School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

sekai project people are saying You can’t sleep with Sekai, and you have to confess your love to Kotonoha at the “break room” table."
some one else said this "The trigger to get on her route is to when you’re about to lose your virginity to Kotonoha in the “break room” don’t let her put the condom on. You won’t have sex, and you’ll dance with Sekai. However, the fact that Makoto told Kotonoha that he loves her is what causes a rift between Sekai and Kotonoha, which opens the door for Katou Otome."
i have yet to try those was working on the hikari route today have to get ready to work now

Ahh, yes, I remember that choice. I’ve got a save file for it. I’ll give it a shot and post back.

Edit: I must have done something wrong prior to that scene choice. On my game, Kotonoha was forgiving about the condom scene and Makoto did not dance with Sekai. It may be my love interest with Kotonoha was too high and I didn’t straddle the line enough between her and Sekai. I’m going back to square one and I’ll try taking the middle ground.

Edit #2: On my next try, I was way off the mark somehow, lol. I ended up getting Setsuna’s route, and omg that hidden final Setsuna cinematic was hilarious!

The player has to timeout on the “cum outside” Setsuna option, meaning Makoto cums inside her at the end of chapter 3 during her one and only hentai scene. Then at the end of the game when Makoto and Sekai finally embrace and eternally pledge their love for each other, Makoto gets a letter from France regarding Setsuna who he completely forgot. He opens it and finds a postcard of Setsuna with a baby belly. At that exact moment, he finds out she flew in from France, she enters his apartment, and proclaims herself to be Makoto’s wife with Sekai watching! Then she gives the peace sign. LOL oh man, that’s rich.

Hey guys, I’ve been fighting the install for the last 3 hours. Attempted to install from CD’s multiple times, always gets stuck on the same file SE01.GPK. Then I uninstall and try again. Attempted to copy the CD’s directly to the HD and run, however it still asks for Disc 2 and I am unable to force it to see the 2nd disc which is copied to the HD. Is there any fix for this? I’m running Windows 7 64 bit Home Edition. From what other few posts I’ve read about this same issue, I’m assuming this issue is recurring for users such as myself who have 7, 64bit. Any recommendations on how I can install the game?

Also, when I’ve copied the discs to the HD and don’t run the setup, but instead attempt to run the SchoolDays HQ file itself, it gives me a graphic installation error.

Found a “fix” for my own problem. Installing from the CD’s onto Windows 7 64bit. It’s crazy simple too. When it “freezes” on SE01.GPK, wait until the full blue bar at the top (above the #### of ### complete sentence) goes back to being empty and then simply click on that empty bar a few times, for some reason the install just picks back up fine.

Hope that helps anyone else who’s having this issue.

I have gotten all the endings but i am still missing one sex scene in the H-Replay section.

In the H-Scene menu it is on page two and is the third one down in the bottom left corner does anyone know how to unlock this scene and if so do you have a guide for just this scene help me plz

otome’s route make me dislike the main to girls from what i have played i don’t hate makato the main girls i do dislike sekai i don’t hate too much but Kotonoha i can’t stand

It’s funny how my opinion of Kotonoha is changing as I play. That cute heheh laugh of hers is now sounding plain creepy and perverted. Then it’s amazing how cold, calculating, and creepy she can get in certain concluding routes. At the end of the Setsuna route:

She waits for Makoto at the front door to his apartment after he arrives home at night, compels Makoto to let her inside, baits him into playing with her boobs, then snaps a photo with her cellphone, shows it to Sekai, tells Sekai to basically give up on Makoto because he’s mine, then tries to dodge Makoto’s question on the train when Makoto tries to figure out why Sekai would give up on him so easily. I can’t believe that route actually had a happy ending.

Hey guys, I’m sorry to say I cannot get this game to work on my Windows 7 64bit. I thought it was an installation problem, then when I finally got it to install correctly without issue, it’s giving a “GraphicBase initialisation error Failed to load adapter format…”, and my computer is top of the line with a great video card and updated drivers. I can play virtually any game, but this one…I’ve wasted too many hours attempting to get it going. I’m happy to have supported J-List in purchasing the collector’s edition of this game, but I’m sad that I cannot play it. :-/

I grew to hate Sekai probably worst of all in this game mainly because she back stabs people she calls friend and claims to like.

