School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

I had that same question, and looked it up. I think I was better off not knowing, to be honest.

Meh… that was a one time perfect shitstorm because of the unusual media attention it got and the 3D features being “too realistic” for some nutjobs. We got stuff like Suck My Dick or Die! that squeezed by fine. Like Kamisama says, “Stay in the 2D World,” and we’ll be fine. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I’ve always been curious if the contacts JAST talked to back then, are even still in Cyc anymore. That was before the talent exodus, and when Cyc was actually hunting for an English translator who lived near their main office . GUN-KATANA was their newest game at the time IIRC. Lots has changed since then…

I thought the CYC president remained but it was just the actual people who worked on the game that left? (the writers/artists/programmers). I assume the company president is the one they’d have spoken too.

Interestingly it was the engine that had issues but fans fixed that (well the group that attempted Gore Screaming Show on TLwiki did). Then later CYC fixed it themselves (atleast I know they did for ‘Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku’ and its fandisk, I looked into the original which couldn’t display english punctuation but the updated Vista/7 edition can).

Anyway, with the current state of the company I’d assume they’d be to open to it.
I know over in the BL community theirs been some talk about Fan-translating those CYC Rose titles so JAST might wanna jump on that :slight_smile:

Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku. It’s one of the few BL games I’ve ever played (the first of two actually). Didn’t “convert” me to the boys side, but I readily admit the story was really damn good. My only issue, is that the game had too much autopilot. After picking romance or humiliation (IIRC), you didn’t offer any additional input. The point value system was neat though.

It’s the only Cyc game to ever get a non-hentai port. Twice in fact. First for the PS2, and then a few years later, the PSP.


Not sure if the president is still the same, but the main parent company has always been B-Eye Communications. Yea… it was mostly the people who actually made the games (and their indirect connections; like Fairy Yui) that departed one-by-one. None of the original core branches (Cyc, White, Black) have been active for at least a year. That Rainbow Cyc title was actually in development for a looooong time… it just got out of whatever development hell it was stuck in. I don’t think we’ll be seeing anything else from them, so I’m not really counting them as “active” unless they make another title.

The newer ones are keeping the studio afloat: Poison@Berry, CYCLET, and MicroGroove.

There’s a couple more story based ones I can highly recommend, if your interested just PM me.

Got my copy last night and played through the first two episodes. Definitely enjoying it so far. I like how many choices you get. A couple quick thoughts based on my play so far.

  1. That is one hell of a route map. I just wish it was accessible from somwhere other than the load screen.

  2. Surprised and happy to see a Silmarillion shoutout. That’s got to be a bitch of a word to pronounce for a native Japanese speaker.

  3. Pretty much everything I ever read about School Days in the past made Makoto sound like the jerkiest jerk who ever jerked, but he seems like a pretty nice guy so far. Very earnest and a bit naive.

i know there are routes in which he can be an evil manwhore and remember some choices require timeout

Yea, same here. Happened on disc 2. The file is clearly on disc 2, so I’m not sure what’s going on. I went ahead and copy pasted all the files from my discs to the HD and simply ran the .exe and then it worked. I’m not sure why the guy says he can’t save though. Works for me.

Three main things that annoy me so far about the game:
1.) You can’t save during a decision. If you want to save at important decisions, you have to make the save point prior to the decision screen occurring. Problem is you wont know when that happens, certainly on your first play-through, so if you’re like me, you find yourself reloading to a prior save, fast forwarding before the decision, then saving. Pain in the arse. Knowing how many decisions are in this game, I’m half tempted to say “screw it” and only save on every new episode.

2.) When making a save, it’s not like Little Busters where you can type notes/comments on each file without saving. You can only name a file and save. Not one or the other. This means if you want to edit a previous save’s note, you’ll have to load that save, then save over it.

3.) Most probably knew this already, but the animation takes a lot of shortcuts to avoid worrying about lip syncing. You’ll see a lot of zoomed-out characters to obscure lips and faces, environmental shots, still-frames, etc. Even when characters talk, they generally borrow close-up faces from previous scenes and overlay them over the background. The characters also rarely blink their eyes and only move their mouths. Even when their actions are expressive, lip-syncing is sometimes off and it feels awkward. Still though, I’ll take all this over a typical visual novel any day.

Otherwise, it’s a lot of fun. It’s a thrill to finally play a visual novel in wide-screen and I love the wealth of decisions, even if it’s a pain not being able to save during them.

I’m sure there are. I’m just relieved that there are some where he’s not. I have been using the timeout option as well.

I just unlocked the “route map.” It’s really convenient for loading and deciphering major decision points. My only issue I don’t know what all the colors are. Does each color represent a girl’s route? If so, which colors pertain to which girl?

Well, my copy finally arrived and damn is that a big box! :shock:

Does the game have an ending like the anime had the Nice Boat ending i think its called that.

If you have seen the anime you know what i am talking about i don’t want to spoil anything.

that end is just for the anime
i think there are 2 more bad ends for the HQ version how many new ends are in this game

Anyone else having the game lock up occasionally?

Depends what you mean. Once, I loaded a game and it was stuck on the “now loading” screen, but I heard it playing the game in the background! The other time, it literally just crashed to desktop without reason after the scene with…

After Makoto and Hikari witness Kotonoha’s “rape” scene with Taisuke. I quote rape because I think Kotonoha kind of liked it, that lecherous girl :smiley:

^ That only happened once though. Otherwise, it runs great.

It only does it in full screen mode I guess.

I always play in full-screen mode, and other than those two hiccups I mentioned above, I haven’t had issues. Although, I also was one who was having issues installing the Se01 file from the disc, so I had to move all my files off disc and install from off my HD. Not sure if that makes a difference. I also run Win7 x64.

trying to get the otome ending but the walkthrough doesn’t help
i ended up with Kotonoha’s christmas eve end

If your game is crashing frequently, please send us a ticket at with your system information.

At first I thought I was on the right track…

Kotonoha was forced to man the school festival’s haunted house event by Otome and her lackies. Previously, Kotonoha got into a bit of a “fight” with Makoto as my Makoto was being too rough with her, so Makoto broke it off with Kotonoha out of sorrow. Makoto then thinks he’s got no one else to enjoy the festival with, until Otome comes and asks Makato if he has time. You can say, “Yea, I have time.” Then, the two of you go around the festival and meet on the rooftop. Otome begins to offer Makoto the condom, but after Makoto hears from Otome that she used Kotonoha while the rest of them enjoyed the festival, Makoto marched past Otome to chase after Kotonoha. I had no choice in the matter – Makoto didn’t want anything to do with Otome.

Only thing I can think of is you have to straddle the line between Sekai and Kotonoha. Maybe that opens up hidden dialog choices? As that incident above occurred, I could have sworn I had the route locked up.