point.

Does anyone here know how to make one though ?

I’d guess it’d be a matter of extracting the JP versions CGs and inserting them into the US version, probably not impossible.

As for Demonbane, the Lolis there aren’t human, so there isn’t any issue with them, from what I gather.

Of course, just because that’d satisfy me, doesn’t mean it’d satisfy many of the anti-censorship people (it probably wouldn’t). They’re arguing based on principle, after all.

By the way, I have ordered this game and I suspect the censoring will have little impact on my enjoyment of it. I’m worried more about future releases than this one.

There’s no guarantee they won’t touch them though. Nobody said they couldn’t censor them based on looks alone. Irrespective of your opinion on the severity of the censorship, you were still lied to when they promised that they’d warn you about any potential censoring before a game was released–Can you really be that sure that they won’t go any further with their future releases?

It would be great if the company made one, then had it leaked as a patch made “by a fan” on various download sites.

This statement, and your carefully chosen quote, are completely at odds. You’d do better to speak in your own words and leave it at that.

You know guys, as much as I’ve stopped to be upset with PP about Kazokei, I’d like you to stop harassing the lolicons for their fetish. In a board where people play games where they, as the main character, kills, maims, tortures, abducts, corrupts, degrades, bribes, rapes, etc. other people (generally women), I think that lolicons are hardly the worst, if thoughts, feelings or fetishes were to be condemned.

Some of us are pure ren’ai gamers --and we know who we are-- but we’re a minority here, I would bet.

Other than that, what Pentt said:

Someone who lied twice can lie thrice, or an infinity of times. Mayhap the second time was truly a mistake, mayhap it was calculated. How would you know? Do you read Peter’s mind? What can be checked is that he lied, twice; what cannot is how sincere he was when he apologized each time. If he wasn’t sincere about forewarning us about changes in the past, why would he be when he edits a script in the future? If he does, how would most of you know? Only the people who played the Japanese game --and probably replay it at the same time as the English one, comparing the scripts-- would; with games with as much text as, say, Demonbane, that’d be a titanic task, but one some may be willing to do anyway because of a lack of trust toward Peter. A lie is just about that: trust. If you cannot trust someone (in that case, Peter) about something as minor and easy as warning its customers in advance about any change, how can you trust him with anything else, including something as major as story change?
While I chose to give Peter back my trust, it’s understandable some others don’t.

This bears repeating. Do not equate people who like loli characters in their games with people who have an unhealthy interest in the RL equivalent. If you go down that route, this board would be 95% people you probably would not want to meet in RL.

Most (sane) people don’t consider people who enjoy FPS games psychotic mass murderers. Let’s try to be similarly “open minded” (or rather, have the common sense) about people who prefer loli characters in their games.

That’s right ‘minor’ scenes, the changes take away almost nothing from the overall greatness of the title (unless you’re a lolicon). If the actual scenario had been majorly changed from the original then I could understand peoples outcries, but this is ridiculous.

People should be grateful that we even get such a high quality title in our native tongue.

If you wish to play these titles in their original incarnations, then play the original japanese version. You do realize that plenty already gets changed/lost in the translation.

As for Saya no Uta you can always buy the japanese version and fall back on the fan translation if you’re so against supporting JAST.

Well, as a matter of fact… :smiley:

Having read a lot of the responses about this, I can see both sides. Personally I hate Censorship, but can understand the need for it.

-Only thing that was taken out of X-Change 3 was a sex scene in one of the Routes of a bad ending.
(Not that big of deal to me, because it really didn’t add or take away from the good endings)

-Family Project has Censorship, and I understand the reasoning for it, so I’ll deal. I have ordered it.

Yes, I agree, we all should be just grateful because last month has been probably the best ever for english speaking erogamers with two (TWO!!!) of the top-tier eroges released (Kira Kira and Family Project). Yes, these are not some average sex romps, these are high quality visual novels brought to us. Could we ask for more? And people are still not satisfied because of several covered breasts of an underage girl. Laughable.

As for Saya no Uta, all fan translations of Nitro+ games were pulled out so it’s no longer a topic.

Yeah. Laughable. Really. If entire CGs, scenes or even entire routes get cut out in future games as a result, then you guys have no one to blame but yourselves for giving them the impression that they can do so by blowing it off as “laughable”.

I could fucking care less about whether this game is a sex romp or a “deep-story” VN. If the original version comes with a good story and sexual scenes/themes, then I see no reason why either aspect should be treated with any less respect in the localization, regardless of the focus. The “sexual” elements that come with all of JAST USA’s games are not “irrelevant” or “laughable”, because they use it as a means to draw customers in. Really, if story was everything and the erotic elements were practically irrelevant or laughable to everyone, then why has JAST USA never even bothered to localize a single non-H visual novel to this day?

Because a judgment of whether the erotic elements are irrelevant or laughable is going to be mostly opinion. Localizing a visual novel where the majority of people consider the erotic scenes irrelevant or laughable means that there are still people out there who are interested in the erotic scenes. The only time localizing a visual novel without the erotic scenes would make sense is if:

  1. including the erotic scenes would actually turn away customers; or
  2. the game originally doesn’t have erotic scenes, but will draw enough customers
    If you consider JAST USA’s current customer base, neither 1) nor 2) is likely to be the case.