Response Regarding Family Project Changes

The altered CG should matter to you, as its not only the basis of the lie, but the start of a slippery slope.

Thanks for having read with attention what we’ve been writing.

Wow, way to miss the main issue.

That statement Peter made? He’s made it before. Now that’s it’s happened again, it’s a proven lie.

Ok, guys, really… :x

Mr. Payne made a statement that he couldn’t back up - intentionally or not. This should be the absolute end of discussion. Not arguing over laws, or rules, or this or that court descision. No! At the end of the day this particular game has been censored to meet with current American standards. It’s over. It’s done with. That’s the way it’s going to be. If this upsets you all SO MUCH that you refuse to buy the game let alone play it then you are sadly very petty.

And just because this one game got censored a tiny, tiny bit doesn’t mean that current or future games will be, and that you would enjoy them any less.

If people make a big enough deal out of it that it risks getting publicity, they’ll have to. If you don’t want that, why do you keep bringing it up?

How about you try actually reading the thread before making yourself look like an idiot? Matsurri isn’t even a loli, and most people are pissed at Peter because he lied to us yet again, not because of the censorship.

as long as jast gets a walkthrough out soon i don’t care

Wow, I’m absent for a day and the BBS has become a battleground of spam and hate, I’m feeling young again :lol: .
In my opinion, a very minor editing of three images is 100% acceptable if the story is intact (unlike X-Change 3) and the translation is good. In addition, you can’t have sex with Matsuri during those scenes AND the graphics themselves are fairly old/bland, I’m NOT outraged at all if Peapri, notoriously loliphobic, chose caution here.
HOWEVER it’s also true that this is the second time that the final product differs from the pre-announced one, and I think that the best solution here is simply stopping ANY pre-ordering of Peapri games until the situation improves somehow.

I admit that it’s exactly because I HATED even minor censorship of games if I’ve learned japanese and I now mostly play the untranslated stuff, however :roll: …

The most interesting thing to me from all of this, would be the various customer responses…that alone makes this mini-controversy useful to my curiosity.

Anyways, my stance on the situation is: deliver a quality product that I want and I’ll buy it.

Trust? The fact that Peter is allowing full refunds affirms my belief in the good quality of this company. Plus the possibility that they will most likely work with fans of the Nitro+ venture speaks to their willing to take risk and have an open mind.
Price? I know of no better prices for visual novels than JAST products. I paid 33$ for Family Project, a game that has been hyped as being an example of the best type of these games. 33$ (free shipping and the 15% off if you order 4 at a time on jlist). 33$. Wait let me say that again, 33$. When I’m used to paying between 70$-160$ per game, Family Project for 33$ is a steal of a deal.
Market? Um, what market? H-Gamez? MangaGamer? They are not even in the US… correct? If all we have is a company like JAST then I say we’re very lucky. Lose JAST and it’s pretty much game over.
Quality? These are games that recieve patches to fix issues. A small company that goes the extra mile to localize games to the best of their ability. Didn’t they rewrite Family Project after finding the first pass not acceptable? You just don’t do that… unless you are more concerned with quality of the product, rather than the finances involved.
Problems? There was miscommunication and false advertising on peach princess’ website… How did they miss it? People make mistakes. Will it happen again? Sure, it could. Is it intentional and calculated? I have no reason to believe so. Honest minor mistakes should be forgiven when reason for forgiveness is given. [refunds including shipping.]
Censorship? If you don’t want it censored; demand a restoration patch. Comments about being unhappy or feeling betrayed accomplish nothing that isn’t already known. Asking for a restoration patch is action. Cancelling future preorders or berating the company doesn’t accomplish anything useful.

(To everyone : )
Next, I would pose the question, why do new people show up when something is wrong? Rather than when something is right?
In the future, address any issues you have with the game up front; early on. Persist on the forums about games you are concerned with, bringing up any issues that you have concerns. Professionalism and persistance is rewarded… Ask all the questions you think you know. Treat this as a wake up call, be proactive.
I know I will, when it comes to the Nitro+ games!

(as for those who blame Peter; isn’t he just the scapegoat/leader? He has to take the heat for anyone who might have made the actual troubles. If so I find that respectable/professional.)

… So are you answering my earlier question by saying that you actively WANT that title pulled from sale?

Because the more you go on about it, the more likely it becomes.

Actually, beating the dead horse is called “persistence”. Cancelling future preorders is called “exercising caution” and letting the company know about a little thing called “trust”. If customers feel they’ve been ripped off or lied to on one product, why shouldn’t they be more careful when buying from them in the future?

That, I must say, is an excellent move in the right direction, which is to regain lost trust. The tangible effect of Peter not having told us beforehand is, for people, to have bought something that they wouldn’t have otherwise. By agreeing to refund with no question asked, nor need for a reason, Peter has indeed cancelled most of the negative effect him not telling us beforehand may have had.
Of course, there’s the point of whether someone who wouldn’t have bought the game, had he known about the changes, would go through the (very minor) hassle of asking for a refund. However, since Peter has declared that no question would be asked if one asks for a refund, and considering one may (and many will) play the game before asking for a refund (thus, “cheating” about the principle of the refund), I think it could be honest to say that someone who doesn’t ask for a refund was satisfied enough with the game that he wants to keep it, meaning he would have bought the game anyway.

Based on that, I guess I can forgive Peter for this time, and not alter much the trust I put on him and JAST.

He’s the main guy, so it’s part of his job, you know?

You’ll forgive him this time, and the next, and the next.

Again, he promised last time it would not happen again.

Wonder of wonders, it happened again, and he’s again promising the same old story.

That’s because Peter is really Darth Eroge, and his mastery of the Hentai Side has manipulated our weak horny minds, to obey his every whim. With his apprentices Lamuness (Darth Oppai) and Shingo (Darth PVC), they will crush the pitiful Panty Censorship Rebellion, and rule the Western Bgame Market unopposed. Mwa, ha, ha, ha!!!

Errr… wait… I took the wrong persona there. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

This whole situation is getting ridiculous. More than half, if not all of the people complaining about the game have never even purchased a game from the company. Therefore, they have no right to get on anyone’s case. There is a solid reason why it was patched, or edited, or whatever you wish to call it. And he already claimed it was an accident and that he was sorry. He has also allowed refunds for the game INCLUDING shipping for the people who are not happy about it. All this is is a bunch of idiot 4chaners who want to take out their anger about their pitiful lives on a random message board. Luckily for them (luck being used loosely) there’s a small problem with a game or a company so they can use that as an excuse to be self righteous and entertain themselves for awhile until they get bored and go back to /jp/ so they can pretend to be Japanese and complain about endless eight.

So yes. You actively want to force them to remove a previous game from sale.

And when you succeed in doing so, you’ll then probably blame the feminists.

Please, go away.

I think I’ve been here long enough to not be called an “idiot 4chaner”, and I think enough people have a valid right to be angry. He claimed it was an accident last time, why the hell didn’t he keep his promise and make the changes known before pre-order, or even golden master? The solid reason, again, has no legal backing. You have NO RIGHT to tell others that their opinion doesn’t matter. None.

Also, this previous post of yours shows a quick turn-around:

“As much as I hate to side with the more childish invasion of cowardish anons. Some of them have a point. Even though I’m aware there is a purpose of saying that everyone is 18+ it gets kind of stupid when playing games like YMK, or Casual Romance Club. The main characters sister in YMK is clearly underaged, to the point of maybe 10ish years old. And Amanda in CRC which not only LOOKS underaged, but she is also mentioned as underaged several, several times. In fact, her entire story is based on the fact that she is underaged, and how she wants to be like whats her face when she “grows up.” Not that any of this matters in the end because you can ignore the text and focus on their DFC’s. It’s more amusing than anything, to be so insanely wrong about characters ages in some of these games. If you give an excuse for their ages, as some of you have, you are obviously in denial.”

He has a point. If they are going to go this route, why aren’t they concerned about the content in games they are currently selling? You can’t have it both ways, and I have yet to see legal action taken regarding any game sold by them that contains underage characters. Critical Point, Jewel Knights, Sagura Family, X-Change 3 (tutoring), X-Change 2 (tutoring), and so on.

I forgave him under specific conditions, though. Not because he gave an apology, but because he backed up the apology with an action: to refund immediately, and with no question. That’s a proof enough of his good faith to me. Shall I give my copy back and get a refund then? No, because the product itself wasn’t the reason why I was upset with Peter. An action (promise not kept) was, and an action (unconditional refund) in my opinion balances the previous. Please read the reasoning I posted.

That you’re upset with someone doesn’t mean there’s no way for that person to regain your trust. I don’t know what Peter needs to do to regain yours but, as far as I’m concerned, his move toward an unconditional refund is enough, if only because that would allow me to freely recommend the translated game to people who ask me (and warn them about the changes, but tell them they can get an unconditional refund if the game doesn’t match what I say about it [based on the Japanese game]… or their expectations). This is a risky move from Peter (people getting a refund after they’ve fully played the game whereas the reasoning behind the refund is to give those who “wouldn’t have bought the game, had they known about the changes” --therefore wouldn’t have been able to actually play it), and him willing to take such a risky move in order to make amends cancels in my opinion his mistake about not having kept his word.

So if they keep censoring games in the future and they just offer refunds along with it, you’ll forgive them each and every time?
