Response Regarding Family Project Changes

My point is that laws in general are open to interpretation by the courts in the US. Whether the law currently being discussed is open to interpretation with regards to the current situation is not part of my point and I don’t wish to discuss it as I don’t really care.

So even though whether it’s obscene or not is irrelevant, you’re arguing that obscenity is open for interpretation? Ok.

I already responded to this previously but thanks for bringing it up again.
“I know what lascivious means. It’s legal jargon for lewd lustful etc. Again, this wouldn’t hold up in court, and if it did, it wouldn’t hold up in supreme court. Even if it did, it clearly refers to the genitals, even though the breasts were censored too.”

Look. As it has been said, plenty of manga that’s sold in book stores in the US is more ‘obscene’ and sexually explicit that what’s censored in this game. If JAST were to come under legal fire, then the thousands of Americans out there who bought a copy of some manga at their local book store would have to be convicted too. This is why I’m saying it wouldn’t fly. And even in court, JAST could just say the scenes have literary relevance, and all scenes in which the character in question actually engages in sex, she’s 18. I understand why JAST might fear some sort of legal action, I’m simply saying it wouldn’t happen. Everybody who has been convicted of the Protect Act, owned materials that featured minors actually engaging in sex. Even a morally conservative jury wouldn’t have much of a problem with simply a naked girl. They’d know the main character waits for her to be 18 before actually doing anything sexual.

Honestly, I wasn’t happy at all about the censorship, not because of WHAT was censored or how, but because there was censorship at all. I do however believe that even though this was probably within calculation of sales, I respect the fact you’re offering everyone a full refund EVEN if they’ve played through it. Obviously trust has been broken, and I wont pre-order anymore not because I care about H content, but I worry about other alterations. I will continue to purchase games I’d like to see in English however, even if I may already own them in their Japanese versions, for no other reason than because I know that’s what it takes to keep getting these games out in my native language. I also respect the fact that you’ve openly and publicly admitted it was your error, but again, it’s a repeated offense. I for one don’t care about the H-content one bit, it could be completely censored or even have the sex scenes removed all together.(It would save me the skip time.) But I want to know about it, simply because it raises questions about what other content may or may not have been altered.

With that said, I wont be asking for a refund as I’m very happy with my purchase, and it doesn’t hinder me in enjoying the story.(Which needless to say we’re both still up since it arrived, and have been playing nonstop. You have both our thanks for the loss of sleep. :wink: ) I’ll also continue to purchase games from you(although the only ones I’m interested in after this one is whatever future holds between you and Nitro+ for the moment.) I’d ask why people are even still going on about this, considering they can simply play the game they ordered, ask for their money back, and refuse to pre-order in the future for having been wronged. So why the continued badgering, ranting, arguing, and general whining? As far as I’m concerned, most of you just want to rant about something, and you’ll accept nothing less than having the images uncensored. We’ve been given an apology, we’ve been offered more than adequate compensation(A free play of their game they spent a lot of hard hours working on.), and yet people persist.

If you’re still unsatisfied, stop buying their games. If you even buy them to begin with for that matter.

Now that I have that out of the way, I do want to ask what I feel has already been asked; What plans do you have for Nitro+ titles, or for a better example, Demonbane? Demonbane is a likely candidate to fall to these same issues of “censorship for ass coverage”, and I’d assume the answer is ‘yes’, though I’d like to hear the opinion of some of the staff.(If it hasn’t already been given… again It’s extremely late and little sleep so I didn’t bother to read through all the pages, as it all seemed pretty much the same circle over and over.) As I’ve stated before, I could care less about the H-content being uncensored or even intact, I just want to be sure that the stories themselves will remain unchanged in any way, as I can’t willingly support games I already own when they aren’t faithful to the text.

I think what he is referring to is when Peter says, “We might instead have removed all lines that refer to her being under the drinking age” even though being under the drinking age has nothing to do with being under 18.

In Belgium it’s 16 :smiley: let’s say she is not belgian at least.

I don’t particularly care about Family Project. I’m just worried about future games.

Why are people freaking out over them putting clothes on a loli? Didn’t you guys hear about how heklin (the shuffle translation guy) got put in jail for a year for having some loli doujin at an airport? Do you want to go to jail for a year too? OH NO TEH LOLI HAS CLOTHES come the fuck on rofl. Some people man. Seriously.

Peter just say in advance next time, you would maybe lose 1 or 2 completely perverted guys who won’t buy the game (that is there for the story, not the porn) because you put clothes on the 12 year old.

if the price of bringing more titles is that JAST is going to cloth some of the seemingly underageed girls, then I am for one welcome our clothed loli overlords.

a message to those who are refusing to get this title because of the panties… if you don’t get the title because of your stand on censorship, then you have my respect… but if you simply use that as your excuse to pirate the title, then please spare us your hypocritic (spelling) argument.

This is not a loli title, but a story based title that happened to have an underage girl in it, and the way I understand it, she had to be underage for the story to come out correctly. Try to enjoy the story.

P.S. Am I the only one who find her better with the panties then without?!

No, most normal guys don’t want to see underdeveloped girls naked. I don’t have anything against lolicons, but that’s pretty much the truth.

First, Peter (and Shingo ; Lamuness didn’t seem to have answered), thanks for your answer.

Personally, I care little for the changes you made since it didn’t seem they alter the story itself (if they do, I foresee a tempest of protests coming from the Japanese ?? community itself :wink:) --and even less since I own the Japanese box. However, as for the “Dies Irae” case, I was more saddened by the fact no word was provided beforehand about any (necessary) change made, even more after you’ve promised after the XC3 event that you would in later instances.
It won’t make me cancel my order, but it does leave some sour taste in my mouth. For now, though, I’d trust you with not letting such an event occur a third time (though I cannot promise I’ll buy upcoming releases of yours).

Oh, now, that could be interesting! Not that I’m especially fond of Azifu, but I may happen to be quite vehement in her defence! :wink:
…OTOH, she’s at least 1000 years-old, so doesn’t qualify for loli material (neither does Nero, or Lady Etheldreda, for similar reasons!)

She is better with the panties, but also better without the bra. :lol:

You have a point.
We are pissed by the censorship, but when we think about it… it was to censor a 12 year old loli (even if there is a huge difference between a mere 2D sketch and reality… what some people who make the laws don’t seem to understand).

Or not. Some of us care little about that fact, but care more on the principle that Peter promised he’d tell us in advance of any such matter but didn’t keep his promise. It’s a breach of trust; it means there may be other changes he didn’t tell us and are up to the customers to find out. Of course, most users wouldn’t be able to find out blatant scripts and story changes, not having access to the original (Japanese) text, but some do and this precedent may push them toward a will to check the Japanese original version and the translation, to look for any important script change.

Even if some of us who played the Japanese games ported (already or in the future) by JAST/PP/MG/whatever may not buy the English edition, since we already own the Japanese one, we may also recommend these translated games, based on what we know of the Japanese edition. I know I do, in the forums where I post. As such, an English port not faithful enough to the Japanese edition (or which differences we don’t know) affects us, and how we may or may not recommend a game.

This. That is why I am unhappy.

I understand why he did it and can live with it: I just don’t like that he didn’t tell us in advance. Especially since this has happened before.

I’ve lost some trust in PP, and while they haven’t lost my business, I won’t be preordering anything again.

Not only does Ruruka is more explicit, but there is an inside joke about the fact that if the main character mentions her age, he will become a criminal and that is repeated several times along her route. So if they censored Family Project because Matsuri is clearly underage, then will they pull out every Sagara Family copy from the stores to censor it or they will only do it to future games when they want to bother their clients?

Like another user previously said, it doesn’t matter if Family Project would break the law because of Matsuri’s nudity or not, since they are already selling games that are far worse than it in terms of underaged characters and the law also applies to them.


Okay, The Sagara Family came out years ago, so the answer to this is the same as YMK’s: “that was then this is now”

I have to agree that the lack of a heads up, when we were promised one after XC3, is the only real irritating thing about this. The CG thing really doesn’t matter since it’s only a few and nothing important was really taken away from the game content-wise. Take a look at worse cases:

As for the trust thing, I’ll just go with the “three strikes you’re out” rule on preordering . Basically I’ll preorder as long as they don’t do this again, but once strike 3 happens…

For Christ’s sake people, get a life.

You are saying that putting underwear on the loli ruins the game? Are you fucking for real?

So what if you didn’t know about it before hand, is that the reason you bought the game? For 3 images of a naked loli?

I am more concerned with the translation errors, and I don’t mean the typos. I am only to the intro movie and some parts were just messed up.

All in all, the story seems to be intact, and I am enjoying the characters. I won’t be needing a refund for the underwear on the loli. Thanks JAST for bringing over this game.

Some of us (like me) are saying we don’t care about putting underwear on the loli, but we do care that Peter claimed it was “uncensored” when it isn’t. After it already happened once before, and he swore it wouldn’t happen again.

If he fundamentally lacks credibility on the topic of lying to his customers, then he’s going to have a hard time convincing people to buy his products.

Oh hey. Remember this? Still waiting for an explanation, Peter.

Wonder what would happen if people actually started asking for their money back. That would get your attention, since it seems that’s all you care about.
You understand that even if this game profits, the stain you’ve put on the company only will result in lost revenue in the end.

The importance of a breach of trust has little to do with the nature of the breach itself. Narg, Nande, DarkFusion and I all wrote that the nature of the lie itself (the altered CGs) doesn’t matter to any of us; it’s all about the fact that Peter didn’t keep his promise. It’s a matter of trust, a trust Peter broke.

As Shingo said here: