Rozen Maiden

Smile! … i_Seki.jpg

Not Rozen Maiden, just Suigintou. :smiley:

No not Junk: Boku and Desu!! :mrgreen:

Don’t call poor Suigintou “junk”: she doesn’t deserve that.
Besides, I’m so sorry if I make my choice based on personality and you based on sexual appeal! 8)

What bothers me about Sui so much, is that Kirakishou (in the manga at least), reveals that Sui loves their father so much, she’ll want to kill him… because Rozen will never love Sui the way she wants him too. Of course this is Kirakishou we’re talking about… the psychotic cannibal doll.

Honestly… with how Rozen treated Sui, the fact that he created something like Kira, made a pact with a demonic bunny, and forces his creations to kill each other… I doubt Rozen was a good guy like the dolls keep claiming (him being the count of St Germain and all that).

Kinda wish the series wasn’t dead… it was getting so good. :frowning:

Love and hate aren’t so far, nor different. I can understand the wish to kill someone you love and cannot have, really.

Word. But then, it would depend on why he did what he did, and after what he sought.

We may have hope with the anime series, if the manga is dead??? :mrgreen:

Well technically we already know the reason why… or at least the reason he told the dolls: to be Alice… the perfect woman. Thus so far though, I fail to see the “perfection” in this. What I do see, is the FLAWS each doll represents in womanhood. If I may be allowed to use an earlier post I made:

Suigintou is unforgiving. Kanaria is overconfident. Suiseiseki is devious. Souseiseki is stubborn. Shinku is arrogant. Hinaichigo is childish. Kirakishou is without morality.

They are all blinding loyal.

These factors combined do NOT make a perfect woman… or a perfect person for that matter. Another point I’ve noticed, is how the manga has not shown a Rosa Mystica “mereged” with that of another doll. Boku’s continues to oppose Junk’s, because Boku wants to merge with Desu… and there’s some hints that the twins share half of the same Mysica already. The only other Mystica lost is Hina’s… but the manga ended before we could see the results of it merging with Dawa’s.

Of course since we know Rozen is the Count of Saint Germain, his role in all this is REALLY interesting. So far from what we’ve seen, he is an incredibly powerful individual: able to create life, grant immortality, bind demons into his service, travel through time… even if Suigintou wanted to kill Rozen, I doubt she could. Not if Laplace can pretty much “shutdown” the dolls with but a word, and that’s only because he was given such authority by Rozen (of course there’s also the off chance that Laplace is Rozen in disguise). All the dolls fear Laplace for this reason alone - or at least Shinku alludes that.

There’s also Jun. While some have claimed he might be something like a Rozen Junior, I so far doubt that. All Jun has shown, is an ability to mend the dolls. Incredible to be sure, but it’s truly nothing compared to the other achievements that Rozen can apparently perform. Jun is “merely” a Doll Master (or has the potential to become one) ¬ñ Rozen is that and more.

Finally, the last chapters before the series went into hiatus, were focusing on each of the Contract Makers: Jun, Tomoe, Mitsu, Kazuha, and Odille. There’s something special about each of them. The fact that Tomoe was prominently shown with a Shinai from time to time, probably alluded there would be a time she’d have to use it. Mitsu is a wannabe Doll Maker (though clearly not on Jun’s level) and knows a ton about dolls. Kazuha is rich and powerful, with many contacts. Odille… well… she only proves how much a bitch Kira is. :shock:

( the whole post )

You see that? This is why we can’t have nice things.

Hmmm… Well, the way I see it…is that all those dolls combined is probably Rozen’s dream girl…
Seriously, what is perfect for him might not be so perfect for another… Everyone has his/her own preferences… Such that…
Some males like nice girls/women… While some like mean girls… And vice versa…
There’re also those who like/want 'em obedient, energetic, dead like a corpse, nihilistic, sadistic, trecherous, smart-mouthed, fowl, evil, omnipresent, stoic, daring, well-endowed(hey, still a preference…), double, triple, moody, cunning, vexing, silent, innocent, dismissive, obsessed(with anything really…), and so on and so forth…

Now, the fact that Rozen wanting to acquire Alice even though he failed in many attempts of creating her… And if Rozen is truly immoral… Then perhaps he’s just bored and wants dolls to entertain him in his odd type of fancy…or…he just want to continually chase after a dream…(say…Alice) even though he probably already knows that he cannot have her… HECK!
[size=150]“A dream that can be achieved is not a dream…”[/size]

Nice things or not… Chasing after something makes immortality worth living…ne…? :wink:

Man… I’m being very talkative again… :?

Ya know, I always predicted that the story would end with all the dolls being destroyed. Then Jun - being a Doll Master - would resew the Rozen Maidens back together again, and take their place as their father. Or something to that effect…

The whole affair with the Rosa Mystica thing, kinda bothers me. Rozen makes the “perfect” soul - then he shatters the whole thing into (as far as we know) seven pieces, each of which are placed into seven “imperfect” vessels. The imperfection of the dolls - or so they believe - is rooted in lacking the entirety of the original Rosa Mystica. So… err… why did Rozen break it in the first place. I believe that’s the REAL issue at hand.

And then you have a demon running around - who is the only contact the dolls have with their creator - claiming they need to kill each other to see him. Somehow… I just don’t trust that damn rabbit. :wink:

Even if Jun did resew the dolls again… Would he want to be their new father…? Or something else…? :?:

Perhaps Laplace was the one who shattered the original Rosa Mystica… And then made a deal with Rozen to create the Rozen Maidens to see which would obtain all the pieces… Thus, completing it again but with a little entertainment… :twisted:
Or… Rozen just broke it out of spite that he cannot find/create a vessel for this so called “perfect” soul… And then decided to make the dolls hoping that one of them can finally contain it in the end…
Or… Jun is his future self, and all he wants is to have the perfect maiden(Alice) for himself if by any chance the Rosa Mystica reaches its completion by then…
The possible reasons are endless…

Well, that rabbit’s a demon after all… :roll:
[size=150]“Trust, the fifth myth of reality: Every truth holds the seed of betrayal…”[/size]

Okay, now this sucks. :x If we aren’t gonna get a third season, they could at least produce a movie to wrap everything up instead of leaving us hanging like that. :cry:

I’m sure there’s no need to remind anyone but… There’s always Rozen Maiden Abridged, it will always be there to hold you tenderly under the moonlight till the day we are graced by yet another addition to the Rozen Maiden series ( Original then Traumendum right?). Now as to whether you’ll understand half of it… uh yeah, nvm. Look if it’s really bad you let me know, I am open to suggestions ( and God forbid complaints). :expressionless:

Edit-> Oh and anything you don’t get you can ask and I will enlighten ( like the references).

Found me a Desu. Now I just need to clone her and make a Boku. :twisted:

Although I gotta admit… Red and Green contacts in real life is kinda freaky. :shock:

When both of Desu eyes turn red, the world is truly screwed!!! :twisted:

Awwww… demonic Desu is so cute…
And Boku is sorry… awwww…
Twincest time.

Yes I believe we are all aware to where this rabbit hole leads, I suggest you post more out of divine judgment. Do it, for the children.

You guys hear the good news? Rozen Maiden is back!!! :mrgreen:

It seems that Young Jump has picked up the manga.

Desu and Boku!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaa!

This best be no joke, I’m gonna wiki and/or google that right the hell now. Links are in demand thanks to this comment of yours. brb gonna go get some.

Narg would not lie about something with twincest… especially Rozen Maiden!!! … en_maiden/

Official announcement is on the 26th of this month. We are loved again. 8)