School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

Greetings from a voice that has been silent here for way too long. I got my copy of the game a couple days ago. I would have gotten it much sooner, but new card information had to be submitted since the card I originally pre-ordered with had to be canceled due to suspicious charges. In any case, I’m now enjoying having my wrist rest on Kotonoha’s chest, which is a nice improvement from my old pad with a wrist rest on it that was leaking silicone. Hopefully Kotonoha’s silicone implants last much longer. :lol:

Got a few question, if no one minds me asking here. I’m guessing you can’t go full screen if your monitor is 16:10 aspect ratio? I can go full screen in 4:3 mode, but everything is stretched out, but in 16:9 nothing happens when you press full screen. If that’s how it’s intended then it’s fine, I’m used to window mode.
Also, my PC is below system specs for this game (P4 3.0, 1gb ram, 6600GT), can it affect performance of some scenes? I’ve just got to first(at least in my playthrough) Kotonoha h-scene (in the break room) and well, it looked kinda awkward, the voices were quite out of sync and scenes felt…random or so, felt like some of them were skipping too. It’s fine if it’s my PC, because I knew about system specs, just wanted to confirm.

Quick question for the people who’ve had the “Se01.gpk” install error. Are you running Norton, VirusBuster, or McAfee antivirus? Shiny Days appears to have had installation issues caused by those antivirus programs.

Having an underspec system could affect performance. Which break room Kotonoha scene is that? If you tell me the ending title you get for that episode, I can locate it.

Also, do you feel that entire scenes are being skipped? If so, please post in this thread with details.

Normally I would say that it is playing with an underpowered machine, but since I’m running on a machine with good power (Core I7 960, 6 GB RAM, Radeon HD 5870 w/ 1GB VRAM) and noticed the same thing, I’d say it is the game. The h-scenes in general seem to have lots of trouble with sound syncing, as I also had issues during the final scene with Kotonoha in my playthrough. I’m planning on making another run through the game, and see if I encounter more of these issues.

I just assumed the poor sound syncing was part of the game. Frankly, rarely do what the characters say reflect their mouth movements. It’s almost as though the sound is missing altogether. Examples include:

[spoiler]- When Kotonoha slaps Sekai outside the school, you hear no slapping sound.

  • When Makoto surprises Sekai outside the train and takes a bite of her sandwich, Sekai clearly yells something before embracing Makoto, yet all she says is, “mhmm.”
  • Nanami’s no audio sentence in the bikini shop.[/spoiler]

Basically, don’t get too infatuated with their lip movements. Frankly, the whole “animation” feel to the game is very flawed, but I appreciate the effort nonetheless.

Oh I probably missed name of that one, it can’t be episode 4 right?
Well, so far I didn’t had any logical missing scenes, it’s more like it sounds something happening and there’s static image on screen (I know there’s a lot of that, but I mean it was on screen for a very long time) and then the next animation is on the screen for like 1-2 seconds. That’s why I think it’s probably my PC.

In the bikini shop, did you had audio out of sync in the well…, boob inflation scene?

Seems like for me most out of sync audio happens in the “full” animation scenes, guess need to plan out PC upgrade sometime xD.

While I have noticed some occasional issues with sound being out of sync with animation in the rest of the game, the most obvious errors have been during any h-scene. It would be my guess that since the majority of any sexual act is highly repetitive motion, they thought they could get lazy with their animation. While I can understand them thinking this, they forgot that h-scenes are probably the most closely watched parts of the game.

I gotta say I just finished my first play-though of this and it felt painfully short :frowning: I guess because of the anime I was expecting 12 episodes or something and was surprised when I seemed to be missing so much.

I got a rather dull ending too, probably coz I was trying to avoid a stabbing & was too nice to everyone, but I really thought there would be a nice yandere-ish thing going on if i leaned closer too kotonoha but she only got slightly minipulative, I guess I should try to be more of a dick and get more interesting results.

I enjoyed playing it and lked how t felt like playing an anime rather than a manga but that probably was one of the reasons it only has 6 eps, but it was a fun ride wile it lasted.

Oh well time for round 2 :slight_smile:

I am so hooked on this game it’s not even funny. The characters are so deliciously messed up and I’m thoroughly enjoying my role in messing with their fates.

It’s not been plain sailing, though; the installer kept crashing about 5GBs in (those pesky .gpk files again), so I had to manually copy everything onto my HDD. Then, once I’d got the game up and running, I had three crashes in the first 15 minutes, and later it crashed again when I tried to forward past the episode credits. Thankfully it’s not been so bad since then–coincidentally or not the game seems to run better the more I play it–although I have experienced the odd problem occasionally.

The routes aren’t particularly long, but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. One reason for that is the lack of narration, something I’m quite grateful for given how some main characters ramble on and on, stating and restating the obvious. It also helps to make the h-scenes actually erotic as I don’t have to read through reams of cringeworthy descriptive dialogue (not that all h-scenes are badly written, of course) :lol:

I’ve been really enjoying the game as well. Just completed my second run last night, ending on the episode “Setsuna’s Feelings” (which wasn’t the ending I was expecting to get by any means). In some ways, School Days reminds me of Crescendo, with Sekai sort of being like Kaho, Kotonoha sort of being like Kyoko, and Taisuke sort of being like Tomonori. In both games, choosing one girl means the other male character ends up with the other. In both games, one girl tries to get the protagonist with the other girl despite how they feel. In both games, the tension in the story arises when the girl suppressing her feelings slips up and shows how she really feels.

If anyone experiences freezing or crashing, please go to this thread and post your system details, plus the error report if you have one. You can find your error report by going to Start → search for “Event Viewer” → under “Log Summary” double-click on “Application” → select the latest Error → copy and paste the text in the first field under the General tab. It should start with something like “Faulting application name: SCHOOLDAYS HQ.exe”

I think you need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable. … x?id=14632 for 64-bit or … px?id=5555 for 32-bit systems.

Download edition might be released this week.

Quick question: Are there any walkthroughs out for the game? Specifically looking for how to get the ending shown in the anime, if at all possible. I’ve looked around myself, but none of the sites so far state which ending it is, well the have titles but that tells me nothing of what the ending is, and since I am only looking for help with one specific ending since I want to do the rest myself, it makes it hard to find what I am looking for.

The animation’s ending was supposed to be unique, I think.

I see, well that’s probably for the best, I’ve actually stopped hating some of the side characters thanks to the branch I am on (well, so far, just stopped hating Otome) Thanks for the reply.

The anime ending is not in the game whatsoever. There are bad endings, but not like the one in the anime.

Anyways, I just finished making my School Days signature to be used on various forums! This is what happens when you’re bored!

The anime’s ending uses elements from 4 game endings.

Makoto’s relations with other girls - Everyone’s Makoto
Sekai kills Makoto - To My Children
Kotonoha kills Sekai - The Bloody Conclusion
Kotonoha commits suicide - Eternally

I’m pretty sure the last one didn’t happen in the anime.

Yep. Didn’t happen