She did it to Kotonoha while helping hook her and Makoto up she goes after him hardcore and in the Setsuna route she does pretty much the same thing to Setsuna and she is suppose to be Sekai’s best friend.
Sekai knew that Setsuna had fallen in love with Makoto she even offered to help her get with him but she ends up falling for him and forgets about Setsuna’s feelings all together she even makes her swop sits with Setsuna so Sekai can sit next to Makoto.
When i played that route that is when i started to hate the Sekai character.
It’s like Sekai doesn’t care about anyone just as long as she gets what she wants.
The only character i don’t have any hate for is Setsuna she is the only honest person in the whole game that doesn’t pick on people or stab them in the back she tells you what she going to do and then does it no hiding it at all

I’m relatively new to the Japanese “dating game” sims … so I am just getting started with School Days HQ

to be honest I’m not sure it is going to be worth what I paid for it … so far that I am seeing … the controls dont work the way they are described, or only work occasionally (especially the space bar/pause function) … and even with the “auto” mode turned off, it still seems like if you dont pick a choice almost instantly, the game makes a choice for you and then moves on irregardeless of what you would have wanted to do (it would be nice if you had at least a pause long enough to move your eyes from the bottm of the screen so that you can actually read what was posted up mid screen and be able to consciously read the choices and then had time to make a choice)

There is a [spoiler] tag that will actaully hide those spoilers. I think unmarked spoilers for the game are probably still off-limits.

Glad to see a bunch of people are enjoying it; I don’t think I’ll be picking it up.

Finally had time to play this and since the only walkthrough available is intended for the older version and full of spoilers, I’m just doing a free playthrough where I just pick whatever choice I feel like (for one, even if it lowered Kotonoha’s affection I would have still picked to see the Silmarillion movie) …and so far I’m liking it.

Here is a spoiler free walk through that should get you everything only the ending names are listed and its the new ending names not the old ones.

School Days HQ Walkthrough (YES, HQ. Not the original version)
0 = Let the time run out (Or press Right Click).
1 = Top Choice.
2 = Bottom choice.
X = Select the only choice available.
S# = Save game as # for later use.
[II] = Save file used more than once.

Chapter I…0, 0
Chapter II…0, 0, 1, X, 2, 0, 1, X, 1, S 01, 0
Chapter III…1, X, 2, 2, 0, X, S 02, 0
Chapter IV…2, 0, 2, 0, 1, S 03, 0, 0
Chapter V…1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2
Chapter VI…0, 1, 0, S 04, X
[I Love You] Ending

Load Save 04
Chapter VI…0
[Eternally] Ending

Load Save 03
Chapter IV…2, 0
Chapter V…0, S 05, X, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, S 06, X
Chapter VI…1, 1, 2, 1, X, 2, X
[The Him Only for Her] Ending

Load Save 06
Chapter V…0
Chapter VI…0, S 07, X
[Everyone’s Makoto] Ending

Load Save 07
Chapter VI…0
[Sex Friend] Ending

Load Save 05
Chapter V…0, X
Chapter VI…S 08, 2, 0
[Goodbye, Sekai] Ending

Load Save 08
Chapter VI…1
[Setsuna’s Wish] Ending

Load Save 02
Chapter III…2
Chapter IV…2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, X, 1, 2, 2, 1, S 09 [II], 1, 0
Chapter V…1, 0, X, 2, 1, X, 2
Chapter VI…S 10, 0
[Bavarois] Ending

Load Save 10
Chapter VI…1
[Carnal Desire] Ending

Load Save 09
Chapter IV…2
Chapter V…0, 2, X, 0
Chapter VI…2, 1, X, 0, X
[From a Kiss to Beyond] Ending

Load Save 01
Chapter II…1, 2
Chapter III…1, 1, X, 2, 1, 2, S 11 [II], 0, 1, 1
Chapter IV…2, 1, 2, 1, X, 0, S 12 [II], 2
Chapter V…0, 1, X, X
Chapter VI…0, 0, X, 0, X
[And Starting from the First Kiss] Ending

Load Save 12
Chapter IV…1
Chapter V…2, 2, 0, 1, 0
Chapter VI…S 13, 2
[Two Lovers] Ending

Load Save 13
Chapter VI…1
[To My Children] Ending

Load Save 11
Chapter III…0, 2
Chapter IV…0, 1, 2, 2, 2, S 14, 2, 1, 1, 0, X, S 15, 2, X, 2, 1, X, S 16 [II], 0, 1
Chapter V…2, 2, 2, S 17, 2
Chapter VI…2, 1, X, 0, X
[And to Kotonoha] Ending

Load Save 17
Chapter V…1
Chapter VI…1, 1, 1, 0, S 18 [II], 1, 0
[The Earnest Feelings are Rewarded] Ending

Load Save 18
Chapter VI…2, 1
[Binding Thoughts] Ending

Load Save 18 [II]
Chapter VI…2, 2
[And with Kotonoha] Ending

Load Save 16
Chapter IV…2, 2
Chapter V…2, X
Chapter VI…1, 0, 1, S 19 [II], 2, 2
[With Honest Feelings] Ending

Load Save 19
Chapter VI…1
[Christmas Eve] Ending

Load Save 19 [II]
Chapter VI…2, 1
[The Bloody Conclusion] Ending

Load Save 16 [II]
Chapter IV…0, 2
Chapter V…0, 0, X
Chapter VI…2, 2, 0, 0, S 20, 0
[?E aka SUPER HAPPY FUN TRAIN] Ending (I don’t know the official translation of this one)

This section is for unlocking the scenes in the REPLAY menu:

Load Save 09 [II]
Chapter IV…2
Chapter V…2, 1, X, 0

Load Save 12 [II]
Chapter IV…2
Chapter V…1, 2, X, 0, X

Load Save 11 [II]
Chapter III…2, 1, 2, 1, 1
Chapter IV…2, 1, S 21, 1, X, 1, 0, 2

Load Save 21
Chapter IV…2, 1, X, 0, 1
Chapter V…2, 2

Load Save 15
Chapter IV…1, 2, 0

Load Save 14
Chapter IV…1, X, 1, 1, 0, X, S 22, 2, X

Load Save 22
Chapter IV…1, 2, 0

Load Save 20
Chapter VI…2, 1

My bad its not the new ending names i forgot i switched them whenever i made games saves for each ending but the guide does work for this version

Shiny Days. Relevant to my needs. Nijou. Just saying.

Well, considering this game seems to have sold well enough that it took a while for everyone to get their preorders we probably will end up getting it someday. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if the ero scenes for one particular character get removed for the english release…and soon after patched in by very dedicated fans :twisted:

I believe it might be too much work to remove (since its not just replacing images with new versions).
Kokoro has 5 H scenes (including variations) and 4 endings. While Nanami’s younger sister has 1 H scene and is involved in 1 of Kokoro’s endings. 1 of those 5 H-scenes takes place during Kotonoha’s route.

So it would involve cutting an entire characters route (Kokoro - 4 endings) and 1 scene in Kotonoha’s route.

We could always get the other games in the Overflow catalogue. Many of them follow the same timeline/world as School Days and follows the parents/grandparents. If I recall right the order is:

  1. Large PonPon
  2. PureMail
  3. Overflow Pleasure Box
  4. Snow Radish Vacation!!
  5. Summer Radish Vacation!! 1
  6. Summer Radish Vacation!! 1.1
  7. Summer Radish Vacation!! 2
    8 - 1. School Days
    8 - 2. Summer Days
    8 - 3. Cross Days
  8. TearMail (Assumed to be part of the timeline)

‘Imouto de Ikou!’ is unrelated
‘Miss Each Other’, the characters appear in the background in Summer Days but whether they are part of the timeline or just a cameo appearance is undetermined.
‘Lost M’ is unrelated.

eg the family tree thus far:

[spoiler]It all stems from Itaru pretty much (no not Makoto’s younger sister)

Sekai’s mother is Itaru’s daughter - Making Sekai’s mother and Mokoto half-siblings
Setsuna’s mother is another of Itaru’s daughters - so she is also related to Sekai’s mother and Makoto
Shun is Itaru’s son
Shun is Sekai and Setsuna’s father - thus they are half sisters.
Makoto is another son of Itaru, since he is half siblings with their mothers that makes Makoto the uncle of both Setsuna and Sekai.

Makoto’s younger sister is also named Itaru, she’s named after her father.
Kotonoha’s side isn’t free from that either, not sure exactly how she links into it but I believe it relates to Manami (her mother).

More simplified:
Itaru is the father of: Makoto, Itaru, Sekai’s Mother, Setsuna’s mother, Shun
Shun is the father of: Sekai, Setsuna

Family tree compiled by the Japanese:[/spoiler]

Just wanted to point out that JLIST has no problem exporting Shiny Days to the West:


The only ‘Itaru’ in 0verflow is Makoto’s younger sister. ?, from Snow and Summer Radish Vacation is read ‘Tomaru’. His creepiness extends through most of 0verflow’s games, even ones he doesn’t appear in. =P


Hmm XD i’ve always heard that he was called Itaru too and that’s where Makoto’s sisters name came from. Prolly a mistranslation someone made that’s spread through the net, so thanks for clearing that up :smiley: